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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Not long finished a frank herbert two-novels-in-one-book book. Due to absence of commute it took months to read them. Dosadi Experiment. Sort of interstellar CIA man with a foot in each of two main powerblocks goes to investigate an isolated planet. Interesting, but a bit shapeless and contrived. I did find the vastly different moral codes at play intriguing. The Eyes of Heisenberg. Tens of thousands of years in the future a master race has taken control of procreation. A small resistance led by emotionless cyborgs takes them on. I really liked this. The plot is a bit ropey but it actually has some engaging characters and the detached, fatalistic style perfectly suits how events unfold. Over the 3 of his books i've read (Dune, obvs) there's a recurring theme about toughness and weakness of character from deprivation and decadence that i don't entirely buy into.
  2. Their main striker, Olsen, once scored an international goal against Spain. We'll probably man mark him
  3. "Tarquin, superhero movies reinforce outdated eugenicist ideals and teach our children that violence solves all our problems. Turn Thor off and join our Gaia workshop" "come on guinevere, lets go to uncle Eddie's"
  4. That molotov cocktail is so badly made that it wasn't even on fire. It's lucky he drove halfway across the country with an assault rifle to be able to defend himself against a skateboard, the wee lamb.
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/germany-catholic-chiefs-reject-cardinals-coronavirus-conspiracy-theories/a-53384164
  6. Movies have always been mostly shite. It's just easier to remember good ones and forget dross as time passes.
  7. Those worms gave me the proper heebie jeebies on more than one trip, imagining they were alive inside me and taking over.
  8. We'll have a midfield for this one. Not saying we'll use it mind.
  9. New Coldcut album is fantastic. It's a bit more world music than usual but in a very cool way. I think the main collaborator is Papuan or something which i haven't heard much of before.
  10. I don't condone or encourage taking any drugs but I couldn't describe hallucinogens as boring. Dangerous and potentially damaging, sure, but not boring. I did get very bored with weed. Folk on coke are unbearably boring.
  11. I ate a cobnut i found in the woods and it wasn't very nice. When i was about 12 me and my pals collected a load of cockles at a sea loch near Lochgilphead and cooked them on a driftwood fire. They were lovely. I brewed, smoked and ate raw psilocybin several times a year for about ten years. I believe i'm a qualified shaman now.
  12. It would be lovely if all boomer/ millenial chat could f**k off back to the twitter.
  13. Certainly looked like it struck a hand but not sure if the guy could have done much about it...looked more ball to hand Your eyes are better than mine, it might well have hit a hand but i didn't see it. I certainly wouldn't put it past an experienced pro to make sure any accidental contact worked in our favour. Or unhelpful, depending on your perspective.
  14. Think hes referring to the hand ball shout I didn't see any handball. Did you? Livi players looked like they were just trying it on. And you can't prove otherwise
  15. Not meaning to be a smart arse and asking a genuine question. How can the virus' RNA end up in someone who doesn't have the virus? Does that not mean it's present and either they are immune (ie they are a carrier) or they're just asymptomatic?
  16. Only Fools is good. The rest are absolutely shite. I like ofah until they get girlfriends. It then rapidly descends to utter shit and the nadir of an hour long miami caper. I don't see how anyone can dislike Fawlty towers
  17. Haha! I had exactly that thought when he was talking about wanting us to go on and score more goals. I did realise pretty quickly that that was thin evidence.
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