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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Presumably sfa procedures etc. The jrg announcement also says spfl action being taken against the clubs. Hopefully a slap on the wrist for us and a massive points deduction for Celtic.
  2. No he shouldn't. It really doesn't get more confidential than that. I'm sure you want to know out of genuine concern rather than nosiness but it's really none of our business.
  3. I was horrified by this until i realised i was being over-literal and you meant pictures being posted on the internet. I think.
  4. From the outside this looks like a minor coup for Motherwell. Can't understand where the negativity is coming from at all.
  5. I think private education entrenches privilege and should be scrapped. I don't blame anyone whe sends their kids private though. I'd do it if i could afford to. I don't think it will be scrapped any time soon and if anything the transfer from the state to private hands will accelerate.
  6. There's also the cognitive benefit of learning a language, any language. My kids are schooled in Wales and from 4 learn Welsh (in English speaking schools - i think they learn English in Welsh speaking schools). Whilst only slightly more practically useful than Pictish, it's good for their brains.
  7. That electrostatic cleaning thing sounds like snake-oil. I presume the same buyer has fallen for some other bullshit to justify over paying for wipes too.
  8. I remember years ago there was a scientist blogger who did dietary experiments on himself and had a pet theory that butter was good for you. Your post reminded me of the tone of his work. He died young of a massive coronary.
  9. It looks like a bit where there's a steep sided valley with a stream at the bottom. Guess something to do with the rain? Looks bad. Shite.
  10. Massacring all private tutors would do this but wouldn't improve the position of the most disadvantaged one bit.
  11. That makes sense. Apparently Norway use 75% of the price at January 1st. No idea how that works for them but an average over the year would seem fairer for quoted shares.
  12. On paper yes he is. Wealth only exists as a notional theoretical sum whatever asset it is held in. The value of those shares is the price each times the number. He maybe wouldn't be able to realise all of that value if he tried to sell them at once, but that just means he won't sell them all at once. As to whether a wealth tax is a good idea i was entirely persuaded by pikketty's capital that it certainly is. In practice i agree that valuation (and identification) of assets would be an issue but listed securities would be the easiest item after cash.
  13. Share price movements represent real changes in the wealth of people that own those shares. I can't imagine why you'd think they don't.
  14. I hope she never sees what the woodland critters do to Strawberry Shortcake.
  15. Not so hasty, i'm sure St Johnstone will still be getting shafted by this one way or the other.
  16. I can only remember one season that's started this badly
  17. I can see no reason why a purely discretionary activity mainly carried out by fit young people should be treated differently from accommodation and care for the most vulnerable in society. The consequence of Aberdeen beating the fermers being postponed was limited to some of their posters pissing their pants. What might the consequences of closing a care home be?
  18. Because it looks to the casual observer like the government is "taking action" and "making tough choices". Any government's response to anything is 80% PR.
  19. I am a nervous flier. I fell asleep with headphones on on a long haul while watching Valkyrie. I was woken up by the sound of a plane spinning towards tbe ground. It took a few panicked seconds of wondering why everyone else was so calm before i realised it was a CGI Heinkel and not my Airbus.
  20. Why would a pub be meeting people? The rules apply to individual human beings (homo sapiens).
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