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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Of course. Every bit as independent as the Bbc
  2. They might have something to say but it's a fact that they can't make decisions about and deploy many levers of policy independently of the other members of the currency union. "Independence" is a relative term that defines a relationship between two or more states in respect of an area of government responsibility. For example, It is possible to have independent criminal law and common monetary policy, like the eurozone or to a lesser extent the uk. Having a common monetary policy necessarily restricts the effectiveness of fiscal policy. Scotland in a currency union with England couldn't devalue or inflate debt away without the consent and connivance of England. They would be dependent on them. Scotland would also be dependent on other polities in respect of other areas of policy, for example nato members for defence and eu members for border control. The notion of absolute independence is for dribbling simpletons like Farage or Gove. My understanding is the Scottish Government policy is to seek fiscal independence from the Uk. To do that they need monetary independence too.
  3. Thing about Wales and independence is that plaid's brand of separatism is largely identity based. Wales doesn't have a history of independent institutions and has never been a unified independent territory, let alone an independent state in the relatively modern sense. Lots of the border regions have closer ties with England than with other parts of Wales and North/south unity is pretty much limited to rugby internationals. I don't see any real prospect of independence being a viable movement any time soon for our thick necked cousins. Independent Kernow is more like it though, chuck Stein in the sea.
  4. I think they mean taking care of in an Al Pacino sort of way.
  5. I'm not saying that other countries should have exploited defaulting countries but that's what has happened. Your suggestion that Scotland could print money only works outside the proposed Sterling union. I'm not hugely supportive of an independent Scotland but if it was to happen it would absolutely need its own currency with no pegs. Scotland in a Sterling zone would not be independent in anything but name.
  6. That's why he got his face punched in isn't it?
  7. The 1970s superman wasn't boring at all. There is a lot to work with in terms of telling a story about characters. It's a weakness in the film makers (and tv Makers) that they make it all about his awesome powers and squeaky cleanness.
  8. I was about to share my concerns about the average size of eggs in a mixed weight carton but it might have to wait a bit now.
  9. I haven't seen The Rock, but Armaggedon is the best Michael Bay film I've seen. That's what faint praise looks like.
  10. I never knew that (the bit about the big dog) but it's not a huge surprise. Kind of shows the futility of classifying people by race.
  11. Usually a more powerful nation takes the opportunity to impose some level of control on the struggling one. See Germany's hostile takeover of Greece or the US forcing the tiger economies to open capital markets via their imf proxy.
  12. Didn't realise that it was only episodes 1-3 that were being released today and the rest is being released weekly. Apparently so. I'd never watched a streaming series without being years behind anyway so I didn't know they'd usually release it in one. The future is befuddling me
  13. That's some tired old schtick, Ali G was doing that 25 years ago.
  14. Remember when England broke the boycott of apartheid South Africa? The civilised b*****ds.
  15. Not sure the EU particularly wants a deal. They 'd prefer one but their overriding aim is to make sure that full membership is more attractive to existing members than leaving.
  16. Every trade deal they have ever done has been right at the end of negotiations.
  17. Does a teleprompter usually have descriptive headings that the speaker isn't supposed to read out? Sounds unlikely. It's not like he read out "leave pause for applause" or something.
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