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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. People who say there's an "easy route" haven't been paying attention.
  2. “no drain” tuna. Should be called “much less draining but you’ll still need to drain it a little bit or your bread will get wet tuna”
  3. Still to get to s2. I've committed to watching the Netflix marvel series in order and series 2 of Iron Fist is seriously making me question my choices. S1 of Punisher was great fun.
  4. He once wore a tartan vest in a commonwealth games race with TDC for Tristan Da Cunha on it and got disqualified due to a misunderstanding because sponsorship was banned and the organisers thought it stood for Tartan Design Centre. I think it might have been the Edinburgh games in 86 but that could be a false memory.
  5. Anyone else's first reaction to zoom in on the picture?
  6. There's a puritan streak in a lot of people's make up (including my own i guess) that expects/wants to see adverse consequences to anything pleasurable. That will cloud a lot of people's views as to whether this drug is a good thing or not. It seems self evident to me that the "best" option would be for everyone to eat healthily and exercise without medication. If some people are eating too much, this drug could help them not do that apparently. Is this a better option than continuing to hope they change habits? Probably. I don't think that this alone can solve the obesity crisis, but it can probably help. I wonder about the longer term effects. Does having less of an appetite while medicated lead people to form healthier habits? I think how habits are formed is a big part of the problem. If a short course leads to long term change, then great. Does coming off the drug result in the appetite returning and the patient ordering a family bucket from KFC? What about moral hazard? Will more people let themselves go if they know there's a safety net? My instant reaction was that it seems like cheating and i don't think that's a helpful viewpoint
  7. This isn’t my area so the following might be a load of bollocks. This isn’t a straight up repeat of Lehman and Northern Rock. It’s not retail deposits that there was a run on but large corporates. While there is a similarity in that there’s a mis match between illiquid lending and short deposits, the mis match seems to have been driven more by having too many deposits and not by chasing low quality borrowers. In 2008 it was already clear that there could never be enough liquidity in the system to cope if people started calling in CDOs. Since then there’s been an upward trend in companies holding cash instead of investing it or paying it out. Something like $6trn before Covid in total. Lots of this is held by US multinationals overseas, including in their favoured supine regional head office territories (I.e. Singapore on Thames). My worry is the increased risk caused simply by the increased figures. If Apple or Microsoft blink first and decide that they need to repatriate their hoard (and swallow the associated tax expense), then I think we could see contagion.
  8. The reporting i've seen suggests that this one is more a case of a single badly managed company rather than a systemic problem like 2008 was. Apparently their cash deposits grew much faster than their loan book because of the cash generative nature of their clients. I'm not at all convinced that it will be isolated and the UK has beeen at the forefront of resisting any measures to make banks more stable. If it does go tits up it will be here early again.
  9. "adhering to human rights legislation" is just the sort of Liberal big wordyness that Tory voters hate. You're probably one of those Lefty Lawyers.
  10. It wouldn't be difficult to allocate 1/19 of season ticket sales to each game, or a different fraction if cup games, friendlies etc are included. It's all academic anyway because it won't happen. The only way i could see this happening is if England did it first.
  11. I think you're right that the current proposal itself will change little in practice if it even gets passed. But it's not just "liberal twitter" that they're goading. They're openly picking a fight with both the HRA and the ECHR and choosing this as the battle ground. Hopefully they don't have enough parliamentary time left to get any real changes through, but the possibility of withdrawing from the ECHR should be fairly worrying.
  12. Agreed. I think it would change the probability of a non OF league winner from pigs-flying to once in a blue moon.
  13. Suggesting that someone should take time to do the Maths co-incided with the start of a really dull Teams training session for me. Having done the Maths, splitting gate receipts would appear to be re-distributive, which really should be unsurprising: I've just done ticket sales, adding value would be easy but wouldn't change the overall picture- it would make the curves steeper I think. I've assumed that clubs finish in crowd size order, only to account for the split. The eagle eyed will note that there are 6,000 more tickets in the "split" column. That's because I've done 0.75*the crowds in the other half as the average away share, and included 1x the crowds in the same half (50% x 2 games) Fully expecting this to be pulled apart, but I welcome peer review to improve the robustness of the model.
  14. That’s disgraceful. That’s £9 of decent beer tokens spunked on flowers.
  15. Tv news is the worst for this. The story becomes the story and getting talking heads on from opposite sides to talk about the reporting takes precedence over asking any meaningful questions of the people proposing or affected by the policy.
  16. Olympic and London. Standardisation is important
  17. It took me until the “hip replacement “ spiel
  18. I appreciate that you’re being all reconciliatory here but a “remainer” is someone who wanted the UK to remain in the EU. As we are no longer in the EU we can’t possibly remain there now. If people want to get all bent out of shape about people who are advocating rejoining the EU then they’ll have to come up with some better terminology to describe these people.
  19. Barbecue sauce and chilli sauce (Econa) go beautifully with the pineapple on a Hawaiian. Open your mind
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