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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. Apologies. Can't be any worse than for 5 years no one could spell Rankin correctly, even though his name was written over the back of his jersey every game!
  2. Not one in the Robertson camp, but that's being a little unfair. His Hearts managerial career was during the revolving door policy during Romanov's time. He did get them 5th in league and 2 semis. Livi was poor, Derry doesn't look good on paper, bit took them out of relegation to mid table. Was only sacked after new chairman and BoD came in. His over all record is not too bad although only really Hearts at a "high" level.
  3. Seeing rumours that Steve McLaren was one of those interviewed. Although also read on another forum that we says they had spoken to someone in United that said it's Malky.
  4. Sounds like he's forgotten to put his false teeth in. If he's had some medical issue then I wish him well, as much as I disagree with him & find his output recently of a poor standard, I wish him no personal "harm".
  5. Exactly, no more so than any other court case over his career. All this dramatisation of events does get quite draining.
  6. Seeing names mentioned by Scott Burns & that there will be 12 prospective managers interviewed "Tranmere Rovers boss Micky Mellon, ex-Birmingham City manager Steve Cotterill and Stoke City assistant Billy McKinlay have come under consideration for the Dundee United job, writes Scott Burns. The Tannadice club have interviewed around 12 candidates in the past few days."
  7. I know the podcast you're refering to. Tom couldn't fathom why Les Gray wouldn't come on. Did he not say something like if he had justification or a valid argument he would come on and debate it, there is no other side or they would come on? No self awareness that there is maybe no point if you get talked down to, treated like an idiot (when not justified) purely for holding a different opinion.
  8. You might want to read that back out loud standing in front of a mirror. No there are vast numbers of them. Most NORMAL people have no issue with differing views. I have no issue with what my club, or how ANY club voted in the open and democratic vote taken due to Shut down of all sport Inability to continue season Financial difficulties faced by many clubs due to no income Complications, due to new broadcasting contract for new season. What I have issue with is myopic, tunnel vision that states "everybody else other than my view is wrong", type attitudes. There is no black and white there is shades of grey. If people have read the proposals that have been voted on, really read them, not the headline but the small print. The small print that we do not appear to have seen but the clubs have (I assume Tom English has) and have them voted for what ever side they felt in their understanding to be the best option how can they be "wrong"? I would have thought an intelligent, experienced journalist would understand that. Might disagree with the outcome, but understand that. Both he and the show are struggling to comprehend that. I can fully except other opinions, as said, but really cannot stand, condescending attitudes, such as yourself and Tom English's recent output, talking over people, telling them their opinion is wrong, arguing from a position using untruths (ICT's statements), ignoring facts because they don't fit rather than accepting them & realising the shades of grey. There is more but as you STILL cannot engage without name-calling and put forward arguments that I am mistaken (will hold my hands. up and accept that, as.you can not be right all the time ), or indeed show humility where it can be shown his arguments have NOT been balanced nor accepted the nuances that others' opinions may have, I can only assume you have neither the ability nor facts to back it up.
  9. How is it? Please explain using a coherent argument. He is paid by a public broadcaster that we all have to pay for. He is not being open minded nor balanced. He IS however being dismissive, condescending and obtuse. He will not accept arguments put forward from people involved with other clubs ( doesn't have to agree, but accept where they are coming from). He is twisting the truth, misquoting people, and ignoring truths if they do not fit. Everybody is wrong except him. Sorry but that is bollocks! The hypocrisy in some of his protestations as been "off the charts". Some of his behaviour and writings have been childish in the extreme. He IS supposed to be a professional journalist & is BBC Scotland's chief sports writer, therefore he should be going for the 3 sides to the story. What side A says, what side B says and then the truth. He has shown none of that. This is coming from someone who prior to all this.would support him whether I agreed or not with his take ie respected him as a journalist. If he was on a fan podcast - acceptable If he was on a commercial station - acceptable (or at least they aren't built on journalistic integrity and need to "jazz" things up for listeners/advertising). In a fanzine - acceptable On a public service broadcaster, with clear guidelines, paid for out of my pocket - unaceptable He is not alone in this, the Sportsound output over last 8 weeks has been poor and one sided. Until the court papers were lodged I didn't have a vested interest in this, so I had no "bias" towards a side, no direct emotional attachment to any side. But the show is becoming unlistenable. They have had multiple complaints, from fans across the Scottish football spectrum, is everyone anti Hearts? Really?
