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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Reminded me of Sean's Show when his ready brek had been stolen. It was a mystery until Barry popped round
  2. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/lifestyle/tv/man-who-went-tesco-pants-19165373
  3. Surely it's better for us if Lennon and his malaise sticks around? I'd want to avoid a new manager bounce if possible.
  4. I think we all expected less probity in the 80s and 90s but the scale of looting was way bigger then, probably because there was more left to loot. Only the NHS left now. The Prime Minister disagrees https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.ft.com/content/8075e68c-7857-11e8-8e67-1e1a0846c475 I actually agree your point that there could possibly be some sort self selection going on. It is one possible explanation. I bet if you compared % of business owners who donate to the tories to % of uncontested procurement contracts going to tory. Donors there would be a bit of a mismatch, to say the least.
  5. I believe he also played a scouser playing a Chinese character in Iron Man 3. What a range.
  6. Got an alert off today from the track and trace (England and Wales) telling me to self isolate. Wanted to double check because that's quite a commitment. No further details on the app. Phone doesn't have a notification log so downloaded an app to read it. No notification. Wondering wtf is going on, googled the issue. Turns out that the government has known for weeks now that the app sends phantom notifications and it's only ones on the app itself you're to pay attention to. Would be good if they mentioned that on the app anywhere. Or fixed it. Shambles.
  7. Hopefully he also thinks that them passing about 40 yards out was them troubling us.
  8. If he's said that he's a bigger fanny than i thought, and i already thought he was a massive fanny.
  9. Davie Provan on Duffy, the Sun, 19 September: Be in no doubt, Shane Duffy will stroll it in our top flight. Lol
  10. Happy to have Watkins run himself into the ground for an hour before Wright comes on every week if it works like it did today.
  11. I thought Mcgeough going off was a big cause of us being pinned back for the second part of the first half. I was delighted that mcinnes didn't try a more like for like replacement with Ojo. Good to see Cosgrove back. A couple of run outs to get his sharpness back and we could be formidable. Barring injuries of course. Scott Wright's dribble before the second pen was a work of art. Ferguson, Hayes, Hedges were all top drawer. Collum got most things right. Couple of harsh handballs against celtic, not sending off mcgregor at the second pen and completely missing Duffy's assault on Lewis aside. For the foul on cosgrove we had 11 men behind the ball, which was in Celtic's half- no way we can claim that led directly to the goal.
  12. Gentle floater by frimpong, maybe 15 mins in?
  13. I think Dune probably did have a big influence on Star Wars, with the desert planet and the mysticism. I think Asimov's Foundation trilogy also had a big hand in it. Han Pritcher basically is Han Solo, at least at the start. Ubik is the one with the half lives/cryogenic stuff right? Good ideas in that. Haven't read a huge amount of Dick but i loved A Scanner Darkly (quite a typical i think, a bit Naked Lunchy) and one about grown ups taking psychedelics and playing with doll. Any you'd recommend?
  14. Always gets me to call for a takeaway despite her apparently being the expert on ordering food and giving step by step instructions throughout the call.
  15. It would almost certainly make it worse and end up with me fitting bars on windows and cctv.
  16. Sits on her arse all week watching antiques and house programmes while i'm working then decides that i should be joining her in a guilt fuelled cleaning and tidying frenzy on saturday morning. I will not be joining.
  17. Spfl rule. I read it before but i'm not going back to quote the clause number.
  18. Can confirm. Judicial panel protocol page 138 in case anyone is as tragic as i am. 7 Serving of Suspensions – Eligibility A player’s suspension can only be served if the player is otherwise eligible for selection for a match. A player who is ineligible for a match due to the application of competition rules or other reason cannot regard that fixture as having served a suspension.
  19. Sad news. I liked Ebbe, his quotes, the conga etc but not regular 5-7 nil pastings. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/sport/football/aberdeen-fc/donsnews/former-aberdeen-full-back-kevin-mcnaughton-boss-ebbe-skovdahl-was-ahead-of-his-time/
  20. Japanese deal sounds ok. Covers some areas that the EU japan deal doesn't. So we're ok for trading with ivory coast and Japan on a very slightly more open basis. Unfortunately the FDI that is our biggest economic interaction with Japan depends entirely on a deal with the EU. Still, big result for Stilton.
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