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Everything posted by Bing.McCrosby

  1. Marcis Maidanas bodying of Adrien Broner is something that will live on in my soul, giving it nourishment for as long as I am a boxing fan. Not a fight for the hall of fame, not one for purists or one that will live on in terms of relevance. Just a beautiful, beautiful moment. The pretend bumming was a highlight, when Maidana did it back I nearly died laughing Then Broners run out the ring after the fight like a fanny
  2. It's not like we don't have previous for overlooking players. But they might just have decided he's not going to be good enough. They can't cap everybody. Guess we will find out in a few years.
  3. Don't think he was at all, just saying it was close and he had prograis winning by 2. I had it the same, but can understand alot of the scores. So many rounds were just so close. Only ridiculous score I've seem came from the actual ringside judge
  4. Hopefully Taylor can be magnanimous in victory and give credit to prograis, I expect he will be a bellend as usual tho
  5. One of the judges had Taylor up 5 rounds, even the ref was stunned by that
  6. 116 - 114 for prograis Tight as tho
  7. I've got it even going into the last 2, Taylor with all the momentum
  8. Prograis pissed all over Taylor in 4
  9. That's what I thought, seemed to be biased towards selby. Burns is finished tho, great guy and great champion. Time to call it a day tho
  10. I really want to like the guy, just cos he's Scottish and exceptionally good. But every time he opens his mouth I like him less and less. He comes across as nasty moron. You got your first look after the Ohara Davies fight, it was a nasty build up by both of them. But Taylor was so undignified in victory. It was sad. That being said, I expect him to win via late stoppage or decision.
  11. It's not a thread that would interest me personally, but each to their own
  12. It's similar to the Aberdeen fans who are trying to hound out mcinnis at the moment. They will be a bit sheepish (ha ha) in a couple of years when they revert back to being complete crap I'm guessing they are never happy about anything ever
  13. Maybe he would have improved the team again for the next season. After all he had done "a very good job" in previous seasons. Were never gonna know, what we do know is since he was sacked things have got worse.
  14. The fact he has never been replaced by a better or even comparable manager changes everything about that.
  15. Mind the time Jim Duffy was appointed. Then he won division 1 in his first season. Then finished 4th in the Championship Then 5th the next year. Then finished 7th, then all the muppets on here demanded he was sacked. And replaced by anybody, anybody at all. They didn't have any ideas just anybody. No names were put forward at all. Then we got johansson and he was a disaster. Now hopkins, and it's been a disaster so far. We should have stuck with duffy,he improved us every year bar one. Best manager we had for a long time. Fact
  16. I'm not often wrong, but I'm right again https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/4840806/robert-snodgrass-quit-scotland-san-marino/amp/
  17. I'd guess at huff, he's just come back in so it has to be a negative reaction to not being selected again. Which is strange, why wouldn't he have waited till after the play offs? Maybe he could have finished his international career at a major tournament! He was probably the worst player vs Russia in anycase and is 32 so balls to him.
  18. Not saying this should be the plan. But, we could probably draw with Cyprus then beat Kazakhstan and still finish 3rd.
  19. Why do you have to go and ruin a good night
  20. Fair play mate, that's brilliant. Some effort with the picture as well. Hope your gonna stay out for the full tournament now!
  21. I'd deff have caulker in the squad for a look.
  22. Why do you think this is, just bad management? Or influenced by the politics of our old crap backslapping largs mafia sfa types? I'd venture a bit of both Definitely
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