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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I think it’s a progressive problem. I'm 300 miles south of Scotland and the chip shops are utterly shit. The fish is cod by default. I like cod, but not deep fried in batter. It is a soggy mess and not a patch on haddock. The pies. Holy shit. Rectangular chalky "tescos extra value" foil tray nonsense filled with vomit and diarrhoea. A complete absence of connoisseurs' processed meat products. No puddings. No reconstituted shaped delicacies (the king rib is a big miss for me). And i got a completely blank look for asking for a fish supper. After explaining that is was fish with chips, the p***k had the nerve to ask why i didn't just ask for fish and chips.
  2. Extremely disappointed that "sun worshipper" apparently means "sunbather". I was expecting a full on cultist in an ancient Egyptian headdress.
  3. It would also improve scottish football to have plastic players. My preference is for the spinning kind skewered in rows but i can see a case for the wee ones on a weighted hemisphere
  4. Because funelling money to children was achievable politically. Working with what can be done to make practical improvements for real people (aka social democracy) might well legitimise the current system to a degree. It does however have the advantage being achievable.
  5. Sold. Please transfer funds using PayPal to dave@pittodrie asap.
  6. "Neoliberal self help bullshit" is a colourful phrase but quite wide of the mark. Surely something that gives poor children a better chance than they would otherwise have is desirable whether or not it takes money off Jeff Bezos? There isn't a straightforward dichotomy between the" owners" and the "workers". There are clearly still a lot of people who are exclusively one or the other, and a lot more exclusively workers than capitalists. Small business owners and anyone with a pension or ISA own some of the means. Pretending that there is an immutable class of either does nothing to illuminate the structural nature of inequality. Apologies, i forgot you hate teachers as well.
  7. Things have moved on since marx's day. You should try to keep up. Human capital is a factor in the productivity of labour and is an attempt to capture the fact that people's labour inputs (hours) have different outputs (money). This tends to increase with investment (time and money, through experience and education). Where individuals have higher levels of human capital their bargaining position tends to be improved and they can yield not only a higher marginal product from their labour but also a higher share of that product. You hate children and parents, we get it.
  8. How does a tank biathlon work? Biathlon's shooting and skiing right, so i can probably guess half of it.
  9. I've only read das kapital and the communist manifesto so i'm not a marx expert, no. You do know that marx isn't the only socialist and his views aren't definitive right? I never suggested tax credits were the best option to do anything. There are good reasons why tax breaks are targeted at families with kids. I'm not saying it's optimal but there are reasons.
  10. It's not all about the incentive though. It is partly about trying to ensure children have a minimum standard of living. One of the "means of production" is your own human capital. Trying to ensure that children gave a chance to utilise that (aka achieve their potential) is socialist. It's also a progressive redistribution of income so is socialist in that aspect too. Unfortunately the money doesn't go directly to benefit the children in all cases and i'm sure some parents benefit more than their kids do.
  11. We could just mock up part of the kenyan coast to look like costa blanca and most of southern england would pay to retire there. Kenyan egg and chips and Carling is indistinguishable from the spanish. The staff may need to be trained up to do a passable Manuel voice.
  12. The corporate interest restriction and hybrid rules have pretty much ended the happy time of the debt tax shelter. PE is a type of ownership rather than a business model. There is a range of strategies and approaches much like under any other ownership structure.
  13. It's because pensions are and will be funded from current taxes. We need the people in the workforce. Apparently it is not politically expedient for these people to be born elsewhere and have funny names so British babies need to be encouraged.
  14. I'm interested to see what payments are being made for but the fts trial sub looks potentially expensive for a forgetful twat like me. I don't agree that there's anything wrong with private equity as a model in itself. Private equity + outsourcing public services gets a bad press but i think that most of the problem is in the outsourcing.
  15. I should point out that neither of failing to record cash sales nor lying about days in the country are in fact loopholes and are both evasion which can be a criminal offence. It is possible for me to go to the supermarket and leave without paying for a couple of hundred pounds worth of steaks and booze, but it's not a loophole.
  16. He stops at noon, what are you moaning about?
  17. If Lyndon Dykes is worth £2m as reported, how much should we get for Cosgrove?
  18. It's a dig at del's alleged signing policy of chasing players that had a good record in the spl* previously *aye, so?
  19. They're called daddy long legs spiders. There is still a simmering resentment at my work between me and the "it's a crane fly" crew and the spider posse following a particularly poorly researched friday quiz.
  20. You're supposed to pay tax on cash tips too.
  21. The flip side of this is that private schoolkids will be mingling with moneyed types more often, which in itself opens doors.
  22. The last point is absolutely the fundamental problem. Choices that make sense for individual parents / children lead to worse outcomes for the worse off. I don't think it's realistic to expect supportive parents to send their kids to a school where they will do worse and where they have a choice. It should be obvious that having a socially immobile underclass will breed resentment and disengagement with society. It should be obvious that having a system which can be gamed by wealthy morons will lead to inadequate people in positions of power. Education is a social good as well as a private one and should be provided in a way to benefit society as a whole. As this is a collective action problem the responsibility falls squarely on the state to do this.
  23. I understand that Aberdeen and the SFA have done a deal and agreed not to contest any penalty and any sanction will be split eight ways on the basis that there was only a single breach of the rules.
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