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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. For tax, you can claim more reliefs if you use your property for a “furnished holiday let” business than if you rent it out to people who live there. So the tax system plays a part in incentivising this industry. For people who mortgaged up to the hilt for buy to lets in the past, this can be pretty valuable. And there were a lot of these people. For the most heavily indebted, ie those that were using rents to cover interest on interest only mortgages (and profiting from the capital appreciation-again, there were lots of these) short term lets are the only way to keep the properties, because otherwise they’d be paying tax of 20% on rents but not have any profits to pay it out of.
  2. Goodwin was just unlucky that he signed and played terrible defenders.
  3. He sure is. A salutary lesson for all of us fat perverts in how not to go about it.
  4. No, of course they shouldn't be, the insular web footed weirdos. Grow up and leave home like normal people.
  5. https://news.stv.tv/sport/hibs-confirm-signing-of-former-aberdeen-and-scotland-defender-michael-devlin
  6. If the shite Ross County could please turn up, that would be nice. I expected to be confirmed bottom six by this point so everything from here is a bonus.
  7. He used it to spend money (reportedly £300k!) on jayden Richardson and pursued a shayden morris, plus signed and gave the captaincy to Anthony Stewart. None of these players are good enough for the prem, never mind a transfer fee. One and a half transfer windows was quite enough.
  8. I suspect that's a big part of it for a lot of people. Rebellion, counter culture etc. I guess there’s probably a small minority of people who've never smoked only because it's illegal who might be tempted in a coffee shop setting with their mates etc. I'd guess that's a much smaller number than there are doing it to be rock n roll. But it's only a guess.
  9. Bavidge looks promising. We weren't great again but quality up front and a lot of graft goes a long way in this league. We did allow them back into the game more than was comfortable for ten minutes at the end of first half/start of second. I think that's because we were leaving spaces trying for a second rather than sitting on a single goal lead. Makes for a more entertaining game. I thought Watkins had played Robinson onside but i doubt Killie would have gone on to win.
  10. This is only true if legalisation leads to people who aren't otherwise exacerbating conditions, and wouldn't have started, starting to smoke hash. Illegality isn't an effective bar to availability. Illegality is an effective bar to any quality control or regulation. That's probably sensible advice in your final line, although i'd add don't drink alcohol, do coke or take opioids. But people self medicate and are going to do that however they can. I'd rather the options for those people included lower doses and safer environments.
  11. I've put Asda because the Sports Direct stable of defunct brand names wasn't an option. Love a bit of Slazenger.
  12. I thought Murder 101 was a spin off from Diagnosis Murder but it turns out there's different characters and everything. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.
  13. Some shows still expect that. Rocky Horror and Forbidden Planet for example. The Bodyguard sounds shit. Not sure we want to be using the Elizabethans as role models for anything though.
  14. Is Barron available to step in for Shinnie? Would be a good game for him to show what he's all about. McKenzie banned for Killie or did they get an appeal in? He often does well against us. Hope the sickeningly respectful love-in between the managers ends in an argument escalating to a fist fight.
  15. Wasn’t very good for Jesus was it? Or for Bob Hoskins.
  16. I don't have anything to hand and can't be arsed searching but im sure that some research found that it was newer, stronger breeds of skunk that were particularly linked to psychosis. In the same way that bootleggers and illicit consumers in 1920s chigaco went for whisky rather than a few pints of bitter, the economics of illegality encourages more potent, concentrated products. I used to be quite a heavy smoker back in the day. When i started out soapbar/ resin was much more common. I could easily have a smoke then go to the pub a couple of hours later and function normally. It also wasn't too much of a barrier to studying or work. Skunk is a completely different beast. It can make me extremely paranoid and i find normal functioning much more of a problem. As a society, we currently don't allow unrestricted sale of unregulated high strength moonshine, because it's dangerous. We tax the shit out of high strength spirits because they're potentially very harmful. We still heavily tax beer and cider, because of health concerns. It shouldn't be beyond the wit of man to arrange something similar for the range of different products that are unhelpfully grouped as a single thing, cannabis, in the minds of many.
  17. Why not? I'd say that alongside deterrence and rehabilitation that's a main purpose of having a criminal justice system.
  18. That's a fairly reasonable understanding of what you'd expect from "ring fencing" but it's not the only possible interpretation because that phrase isn't a "very specific term". Given how obvious it is that a crime has been committed in full public view i'm amazed the prosecution has taken this long. Get the p&b perry mason massive running the fiscals office i say.
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