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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. What I mean by that and I sure you understand exactly what I mean, this is not a surprise. This is not unexpected, we were warned, we were told they would look very bad. We were told at the Q&A of roughly where the money was going. We were told that some of the money was being spent on areas that would allow us to bring MORE money in. The wages look bad as they include to 11 we signed in January , they do not include the fact that we have let the same number of 1st team squad members go. Although I still believe it is too high for Championship, but we are paying Premiership wages. Certainly more experienced as a sports club owner than Eddie Thomson, Steven Thomson & Mike Martin. Although if we want to look for things to be negative about it is very easy, we can turn anything to a negative. I am merely trying to add a bit of facts and to pull the narrative back slightly from we won't see out the season, its all a tax dodge, the sky is falling in that people seem to default to. As I have said in my previous posts on the subject I am not happy to have big losses, BUT I understand why. As long as the truth is being told then yes,all will be good and there is NO problem. IF they scrrw up from this position and there is no improvements, or the outgoings do not show signs of big drops in expenditure then alarm bells will be ringing very loudly. Also I refuse to pp lace any credence in the Alan Patullo piece due to the inaccuracies in it. I will keep an aye on what the likes of Scott Burns is reporting on it as he has a track record of accurate United stories. Scott Banks is more than likely away in January. Has been offered a new deal, but we have a situation similar to Scott Allan. His agent (or him and agent) are wanting far too much money.
  2. Yes I am, as I explained in the full post. I'll say it again no one who was at the Q&A before the end of last season will be surprised Mark Ogren said the results that would be out later this year, meaning those just released would be bad, but to not worry. It was all planned long term. Much of this would be money set a side for one of investments and improvements at Tannadice which had been neglected over many years. He stated that the following years would be much better as these massive costs would not need to be repeated. The wage bill will not be anywhere near that now. As reports are sticking to the narrative of 11 in in January, we have also had pretty much the same number of 1st team squad leave during and just after the summer. Been said repeatedly by the likes of Asghar that Shankland isn't the highest paid player. Was also mentioned that it was refreshing to see a player more concerned about his development and playing time than money. Now if the Ogren's are men of their word ( experienced sports club owners) THEN I have no concerns as we were pre warned and this has been necessary to bring things up to standard and all is good. IF however there are signs that overspending is continuing and not following the expected "plan" then yes I will be concerned. Hopefully that will answer you. Hopefully there will be more to come from the AGM too
  3. I'm suprised at the level of angst here. Now I'm not sticking my head in the sand and I am concerned that they haven't done their sums properly, but that article is full of half truths and innuendo. Mark Ogren stated at the 1st Q&A that the accounts when released would look bad. He asked that "please do not be alarmed". The current board were spending money on Stadium repairs & general maintenance that jad been neglected for years. Fully refurbishing the hospitality areas that again were tired and badly needing done. Infrastructure for new ticketing and card payments. Background work for merchandising back in house. Investment to attain elite status as per SFA youth academy requirements. So as long as the Ogren's are telling the truth then these were mostly one offs & therefore any ongoing maintenance should be at a far lower level. The article also mentions who we brought in 11 players in January, failing to tell the full story that we also let go almost the same amount of 1st team squad players go in summer. Shankland's wages get a mention, saying we are paying similar to McInnes. Even if that were true he has already done more in 3 ½ months that McInnes did in his whole time here! The club have stated at least 3 times that Shankland is not the highest paid player at the club & Asghar also stated in one interview how refreshing it was that Shankland wasn't focused on money but finding somewhere he felt he could play and develop at. So I would doubt that he is on anything like McInnes' wage. If he is then it is rampant stupidity & begs the question who the hell is paid more! Now again not saying its all rosy in the garden, but the results were predicted as exactly this 6 months ago to anyone who would listen. Mark Ogren was at the match yesterday, would be good if there was some official comment from him or club to answer some points, put right the blind speculation in that article and say what the project 2019/2020 outcome would be considering the benefits of promotion wouldn't be included in those.
  4. £2, can't be too many of your fans travelling today that don't have a smartphone, or access to a printer. Besides if bought in advance it's the same price as your South Stand and the concessions are £5 cheaper at Tannadice.
