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Highland Capital

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Everything posted by Highland Capital

  1. Surely if you book both players it suggests that both were as bad as each other. That was so clearly not the case.
  2. Lionel Djebi-Zadi wasn't *that* bad. We've had far worse players.
  3. I know someone who doesn't like cheese, chocolate or coffee. Sounds absolutely hellish.
  4. Being a royalist. There's just something very odd about being in awe of the royal family.
  5. If it's not Savage, it'll be some other old face or someone connected to an old face. Caley Thistle have always been a big clique.
  6. Rae had intended to stand down for ages apparently. Seemingly, Gordon Fyfe and Liam Dalgrano also want away but are staying on the board to keep it filled until someone new comes along.
  7. She also talked about how as she's a vegan, she's a better person and all that stuff. Apparently she's never eaten meat ever in her life, so it really was coming from a fanatical perspective. On top of that, she was an only-child and very oversharing about her bisexuality (not a wid!). Thankfully she's emigrating to New Zealand next month so I won't see her ever again.
  8. Nah, Bad is better. 'A Sort of Homecoming' for me. U2 seem to be one of those bands that are scorned by those who haven't heard much of their music.
  9. I was eating a sausage at work once and the vegan started lecturing me on what a bad person I was. Another time she started lecturing another woman because she put milk in her coffee.
  10. I think a big factor that'll make people drift away, is if they don't feel wanted. I think that's exactly why so many have drifted away.
  11. I might support a different club from you (Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC), but I agree with this statement.
  12. Vegans - Veganism in and of itself I can understand. Vegans themselves though are often smug types of look down on non-vegans and love to lecture them.
  13. Musicians - Whether they’re famous or just a guy playing in a pub, 99% of them are self-obsessed and untrustworthy.
  14. Ultra patriots - If people like where they're from that's fine, but folk who tell you how proud they are of their nationality (particularly if it's unprovoked) always makes me pretty wary that they're a loonball.
  15. Moving on from the Calling Cards of Morons and Unpopular Opinions, what traits do some people have that make you wary of them? For me, it's only children. Now granted, this isn't the case for all of them, but in my experience only children are often more selfish than other people. What traits have you found that make you wary of certain people?
  16. It wouldn't be that type of camera she was wanting the shop to use either.
  17. Will Caley Thistle still be good? Will Partick Thistle still be bad? Perhaps, should the Maryhill men have a new manager by then, this could be the worst time to play them.
  18. There seems to be an attitude with some fans like Hughes was hard done-by, doing a good job and should've been allowed to stay on forevermore. He had a bigger budget than Butcher and had the club at a far higher stock, yet signed some absolute cloggers. We were always going to have an inferior team that season, yet he spent the budget (which be constantly bemoaned as being too small) on people like Dani Lopez and Liam Hughes, which were probably two of the worst players I've ever seen play for us (says a lot when Nat Wedderburn wasn't even close being his worst signing that season!). The football being played that season was also tedious, boring and actually pretty ineffective. There's been tales of him going AWOL after the United saga and if true (and I believe they are) would be very unprofessional on his part. Things had gone stale and despite the great season the year before, it was time for a change. The issue was not Hughes leaving - it was how he was replaced.
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