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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. Good question. Complete irrelevance. But they know it will get clicks. Someone associated with a rival says something about your team sets off a klaxon for those looking to be offended in all supports. It is the way of the modern football fan. Having said that, irrespective of what he said, I would like the club and players to stop giving it the "where we belong" nonsense. It doesn't sit well with me. We are where we belong, as you and others are because we were A - shit when last in top league B - not good enough to get promoted. I'm hoping B isn't applicable this season and hope to be less shit in the Premiership than last time.
  2. Newly published story. Seems to be another interview or his comments picked up elsewhere and packaged into a story by the Scum https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/4497538/ex-dundee-keeper-derek-soutar-slams-dundee-united-as-arrogant/amp?__twitter_impression=true
  3. Ha ha!! I thought about but didn't want to confirm Derek Soutar's argument a come across arrogant that we'd do the clean sweep!
  4. I read that. Deary me McCall & Caldwell. Must admit there are a couple of posters on there who would be complaining if we win the league, the Scottish Cup and BetFred Cup as not good enough and Neilson must go! Now he isn't immune from criticism & I question some decisions he makes as most fans do of their teams manager, but some of us lot take the biscuit.
  5. Nope still here, although wouldn't call myself a "lover", more of know what he can do if up front not played back in midfield. Were a few below par performances last night, not just one player.
  6. My thoughts on last night We were poor. What I mean by that, is the BetFred is a great leveller, early in the season, teams not fully fit, still getting to know new players, which is why lower league teams get results. We played like we were in the middle of the season and needed to defend. We created a lot of our own problems with poor passing, ponderous play. The same issues we have had last season. Sporle wasn't great, BUT was starting to look better as half went on. Taken off to avoid a red. Boy hasn't had too much of a break from last season, doesn't speak English yet, and probably not used to the pace yet in terrible weather in a foreign country for the first time. Any one writing him off after 45 minutes competitive football with is needs to back off. We are a great support for writing off players before they have a chance. At least give him a chance. Shankland took his goal well. Didn't have too much to do though. Not a criticism of him. Clark, for the live of god Neilson, play him up front, or play Cammy Smith in the no 10. McMullan was non existent Stanton, a good cross for the goal, other than that a man down. If he is played in a non attacking role he is useless, too soft. Connolly? Don't remember him being that bad for Killie. Needs to remember its football not wrestling. Having said that, we had players just back from injury, having not trained much yet so we have that to look forward to. The defence, for all the criticism only let in one goal. Shankland scored, Appere and Banks looked good, it was only the first competitive game in bad weather in what is still preseason 47 days after our last game. So I'm not too worried. If we play like that against East Fife and Cowdenbeath then that is a different story, but we do need to move the ball quicker rather than to Renoylds to Siegrist to PUNT! Anyway on to the next game, which I'm sure we'll win.
  7. United looking at former Motherwell and Brighton defender Ben Hall. Been training with the team and is due to be invited back for a 2nd week, according to The Courier https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/sport/football/dundee-united/933712/dundee-united-have-a-look-at-ex-motherwell-defender-ben-hall/
  8. Wont you get the Jackson Pollock looking at the home top??
  9. For those that haven't seen it. I'd say that there is now definitely no chance Aird will play again. Be surprised if there isn't an announcement soon regarding his departure
  10. Totally. I had the big collars strip and the 82/83 as a child. The only one that they could have chosen for me other than those is the one they have copied. Looks like a proper football strip, rather than a large t shirt with a badge. Good old fashioned strip. Fantastic effort.
  11. Pinched from Shedtalk on Twitter, looks like a new signing announcement is imminent Adam King?
  12. Someone on another forum mentioned they had been in the shop and the season ticket cards had hoped to be out this week, but would be a couple of weeks now till we get them.
  13. Agree with this. For me, and I think its really obvious to see, he is the most natural finisher at the club last season. I get @NEFarab doesn't like him & I reapect that even if I do not agree with it, but I also agree we do not use him in a way to get the best, as a goal scorer, out of him. Last season he was mostly being played in midfield. I would have no qualms playing in a two with Shankland. IMHO of course
  14. To start with, IF we are paying that then I'll be super pissed off as I don't believe anyone should be paying that in Championship. Will be interesting to see the wage figures in the accounts. Your other points, we may have been making an operating loss but we still had money left over, plus the wage bill had made significant drops in last three years. Yes we had soft loans. Some of these were for short term reasons and the club cleared them. The others the Ogrens have cleared them. None of the club is being "sold off" nor are any assets being removed by stealth. Gussie Park was sold to Mike Martin for funds into the club, and was always with the intention of being transferred back to the club for the same money. Mark Ogren, at the Q&A confirmed that would be the case and the agreement was in place, but there was no rush to do so at the moment as there was no danger to it and the moneys from it are going to the club. He also stated the accounts next released might not look to good due to some of the restructuring going on and the Tannadice "maintenance" & sports bar, but advised us that this would not be the case from the following years onwards (obviously no time machine so cannot confirm this). So far things are looking OK. And will have to see what the investment brings in in respect of new revenue. Having said all that anyone one thinking of paying the wages being banded about for Vidal Baboon from the Sheep should be committed. IMHO
  15. That's all United. There definately seems to be that issue overall. I remember years ago when Craig Brown was in charge of Scotland, talking about a player whose name escapes me, when it was decided that they couldn't play him as he didn't have any experience. The player was 24!! As a club we have a reputation of playing youngsters but I do think we as a footballing nation seem to want an "experienced" player over youth.
  16. That's true, although Matty seems to have regressed a bit. He looked a lot more lively when he first came on the scene. Robson, I feel, has been a victim of his own stupidity/arrogance a bit. Maybe he might realise that and get the head down, maybe it's too late. Either way he should never be at left back, but midfield.
  17. Seems to be a big problem here, has been for as long as I can remember. Shouldn't matter how old/young you are, if you are good enough you're old enough. Quite frustrating watching a good player and hearing that they can't play not enough experience. How do you ever get experience if you don't play. Also works the other way, sometimes those with experience play with fear ( against so called bigger teams) where sometimes you need to play without fear. Obviously isn't the case with all players and situations as we have all seen sometimes mistakes brought on by inexperience. But yes GD in total agreement
  18. Cheers, should try squinting at the photos a bit more, might help!!
  19. Would that be Adam King in the background? Starting with King and Ganet on the bench?
  20. Have to say I disagree. I hate them with a passion, Saturday at 3 is where it should be, prefer a half 12 Sunday to a Friday night.
  21. Maybe, I thought it was definitely ST that knocked it back, but your probably right about the other names.
  22. Was it not a couple of years ago Gauld was up for a loan move back in a deal brokered by Jimmy Fyffe with him financing part of it and ST turned it down? If JF has his way this would be on, and I assume might add a little to the gates?
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