  5. I wasn't speaking about us, I was speaking about Scottish game in general. But of course you knew that...
  6. There's a lot of pish in that article. Shankland is not the highest paid player at the club, this has been stated in many an occasion, and while mentioning 11 players that came in in january, missing out 9 first team squad members left in summer. While only United & Dundee are above £20 only Arbroath,Alloa,Ayr & QOTS are below, the rest are £20. United took the decision to not drop prices when we came down to fund a promotion push & keep the infrastructure. It hasn't happened, but it could be argued that that extra £2 a game is what pays for the wage bill. Our issue is paying for Gussie & St. Andrews and believing that paying Premiership wages for "Premiership standard" players will do that. Some would argue they are too comfortable & believe they are better than the Championship but thats for a different argument. I'm not saying it's right, nor am I saying it's wrong, but ICT charge £20 and are looking to stave off Admin. To bring in more money they could out up prices but it would drive those that do go away. How do they make more money? £20 isn't covering their costs. Wages are too high, problem is fans won't accept not signing players. In some ways the clubs can't win.
  7. The problem is, the clubs do not get enough money through the doors to cover costs,so prices go up. "Drop the prices and more folk will come" is the oft heard cry, but it has been done without much success. So if this is repeated where does the cash come from? Obviously though away fans should pay the same basic prices as the home fans. I keep hearing, we should be like Germany, but one thing is German clubs tend to have many,many more fans paying in than we do, outside the gruesome twosome. Is it really cheaper? RB Leipzig do have tickets from €15 but these are very limited, most of the tickets are €35-40. While over in Germany last August, visiting Leipzig, I went to Locomotive Leipzig with the young lad and we were €36 for the two of us in the stand. The enclosure would have been €18. Although that was the 4th tier. We almost went to the Dynamo Dresden game, as the other half's relative is a Dresden fan, but that was going to cost €60. The one good thing that they do is the fact local public transport is included in the price of the ticket. Poland is very cheap and Sweden IFK are between £13 to £29. How much of this though is also due to the incompetence of the SPFL to negotiate a decent tv deal, as all these countries have much more money coming in outside of tickets and we have the unsustainable English league wages right next to us driving up costs.
  8. I wasn't using that as a stick to beat Neilson with, I was mention that as a TLDR post criticising what to me looks like an attitude problem within the playing squad. Whether it affects the coaching staff I don't know and hope it doesn't. It does seem to be behind the scenes as as far as I can see has been there the whole time in this division.
  9. My thoughts on current situation. We have a major attitude problem at the club in the playing squad. Reynolds alluded to it on Radio Scotland when discussing Shankland's call up. He stated that there had been issues with players thinking that the Championship was easy. This was in connection with previous seasons and not this season. I' d disagree and would argue that that is STILL the case. So far this season East Fife at home, Arbroath at home (first 87minutes), Alloa away, and now QOTS away and we are only in October, whereby we have taken to the field looking like we just have to turn up. Said before that the "back where we belong", "we're a Premiership club" etc. Is nonsense and detrimental to our aims. Riles up opposition. We are a Championship club and exactly where we belong, until we prove otherwise by winning promotion. We have continually in our time signed players who have played at a "higher" level. Is this affecting us as players think its easier down here? We seem to take to the field and play within ourselves and when it doesn't go to plan they struggle to up the pace. There is no desire to fight. All anyone has to do is get straight at us, hard, close us down and we are beaten. When we take to the field and start at 100% we usually do well. Attitude problem is as clear as day and mentally weak. What I'd like to know is what the due diligence that is taken to determine the attitudes of the signings we are making, as again, its as clear as day its not been correct, or carried out properly!
  10. Nope for me I thought he was absolutely dreadful. Could put in a cross and .... nope can't think of anything else. His last showing for us was by far and away one of the worst I've ever seen, kept hiding on the pitch running to where the ball would not be going and if he did get it jusr got rid ASAP. Sure it was QOS, never came out for 2nd half. Very disappointed in him, was expecting big things, then there were the stories of being a disruptive influence and the orange march attendances wearing Proddy Boys t shirts. Good riddance
  11. Not a fan of that either, in fact find it completely cringeworthy and an utter embarrassment to be honest. Fair doos on the the "fair cop" though.
  12. @Ludo*1 that's how its done. Nothing more insulting that been accused of having the Green Brigade help with your banners!!
