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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. One positive from this afternoon is that i had in my head the game started at 4 and saw the score before investing in ppv. I bought the kids Fall Guys instead.
  2. That would seriously derail our title challenge but if it keeps us in business it would be worth it
  3. The washing tub in question has been hauled downstairs so it's not either of those. I think it's a laundry basket from the context, but maybe a giant tupperware one.
  4. No one ever asks a question to someone who's just taken a big mouthful of food, resulting in them chewing self consciously for a minute while everyone waits for a response.
  5. I'm not an expert on these things but it sounds like you might have a poltergeist.
  6. Psychology as a discipline makes no pretence to be able to be sure of another person's state of mind. There is plenty of objecive quantifiable data in psychology. There is however a lot of shit spouted by charlatans in the name of psychology, where they attribute particular behaviours to childhood factors in a highly simplistic way. Criticising psychology because of these quacks is like criticising literature because you read a jeffrey archer book.
  7. I haven't made it through series 2 yet. Series 1 was really good but they chucked all the interesting little bits.
  8. My other half has been talking a lot about becoming a vegetarian but is really bad at not eating meat. She has come up with a solution though. Farmers should just stop raising animals, particularly lambs, for meat. I asked how they would make money. She's suggested wool and sheep's milk. Obviously the milk was discounted when i explained the lambs would still need killed. I explained that it was very unlikely that the price of wool would cover the costs for most farmers. No problem she says, they can grow corn instead. She accepted that low productivity of growing this on high altitude pastures and mountainsides might make such a venture uneconomical. So what was the ultimate solution? They should grow grapes IN FRANCE
  9. I think we have the "cutting edge". Been putting loads of good balls in the box and just need a finisher like peak Rooney to put them away.
  10. Save your cash and put a 3x5 print closer to the camera. Pre record a loop saying "that's an interesting point and i'll have to give it some thought". Your tv choice is dung though. I'd rather skype my dullest colleagues (aka the risk committee) than watch that shite. Fortunately other options are available.
  11. Covid owes us a favour for our boy's efforts earlier in the season.
  12. When you say "given the chance" do you mean when you stop for breath while boring the arse of them about football?
  13. I don't know. Just looked it up on wiki and it looks quite nice. They've got a big wicker badger.
  14. W is halfway between oo and uh, so it's ebbouh vale. Not sure Cardigan is Welsh, i think it might be English.
  15. To be fair, most people don't really give a shit and appreciate a bit of effort even if it isn't 100%. I don't know what the welsh equivalent of a Macglashan is, but it's mainly them that get exercised about it.
  16. Don't move frogs. It can spread the chytrid plague. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.arguk.org/info-advice/advice-notes/324-advice-note-4-amphibian-disease-precautions-a-guide-for-uk-fieldworkers-pdf-2/file&ved=2ahUKEwit3ujevfLrAhWSiVwKHUphDOQQFjAAegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw0AcvWs_y6XttnTf5hU9gSF
  17. I never knew that Mallaig wasn't mah-lay-g. I have however managed to avoid any faux pas through never having had to refer to the place. The Welsh can get unreasonably angry about their place names. "thl" is a better approximation on the "ll" sound than "k" but it would annoy some of the more arsey nats. I thought i was going to be killed in the darkest valleys for asking for directions to innis doo (actually ynys dhu). Proper you ain't from round here stare and a slow menacing "you mean oonoos thee?"
  18. Viking have looked a tidy side. Definitely a big threat going forwards. I reckon top 6 spl quality and not a huge amount between us. McInnes got the tactics spot on. McCrorie at Rb is a risk but it was worth taking. That's what we've been asking for. Taking calculated risks. If i'm not mistaken though we ended up with ojo up front. That's quality shitfesting. I think i'm getting a crush on Hedges
  19. Is Steve Cowan annoying the piss out of anyone else? Inducing Andy Walker levels of seethe here
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