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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Financial management is more to do with behaviour than knowledge imo. If you're impulsive and don't really conceive of or rate the importance of future consequences then consumption today > consumption tomorrow. It's not necessarily irrational in principle (might get hit by a bus tomorrow) but people underestimate how much they'll value that spending power in the future. You don't need much financial knowledge to understand that payday loans or credit cards will cost way more than what you buy with it.
  2. Any recommendations? Moroder is obviously quality and influential but i don't know any others.
  3. I used to muck about with a sampler a fair bit and was thinking while listening to Can how good bits would be for sampling. Lots of very clean sounding stripped down rythmical bits.
  4. Shazam- Fury of the Gods (aka Shazam 2) (2023) Amusing CGI fest. The family subplot that was great in the first one shifted into mawkishness here. All action, pacey and loads of visual interest, if not exactly good looking. The monsters looked a bit half arsed but were ok. Generally entertaining and among DCs best since the Dark Knight. But, you know... 6/10 Clerks III (2022) Mid life crises with extensive Star Wars chat Was ok. I don't think i've seen II which might not have helped. Seemed to be a lot of self referential stuff that sailed over my head. I know people that were real fans of the original (i thought it was quite good) who i guess this is for. There were some very amusing bits and some of the dialogue and visual gags were smart. The serious bits suffered from the whole not using real actors philosophy. 5/10 Hotel transylvania 3 (2018) Funny animated monsters go on a cruise. Diverting 5/10 A Bug's Life (1998) Funny animated insects oppressed by evil grasshoppers. Enjoyable. Challenged my preconceptions about ladybirds. 6/10 Bolt (2008) Funny animated animals road trip Meh. Dozed off towards the end. 4/10
  5. I've a generic mixed East coast accent (family from fife, lived in Embra and Aberdeen/shire and abroad) that i don't think is particularly broad but still have to tone it down to make myself understood by the mainly english i work with and welsh i live among. It's mainly vocab and phrases that need changed rather than pronunciation, but speaking to foreigners (e.g. My nigerian and philipino colleagues) can require a bit of extra enunciation.
  6. The First Kingdom (Britain in the time of King Arthur) by Max Adams. as mentioned in the history thread. Pretty good overview of the archeology and borderline historical sources for the first couple of centuries in Britain after the Romans left up to the formation of the better known kingdoms. The King Arthur angle is hardly there and is probably mentioned just to sell more than twenty copies. Informative and interesting more than enjoyable.
  7. While the corrupt shambles that is Johnson was lying through his teeth in a high profile committee today, the Tories have taken the chance to try to force through suspicionless stop and search. Shit Malthouse says that we need it because police might find glue in someone's pocket and that would stop them gluing themselves to a road. Sounds proportionate to me.
  8. I thought it was the lying/being wrong/providing alternative facts that was the issue here rather than the numbers themselves? I still naively expect some basic level of integrity out of political types and for them to put some effort into obfuscation and providing a misleading impression of the facts without actually lying. A dying art.
  9. He looks like the Tory MP off of Ghosts who is trouserless in the afterlife because he died without his trousers on.
  10. I think Shinnie nutmegged him in the build up to the opener. Might have been someone else though
  11. I told a girl in my class on a night out that she was ugly and i hated her. No idea why and no excuses. She was no oil painting but i didn't dislike her in the slightest. I still feel guilty about that.
  12. If there's no sell on we'd still get a solidarity payment if he went cross border i think. Only a couple of percent but we already recouped his transfer fee.
  13. My daughter keeps hijacking my Deezer in the car to play utter drivel (some ok stuff too but mostly absolute shite). Not only do i have to hear it but i now get recommendations for similar poo. Here's some
  14. I had that single. I should be clear that i didn't choose it. It was bought sight unseen in a lucky bag of five singles for 99p out of Fopp. It also include "eye wonder" by The Apples which appeared in Paul Gambacini's British Book of Hit Singles as the joint least successful hit in the history of the charts, doing a sole week at number 40.
  15. Always wondered what a "time-waster" would actually do.
  16. Public sector wages have objectively fallen in real terms as comprehensively demonstrated by the ONS, OBR and the OECD. One poster on a Scottish football forum denies this very objective fact. It is hypothetically possible for people's real disposable income to rise while they have real pay cuts if they have outgoings that are fixed in nominal terms, which is i think the point that you've been trying to make. You don't need to conflate wages with disposable income to make that point. That doesn't mean that there's not a "real" value to money that has been falling faster than public sector wages has been increasing. The strength of the effect that you have identified is also not quantified. If someone was paying out 1/3 of their 2008 income as mortgage in 2008, and their pay rose 2.5% over five years during which their other outgoings rose on average 16%, the chances of that person being better off in 2013 are slim to say the least. That's a real situation.
  17. You're confusing cash flows with prices, income with disposable income and assuming that all public sector workers own their home (while presumably the private sector equivalent are all at the mercy of landlords). Trying to rubbish a relatively well understood metric because it doesn't account for a load of other factors is quite a novel tactic though, as is inventing a whole new concept of the "absolute" value of money.
  18. Aww thanks. Xx Decent performance yesterday but im still looking down the league rather than up. Lose to the fermers and we're back in the mix for bottom six. Third would be quite nice i suppose but i might die laughing.
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