  13. If you want to be a dick about it, your club employed a "paedophile" in Graham Rix didn't they? In all seriousness I have no time for that absolutely pathetic type of "banter". I probably have less time than most due to spending near 6 years looking through computers & other equipment from those accused of that very charge. It is not a laughing matter or one to be "joked" about. Get a grip, grow up. The only one rattled is you by the score you come out with pathetic shite like that.
  14. Jesus. Old firm tit for tat for that kind of chat. Absolutely no time for that kind of pathetic point scoring. If that's what your mind genuinely sees then I suggest seeking professional help. Point score via football issues,clubs and fans behaviour, but come on your surely not that old firm-esque are you?
  15. I know it's Newsround and aimed at kids, but my God that's simplistic and complete bollocks. BBC really does tie itself in knots over this, how can a liquidated company do anything. That's far more accurate, guaranteed that won't have been written by anyone in BBC Scotland. Too scared to write the truth.
  16. Agree, fair play to you too for that. The atmosphere was brilliant, as a game of football it was great to watch. I obviously feel better about it than you this morning, but even the ones where we've lost I can't argue that I didn't enjoy the build up, nerves and atmosphere. Can't beat it!
  17. I didn't remember that, so defer to you, but I do remember the comments about its launch though it may not have been the official response, but as you say it clearly has absolutely nothing to do with that and everything to do with "staunchness". What's even more amazing is the fact is the fact that Ranger's fans raised it at the AGM saying it was in bad taste, they dropped it for that reason then they bring it back knowing full well what it represents and why it sells. So they can do more. Both those pundits are ex players of and grew up supporters of that club and the blinkers are well and truly on.
  18. Today was bloody awful. I missed the talk on the orange strips, but you would have to be concerned about the ability of someone to look after themselves if they can't see why the orange shirts were pandering to the knuckle draggers. I remember when they were released RFC said it was to honour all the Dutch players, there was a collective "aye, that'll be right" from the rest of us. I have no idea what was happening at Rugby Park as all I could get was "this game is rubbish" & " the pitch, the pitch" from Biscuits, give it a rest please. The inability from Miller to grasp why a goalie couldn't take his gloves off mid game and needed someone to tie his laces was mind-numbing. Add to that his inability to comprehend why a goalie would choose to punch, especially a foreign keeper, shows how out of touch he his with the modern game. Yes I'm old enough to remember when goalies always caught to ball, but the balls back then didn't swerve and dip the way the current ones do. Open all mics used to be decent when it started, but today was amateurish and the "professional" commentators attempts to identify players really defies belief, how anyone can mistake Laurence Shankland for Nicky Clark is beyond me. There was other things I could mention, but it just merged into a mess that tries to be light hearted and informative, but in the end does neither. Sad thing is I bet I've missed the worst while at matches. Micheal Stewart came across today as the only reasonable person on it, which I'm not sure if its a compliment or a damning indictment of the programs lack of quality.
  19. To be fair so would I, wait till after the game so it doesn't impact performance!
  20. Same for me. Using Chrome on Android 9. Usually hit back and refresh site and all OK. Happening every time I browse to P&B.
  21. Tells you here, in the Scottish FA Handbook 2019-2020. All clubs mist have registered their kit designs by 1st June. Shows us registering an all black away strip for this year. Does mean could be dark gray stripes or tangerine pin stripes as that would still be classed as black.
  22. According to Kilmarnock it was because of searches for pyrotechnics.
  23. Would love to see these two live up to the expectation, I'm not convinced they ever will though. Actually wouldn't be surprised if we never laid eyes on Sow again tbh. Pawlett will. We saw what he brought to the team when he signed (Morton at Tannadice for example). Unfortunately he got injured and in our Wisdom management thought it was better to play him unfit and taking injections ( could hardly walk after games) where he toiled, than leave him to get over his injury. Could be back for Thistle. Sow I think they are being very careful with, Robbie I think said the club were helping him with non football "difficulties" too. IF he can stay fit he could be handy. Should be ready by the Pars game.
  24. That's up on last season, at this stage, is it not? The 4500 of last season was boosted by the half season tickets if I'm not mistaken.
  25. For anyone that's not seen them Robbie and Liam Smith's pre-match interviews
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