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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. The Boys back tomorrow. Absolute nonsense but very entertaining. Would be improved hugely by not having the Quaid lad in it.
  2. Imagine being so much up your own reactionary hole that Andrew Neil seems left wing. I don't know anything about this snidey wee shite but i assume he's a westboro baptist level dickhead.
  3. The cardiff bay barrage is basically a giant lock to keep the tide up and make the waterfront pleasant. It's not an energy thing. There was a proposed Severn barrage from nearby Lavernock but it didn't get far. There is still a proposal for an artificial lagoon off Swansea. The tidal reach in the Severn is up to 15m so there's a lot of energy there.
  4. It's this sort of oversight that will see me eaten by cannibals
  5. I went to watch Glamorgan one time. There was a mild drizzle so it was cancelled and i spent a whole day off in the pub. Cancelled cricket was quite good
  6. Global warming is a global collective action problem. We need a one world socialist government to fix it. That's never going to happen so the next best option is to work out how to deal with the consequences. I'm thinking that stockpiling canned food, ammunition and fuel in a high altitude bunker might be the way to go.
  7. This seems like the right thread to say that i think rugby's ok. I wouldn't record it if i was out but wouldn't turn over like i would for say golf or mma.
  8. My attempts to rebrand a Help for Heroes bake sale at my work as "cakes for killers" were very unpopular genuinely upset a few people and made some people dislike me (more?). On the plus side, I found it mildly amusing.
  9. Just a Load of Blooming Catchphrases was magnificent. Recommend watching.
  10. Haha ours is only 117 years you social media pygmies
  11. Saw this a couple of years ago and thought it was nowhere near as good as i'd remembered. Too mawkish. May need to rewatch this. I forgot Hanks was in it and think of it as a Dan Ackroyd film I loved The Burbs back in the day and rewatched it a year or so ago. Marvellous film. Not very funny for a comedy though.
  12. The courier said he was on a charge of conduct likely to cause alarm or something like that and that he claimed to have cyanide. I've got cyanide in my fridge.
  13. I'd like you to be right but he's probably a genuine c**t. There probably is a slight metropolitan socially liberal bias to most bbc comedy but i'm not sure that's a left/right issue. I assume if he's sorting out the bias on comedy he'll be checking the tory slant on all news and current affairs so it's all good.
  14. You sure it's not the aim of some unwelcome "taggers on" Enslaving whitey isn't mentioned on the website.
  15. Agree with zippy's first bit. The planet will be fine. It's only a huge number of species, including our own, that are in trouble.
  16. So she's young, female and clever. This means she will be a bad manager. Have you missed any important details or are you just an old school chauvinist?
  17. Fucking idiot. This will now be blown out of all proportion and presented as the aim of blm. Some people who might have gone one way will now go another. I mean, as far as badness goes, it's clearly not a patch on shooting people but your littejohns etc aren't concerned by proportionality.
  18. Seems like a well thought through tactic. That's not a combat 18 sock puppet account is it?
  19. Or for it to give them superhuman strength and make them impervious to bullets
  20. You used to get free fags in the Pleasance at festival time. They were Marlborough Lights but better than nothing.
  21. Something coconutty would be best for me, a thai green or keralan style. A madras would be ok.
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