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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Ring-fencing isn't that specific a term, really. It might have specific meanings in specific contexts but it's no more than ear-marked. Did they say the cash was ring fenced or the funds? If they had budgets for the next few years allowing for an equivalent sum of expenditure on campaigning then that could be a "ring-fence" after a fashion.
  2. That's what someone complained about. It's not necessarily why he's been arrested. The accounts for 2017 show much higher dontations than the previous year (by over £1m) so probably include the online donations. The excess was clearly used to repay Colin Weir's £1/2m. I don't think there's money missing. Could be wrong though. It's a legitimate query as to whether there was any fraud in the claim that it was ringfenced (seems possible buy not hugely likely). I suspect that checking one allegation probably uncovered something else.
  3. Is this a different issue to the one i was thinking of then, with the loan that appeared likely beyond his means?
  4. I thought it was the source of money that was the issue, not its destination.
  5. “There have been many people throughout history who have been arrested and persecuted by radical, corrupt governments, and it’s beginning today in New York City. I can’t believe it’s happening, but I’ll always support him. He’s done nothing wrong.” The live update page (New York Post) is unbelievable..... Point of order. Jesus wasn't murdered, he was executed. I thought republicans would have approved of that sort of thing. Especially as he was a peacenik socialist. I'll give her the Mandela comparison, that seems watertight.
  6. We've got a 50mph limit on large sections of the M4 that go through urban areas. It's to cut pollution levels. Maybe 30mph is an opening bid in the expectation of splitting the difference and ending up at 50?
  7. Still not lost enough to get on the scales. They go up to 20st! Back down into 42in trousers, which is 6 inches less than September and was my target for March. God knows how much i weighed before. Back running after building up through brisk walks, so can hopefully start shifting more soon. April minimum target is to be running 5 miles (currently doing 6k so should be piece of piss) and stretch target is to get on the scales.
  8. They told me barmy Brussels bureaucrats banned bendy bananas and we needed to take control of our borders. I definitely missed the "life is great for everyone in the EU" story. That would have been some work of fiction.
  9. They take returns to any store and they have to refund faulty goods. They'd need proof of purchase so i guess the husband could have paid cash and binned the receipt. It's only flat though, so if they could borrow a soda stream they could fizz it up again. I almost said "make it drinkable" but they'd need one of Jesus' party tricks for that.
  10. Why can't they just take it back to Asda? You still have Asda in Scotland right? Something not right here. Besides actually wanting to drink Carlsberg.
  11. As a bit of an IT whizzkid, i've used an "internet search engine" to interrogate the databases of the worldwide web: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files//statistics/babies-names/22/babies-first-names-22-report.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi9mKGurY3-AhVJZMAKHbrICNQ4ChAWegQIHRAB&usg=AOvVaw1Y60ElnMbPHfwI_UO4WG-m
  12. The Telegraph would never let standards get this low even ten years ago. Badger "den" indeed.
  13. Interesting title. "It's not racist but..." I've read plenty of people on here slagging Humza for being useless because of, you know, his level of competence and stuff. I wonder why Rod needs a disclaimer that very few others felt were needed. Actually, i don't wonder at all.
  14. The idea that people need to own a car is the nonsense here I'm afraid. I own a car. I don't need a car. It would be a massive inconvenience to me if my car disappeared but i could cope fairly easily by using public transport and hiring one if i needed to go out of town. I would not die. I made it to the age of 26 without owning a car. I did not die. I agree that the public transport infrastructure isn't good enough to be a convenient substitute for car ownership. I mentioned a model of public transport which is growing and could potentially be, in future, a convenient substitute for car ownership for more people than currently use it. You appeared to suggest i was lying, said that everyone who isn't posh wants to spend loads on an Audi and are now arguing with shit i haven't even suggested. Have a nice day.
  15. The Home Office report in 2020 concluded that most members of "grooming gangs" were white men. Obviously because of the relative size of populations it's still possible for some ethnic groups to be more likely to be part of one and still be a minority of the offenders. I would assume (maybe cynically) that the government was looking for such a link and if they could have found it they would have. If i remember correctly though there were specific failings in Rotherham with people not investigating properly due to cultural sensitivity or something. That was a while ago and firmly within the government's responsibility to sort out. I agree that there is some truth, but it's presented disingenuously as a racial issue when in fact it was an institutional issue, and if it's still a problem, it's a problem because the government didn't give enough of a shit about poor girls to do anything.
  16. This over-confrontational posting style you're mimicking, it works better with some intelligence backing it up. Again i must be imagining all these wee guys going about on the share scooters and the students on the share bikes. Fucking loony that i am. And lots of people do work, live and socialise in cities, and for them a private car is a pointless indulgence.
  17. Young people, like people of all ages, vary enormously in what their preferences are and not just because of their social background. Your assumption doesn't ring true with me. Sure, there are a lot of permatanned love island- watching twats who want to spend 50% of their income on a misguided status symbol, but there's also a lot of yoghurt-knitting vegans. Imo most young people and most people in general just want to get where they want to be. At the moment, having a private car is the best way to acheive that. Imo, private car ownership isn't sustainable in the long term so something will have to change. I was suggesting possible alternative arrangements that might work for some people. I think i was fairly clear that it wouldn't work for everyone. Not sure what your point is.
  18. Annoying the right people https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/humza-yousaf-is-the-scottish-jeremy-corbyn/
  19. There's definitely too much stick and not enough carrot.
  20. I must be imagining it then. There are lots of people with big cars, yes. Are you somehow suggesting that Colin Montgomery is to blame?
  21. People don't need to own their own cars to use a car though. Youngsters seem quite comfortable with the whole arrangements with shared scooter and shared bikes that can be used when needed. Car clubs (which are similar in principle) are on the increase, especially in cities. I don't think that sharing or short term hire is the answer or even a big part of the answer but i think it can be part of a suite of measures, with better public transport and better urban planning, to reduce the number of cars on the go.
  22. Kool Keith and Real Bad Man- Serpent One of Keith's occasional belters.
  23. The content is completely unsurprising, on brand and probably lies. My main concern is the atrocious graphic design. Looks like a primary school poster competition.
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