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Highland Capital

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Everything posted by Highland Capital

  1. This has probably been mentioned on here already, but apparently from next season the club are going to close the sports bar and re-open it during the week as a cafe. It'll be closed to matchdays...
  2. Not sure if it's been posted already, but I see the Scottish Greens have pulled out of Stephen Gethins' and Pete Wishart's seats.
  3. Someone in the SNP was telling me today that while they're expecting to win a few seats, they aren't expecting to win loads more. I reckon they'd be delighted with 45ish.
  4. The Northern Irish are able to rhyme the word 'now' with the word 'boy'.
  5. Got a Tory leaflet for the Inverness Central by-election today and I see they're running on the vote for our candidate to stop indyref2 stuff again. Not quite sure how that works to be honest, as the local council has little to do with it.
  6. They have some connection with Ryanair and were formerly Nikki Lauda's airline. No issues for me.
  7. “I tell it like it is!” People who say this use it as a way to be rude.
  8. Went with Lauda the other day. They were alright.
  9. By the same token, was there not another poster who was adamant that Inverness was in the north east? (It isn’t.)
  10. That’s probably where I saw it. Never heard of them.
  11. Has anyone heard of The Red Party? I saw their name in a by-election a while ago.
  12. I see Pete Wishart isn't very happy that his 'independence comrades' (his words) the Greens are intending on running a candidate in Perth.
  13. So you're saying it's not the Ritz on rails?
  14. That's the site I used last night. Managed to book a return ticket to Maribor for about £30 (never been to Slovenia so that'll be another country chalked off!). The website is alright but a bit fiddly. Also, apparently Austrian cross-country trains have restaurants on them!
  15. Thanks for the replies. Has anyone used Trainline for tickets on the continent? I'd book them on the day but the price seems to shoot right up.
  16. Does anyone have any experience of using the trains in Austria (particularly cross border ones)? Going to Vienna next week and looking to take a day trip to Bratislava and hopefully Maribor.
  17. I know this is a rather minor point, but I wonder what the Scottish Greens will do. They upset a lot of people who weren't going to vote for them anyway last time by only running a handful of candidates. Wonder if there'd be an argument for a Bloc Quebecois style pro-indyref2 pact.
  18. A person, when talking about their constant smoking/gambling/excessive drinking/drug taking etc., come out with the line 'I can give it up whenever I want.' If they could give it up whenever they wanted, they'd have done it by now.
  19. I pick and choose the Joe Rogan podcasts I listen to depending on the guest. One of his most recent was with Edward Snowden and while being (at times) quite an interesting listen, Rogan probably only asks about three questions in nearly three hours. Snowden doesn't half talk.
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