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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Thanks, now my eyes are watering and i can't stop wincing at the thought of my calcified tendons ripping one fibre at a time. It's not quite as bad as the post someone made about a bellend papercut but it's close.
  2. Most of my favourites from when i was a teenager are either still going (Swervedriver, Charlatans) or have already had a comeback that's been uninspiring (Pixies, Ride) or just massively disappointing (Happy Mondays, Stone Roses). Just realised that the Happy Mondays first "comeback" was 20 years ago. And i still can't believe how shit their cover of The Boys Are Back In Town was. So if the Smiths and the Jam would like to remain historical that would be just great. Swervedriver are still really good though.
  3. They made a sport out of frisbee and they have huge stadia for rounders, so it shouldn't really be a surprise. It still kind of is though, who's paying them for that?
  4. Context: being a better option than our fourth choice midfielder based on said midfielder turning to shit this season.
  5. f**k yeah! Let's beat those guffy c***s now. I thought we'd fucked it. Really did. But we hadn't. Still kind of waiting for the VAR ref to order a retake. Yas
  6. But if Bill Gates didn't pay for it the level headed and stable governments of Africa would pay for it. He just wants to keep all the Malaria for himself the big colonial b*****d.
  7. Me and the mrs were spied on in Harvey Nicholls in Embra. Just went in for a look and security followed at a deliberately indiscreet distance. Clearly clocked that we couldn't afford anything. I reckon that every single one of the intolerant fuckwits that was protesting at the French Embassy a couple of weeks ago probably has someone following them until they get bored.
  8. "Tactical Defense Arm". What a fucking Keenan. Next step should be rebranding so that their name sounds less like a militant queer outfit.
  9. One of my favourite pastimes on a long motorway journey is to time a nice slow overtake, preferably a double truck deal at exactly 70, for when i see a German car closing the distance in the right hand mirror way too fast. I've shared enough lifts with beamer driving colleagues to know that the level of seethe in the cockpit behind more than justifies any risk. I like to remember what my driving instructor told me about being able to see the whole front of the overtaken vehicle before pulling back in. Sometimes you can see them raging and shouting. I like that.
  10. I remember a couple of games last season Ojo looked to be hitting his stride and he looked like he might be good enough. If i remember rightly he was just holding the ball up to let more creative players get upfield. I'm starting to think that I might have imagined the whole thing. He has been better than a whole parade of low budget punts in midfield though: Gleeson, Forrester, Tansey and a couple more. It probably says a lot that i'd be happier if we still had Dom Ball
  11. I'd agree that there seems to be superfluous use of dogs and gas in that process.
  12. Division isn't a bad thing if it is the racists being confined to the fringes of society and ostracised instead of ethnic minorities. Hatred isn't a bad thing if it's the mainstream populace hating racists instead of ethnic minorities. Not all division and hatred is equal.
  13. Read it then come back and tell us how pro child labour it is.
  14. I don't think it's weird to use people's previously expressed views to interpret something ambiguous they've just said, no. That's entirely natural. I don't remember those other posts though.
  15. You are also going on ze list Yours or the WhatsApp bullying society's?
  16. There was a bit of shit stirring going on by the looks of it. I don't recall @DAFC saying or even implying anything about BLM but one of the first posts in response suggested that he had. The shit stirring appears to have had the desired result though. If people had politely enquired as to what the potentially ambiguous original post referred to then maybe we would have been spared the increasingly worrying views expressed in the double down. But that's never going to happen. I don't doubt that some posters saw an opportunity for a hounding and encouraged the meltdown. I don't think they can be held responsible for it.
  17. Removing potentially offensive scenes ruined the dramatic denouement in "the intergalactic 147" in Dangermouse. The whole thing relied on people on different sides of the world jumping while those on the other side landed (thus causing the "blue ball" to move out of the way of an incoming cue ball). The scene involved highly stylised representations of chinese people and african tribes people jumping en masse. New Dangermouse is fucking shit. Terry Scott was brilliant. I blame these do gooding liberals for virtue signalling.
  18. Stories about antimaskers/5g conspiracists dying of it. The more maga the better.
  19. I'll remember that detail for the next time i need to educate the yo-yos.
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