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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. It could be a few things. It could have simply gone to spam folder of the mailbox it was going to. It could have been blocked at the SPFL side and required manual intervention to release the email. Could have been sitting in outbox of who ever sent the email ie the person's mailbox was full and it only sent once deleted emails were removed from deleted items to clear space. Those are just for starters, could be a.n. other reason. But doesn't necessarily mean it's incompetence on either side.
  2. Going by Gardner's radio appearance and the images.of the slips, this sounds plausible.
  3. The SPFL have already distributed the funds clubs minus the final placings. Every club was given on 20th March the money that the bottom club in their prospective leagues would receive. This current situation is so that the difference which is based on finishing position can be paid out. To change this and distribute the rest of the money evenly would require the SPFL articles.of association to be changed via a vote by its members. We all know how good the SPFL & its members are at votes!!
  4. That's correct. The £300000 or so is the difference between bottom and 2nd.
  5. Or combine the 4 into 2. Final position in league determines where you play in the status quo for season 21/22
  6. Hence the expand the league cup to guarantee similar level of games. I'm sure there would be others possibly workable that would save the need for 18 teams and 34 games. Only problem would be the potential for complaints of meaningless games.
  7. It's to maintain 4 OF games for TV. It was claim d that was the case when RFC 2012 were trying to be shoehorned into the top league, but there were denials of this, is this genuinely the case or are we all just assuming the SPFL is stupid enough(I know, I know...) to sign a deal stating this? If this is the case as you say, is this the only reason the split is being suggested?
  8. Just a question on reconstruction, why does every idea have a split, or some convoluted mini league type nonsense? Don't like the split never have done, would love to have it gone. Would love to have a set up where we only played each other twice, would bring the league much closer together at the top and allow the potential of, or at least allow he illusion of at least, a different winner. In this case possibly 16 teams and expand the League Cup to include more guaranteed games to help with shortfall in games, as an idea. If the SPFL have signed with Sky a deal that requires 4 games of them again, after the hassle last time, it does beggar belief, but would seem par for the course with this lot. If this isn't the case would those showing leagues recon with a split change your minds?
  9. The east stand had had almost nothing done to it years, flaking paint and rust. That was all fixed. There had been hospitality suite being gutted and redone (again had been left for years). A wheel chair lift was being put in for access to an other hospitality suite at George Fox. New POS, through out shop and stadium. That was just some of it, hopefully it continues as previous owners had.done next to nothing for years. That was all off the point. We only have 8 games to play. While the split may take a bit longer to sort out, for the rest of us, the league could be over in 4weeks playing sat/sun & tue/wed. For Premiership, as the cup semis only have top league teams, take a weekend slot, play the semis, extend the top league by half a week. Take a weeks break and play the final. The lower league play offs always happen with a quick tourn around so should finish week after cup final. Whole thing dome in 6 weeks. As you say the next season bin the winter break, allow games at the same time as Euro games. Stopping league cup (although the bulk of that happens at traditional "preseason" anyway),.binning.replays for a season ( hopefully not permanent as I'm all for them). It can be done and I know many folk may not like it but a. Few more midweek games and I'm sure we'd haul it back to a few weeks out. All that depends.of.course.on when we get to start again. It would never happen, but I'd be all for 1 season of 22 and 20. Final placings decide what league you go back to and them revert back to 12-10-10-10. Be interesting to see how close the league would be only playing each other twice.
  10. That loss isn't for this season. A lot of that loss has been, as has been explained numerous times, because of the continual payoffs, major overhauls to infrastructure, ie Tannadice itself. Those losses were to June last year. Since then the club has got rid of almost an entire 1st team and the current squad is smaller than last season. Would interested in seeing what the figures are for this season up to the halt, as that would be more accurate for your argument. . This where I am as well, although I have to admit whatever the argument I'll be seen as biased!
  11. Just been reading this. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/sfa-chiefs-secret-gambling-ban-21412212 Fraser Aird came to mind. States they were playing jn the Championship, had played for Rangers in the past. Would certainly tie in with the stories about him being a bad influence and causing issues in changing room.
  12. That would make sense. Couldn't remember, then again I can remember TV shows from my childhood like it was yesterday, but can't remember last nights tea!!!
  13. Was it? Genuine question as I do not recall it before that incident. I do recall the "Goodie,Goodie etc..." Chant but not that. It did however reach its peak popularity among fans after this incident and its singing from then on was absolutely cringe worthy and embarrassing. Irrespective of when it started, the continuation after the event was crass and wrong.
  14. My take on the last two games in particular is the fact that psychologically we think the job is done. The difference between the application in the Hibs games and Morton and Arbroath is plain to see. Yesterday we played it at what looked like 60-70%, almost at training game pace. I heard Dick Campbell on the radio, sure it was during the week, talking about how this time last year Arbroath were 17pts clear and won the league by 7. He was talking about keeping the intensity and that it is difficult to keep the players at 100%. What really annoys me though is the complete refusal to change the style of play. I don't know if this is Robbie or the players but certainly yesterday he was telling them to speed up. This constant passing back immediately after receiving the ball irrespective of whether the player has space to turn and move forward and pass, passing side to side slowly and crossing to one striker amongst centrebacks happy to face these balls. How can players (or manager) not see that by moving forward quicker, it stops the opposition from setting up their 2 banks of 5 amd if going wide playing the cross, low or high, in the space between retreating defenders and goalkeeper? We can be greateful that none of the teams below us are capeable of putting a consistent run together. If ICT, for example had one there last two we could be looking at 12 points ahead with ICT a game in hand an potentially single figures clear. I would not like to see how we would react to that. Its all if you auntie had balls, but it shows we keep going 100% until confirmed.
