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Highland Capital

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Everything posted by Highland Capital

  1. That was like going back to Craig Brewster's second spell. One formation which doesn't change despite the circumstances, players in the wrong positions and absolutely dreadful long ball football. Jordan White is now into his second year with us and we've yet to learn that he, despite being very tall, is not a target man. Miles Storey is absolutely garbage on the wing. The guy is a centre forward and if we're going to get the best out of him, that's where he needs to play. He can't cross the ball whatsoever and his shooting from range is just rubbish. I've always liked Tremarco but I think his legs have gone. Donaldson seems to gone off the boil altogether. Vincent should've stayed in the past. I thought Rooney and Carson played reasonably, while Curry shows flashes of being a good player and took his goal well. I have to mention the tactics again though. We didn't try and play football whatsoever today. It'd be interesting to see the amount of time the ball spent airborne today - it could easily be 89 minutes. And why do we only have one formation? Every week it's 4-2-3-1 and whether we're winning or losing, never change it. The subs are always always the same. Like-for-like and extremely predictable. Sad!
  2. It depends on the circumstances. 100 is mental. I unfollow people who constantly tweet mundane garbage.
  3. I watched some of the Canadian election coverage the other night and the Green Party ran a candidate called Beverley Pixie Hobby.
  4. Did someone not try and start a Pie and Bovril Wikipedia page a few years ago and it descended into chaos?
  5. Holding your knife and fork in the wrong hands is for children and the stupid.
  6. Her on the right seems to get involved with everything, despite not being on telly in years.
  7. Also happens to be the same day we're away at Morton. I know these events are usually just for business types but still.
  8. People who talk about other people using only their first names to people who don't know them and don't explain their relation to them. Eg - "How was your weekend?" "Good. I saw Randy, Rusty and Wanda and we went snowboarding. Then we had coffee and Rupert walked in." "That's nice. Don't know who any of those people are though..." "Funny you should mention that. Walter was just saying that to me the other day."
  9. The stadium is an absolute dump. We're always asking why we can't attract or maintain fans. The stadium is the elephant in the room.
  10. Also, I see the Alloa fans were in the Main Stand today. Anyone know how many Main Stand home fans are still overcome with horror?
  11. It's excruciatingly obvious how Storey isn't a winger. I know we're a bit short of numbers but it's really obvious it's not his position. When he's running with the ball he's fine, but his crossing and shooting from range is absolutely rubbish.
  12. I switched to the BBC. Sky was just excruciating. Eg - Speaker - "Ian Murray!" Sky News bore - "That's Ian Murray MP." Speaker - "Caroline Lucas" Sky News bore - "That's Caroline Lucas from the Greens" And so on.
  13. Thought the boy with the big hair for Alloa looked decent last week.
  14. That would be my view as well. I loved Foran as a player, but Hayes was just so electric for us, especially in his first couple of seasons.
  15. Had to turn off Sky News. Everytime someone is called to speak, some bore starts speaking over them meaning we miss the start of the speech.
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