  15. Interesting (if you like that sort of thing) analysis of his play...
  16. Stanton away. I can see the reasoning behind it, he wasn't getting a new contract. I don't see this as weakening the squad as we have signed Powers. Stanton when played in a forward role and attacking looks useful, HOWEVER, whenever he plays deeper as Neilson (and others to be fair) has played him at times he has been abysmal. Its like playing a man down, the opposition run right through us. Admittedly in his recent games he seems to have improved that part of his game. Another reason I can see him going is the fact he can hardly train. Does he not do a lot of fitness work in the pool? The ability to work and improve him as a player will be limited due to how little he can train due to his knees. I doubt he will be able to play a full season Premiership-wise. I hold no ill feeling towards him and wish him well, he has contributed well to our promotion (hopefully!) this season, but I believe we would need a "stronger" player for next season than Stanton. Wish him well in America and wonder if the warmer climate may help his knees too
  17. Don't think the manager has written King off, otherwise he wouldn't of signed him in a 3 year deal. He's someone he knows from when King was a youth player at Hearts and was signed to bring on, not as an instant 1st teamer. Smith on the other hand was signed for the 1st team
  18. Lots of chat on another forum that Stanton is away to America. Powers from what I can read from his career in the states could well be that player. Previous MLS rookie of the year, and certainly at Colorado Rapids extremely highly thought of in doing just that. Will see how he gets on.
  19. As soon as I saw the team I thought Shankland would be isolated. That was unless McMullan and Pawlett supported him. Don't know if the formation was to nulify Hibs or to accommodate players, but if we are playing that we really need to close the gap between Shankland & midfield
  20. I thought Powers was fine,. didn't.see him look cumbersome at all to me. Looks tidy on the ball and didn't see him do anything wrong. To me he does want the ball, and to play the ball. Also he will be playing to Robbie's instructions. This is his 2nd game in Scotland. To me the one player who looked really suspect today was McMullan. He always seemed to "tickle" the ball and ended up giving it away, held onto the ball too long and ended up giving it away, or over hit the cross when in a good position. He's needing another kick up the arse as hea been like that for a few weeks again, needs to get back to the play he was producing earlier in the season.
  21. I'd disagree with you in that list. Reynolds and Connelly both improved the defence. Pawlett is a good player and has shown this. It was unfortunate that we didn't rest him last season when injured, but I suspect he will be a big player in the run in. King was signed in a 3 year deal. He is in as back up and one to build up as a player to get him to where he was expected to be by this stage. Cammy Smith, must be something behind the scenes, Sow has not worked, through injury & its been alluded to off field issues. He won't be here next season unless he does something special between now and May, can't see it though. Nesbit, keep seeing comments that he was a pointless signing he wasn't. Turned 2 games for us coming off the bench. But for me the big thing about his signing was the impact on McMullan. Nesbitt's signing was a big kick up the arse for McMullan, he had competition for his place and you can track a big improvement in his performances from Nesbitt coming in. For this Nesbitt was a successful signing, not so much on the pitch, but squad wise. Sporle, for me looks the most technically gifted player we have. Lad has struggled with the language and getting used to being in a completely different environment. As an attacking left sided player I think we'll see the best of him and from next season, we have been a bit "gentle" in bringing him on. Definitely a player there, just not at left back.
  22. Completely true. Not only did he sign that number of players, how many of them had experience at a higher level so would have more than likely been on higher wages. United heavily backed him, as they have every manager since they have been in Championship. We were in the Championship with Hibs who were "throwing money at it" level on points at Christmas & then he absolutely shat it and produce a run of form that was relegation-esque. The performance of the team was seriously poor setup to not lose rather than attempt to win. I loved Ray as a player, and was quite happy when he became manager, but it just didn't work. As time has.gone on it looks like Ray hasn't learnt from his time at United and has repeated the same mistakes at Falkirk.
  23. According to another forum, we have two Americans on trial, one being Dillon Power. Seemingly a few others too.
  24. Pawlett for me is an enigma. He is technically good and for me a damn good player. BUT after a few games last season he got injured. He was rushed back to try and get us 1st place. He looked off the pace and as far as I am concerned was detrimental to the team and to Pawlett himself. He was taking injections to get through games. This led to him missing the start of preseason. I thought he was good in the 6-2 game and possibly getting back to what we were expecting & what he is capable of showing, and then another injury. If he can get and stay fit then I feel he can be a good player for us. How much of the "must play" at the end of last season,rather than getting him fit has contributed to this season's performances and injuries?
  25. I wasn't giving it what "Dundee done..." It was having a go at those who had before giving it "you done this" & " you done that". Even had some folk trying to make out certain fanbases are worse than others. I was saying I can do that too and then listed things my side had done. As in big deal, we've all got idiots etc. I even specifically called out whataboutery by name.
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