  10. Yup I'd say "... SPFL vote chaos." shows that they do have and are showing bias. I find it astounding that they can put that into writing that all views have been aired! Any dissenting views, however few,have been rounded on and talk over in a condescending manner by English since the vote.
  11. Yup, it's just a cut and paste job. They must have had a few complaints in and think if they send that out that will be the end of it. It's not. I have a case number and I'm taking it further. There have been other occasions where I felt I should have said something over the years, but the bit is between the teeth now. Ultimately it may do nothing, but I cannot let his/their output continue to insult my intelligence.
  12. Not as a starter, but perfectly acceptable as the mane course.
  13. Just incase anyone wishes to know what the BBC think of Tom English & his performance during recent weeks this is the response from them to my complaint... Thank you for contacting us. We’ve received a range of feedback about our coverage of Hearts, the SPFL and recent events in Scottish football, in particular with regards to contributions by Tom English, and have shared your comments with the relevant BBC Sport Scotland teams and senior management. Please be assured that bias plays no part in our reporting. We place the highest value on accuracy and impartiality within our own journalism, and rigorous editorial standards are applied across all of our output. All our journalists, presenters and editors are well aware of our key commitments to due impartiality and accuracy. We report the news emanating from Scottish football with due impartiality, irrespective of the clubs or parties involved, and any suggestion to the contrary is without foundation. Our guidelines explain that ‘due’ impartiality involves more than a simple ‘balance’ between opposing viewpoints. An article or discussion, for example, may therefore allow someone’s opinion or views to be expressed but still be ‘duly’ impartial. And coverage should be considered across a broader range of output than one particular incident or item. We’ve published numerous articles and broadcast hours of debates and interviews on the SPFL vote chaos, the SPFL-commissioned investigation, the calls for an independent inquiry, league reconstruction proposals and the ending of the season, which resulted in the relegations of Hearts, Partick Thistle and Stranraer from their respective divisions. A wide range of views have been heard across our output, and we’ve heard from all sides of the debate. As BBC Scotland’s chief sports writer, it’s part of Tom English’s role to provide his insight and understanding of the stories emanating from Scottish football. His observations along with any assessments of the context, reasons and politics behind them and the reaction to them are, again, entirely consistent with his role. And others, of course, are free to disagree with his analysis. That said, we are satisfied that Tom English’s contributions to our recent output on these issues has represented fair analysis and comment. Thank you again for getting in touch. BBC Complaints Team www.bbc.co.uk/complaints
  14. Oh dear, I laughed more than I should have there.
  15. Thing is it wasn't always. Remember Paul Sturrock getting the boot at Southampton because of player power. He wanted to do some of the things he had done at other clubs he had been at, like increased training time. The players complained about him and he was gone. Situation also brought about my favourite Strachan moment. Football Focus presenter Manish asks " was it because he wasn't a great player?" Strachan went poplectic " not a great player? World cups, European semis & final, he' s achieved more than most of that squad will" I digress. We do take it seriously up here BUT, there are players who don't. I think it's a society thing where folk go I can do what I like ( evidenced every day during this current situation). I remember Boyd on BBC Sportsound having a go at the Turkish training. I also think it's the same with the media here and foreign coaches where they are instantly slagged off as figures of fun and the things they say, when everyone knows what they mean. I mean if these guys could speak their language as well as these foreign coaches speak English! I think you have to be careful though. You see comments on here all the time about how players need to "bulk up". First and foremost you need to be able to control and move the ball as close to second nature as possible and be fit and look after yourself. In England there are some players who look too bulky. There is a balance, you don't want it like rugby, where it's so much about fitness and physique, the finesse has gone, but it's surely common sense to ignore the junk while your playing. Your a long time retired, best not make it longer than it has to be.
  16. Since the vote, this exactly what I'd be saying if ever Tom leaves Sportsound!
  17. Listened to today's podcast. Tom English"The hypocrisy in this is off the scale". First thing he's really said that's accurate in this situation, although he didn't use it the way most of us on here would have.
  18. Really?? Have you been listening to Tom English for the last 3 months?
  19. We brought in almost a brand new team in January 2019. We spent a load of money on infrastructure changes & stadium maintenance that had been neglected over the years, hospitality area gutted etc. Fans who were at a Q&A towards the end of 2018-2019 season were told by Ogren that the accounts would look bad as a lot, more than expected, had been spent as one offs to bring things up to scratch throughout the club, but these "upgrades" should be one offs and lead to smaller continual maintenance charges or help lead to more revenue. Also spent to achieve elite.status for the academy Not included in the accounts are the fact that over 11 first team squad players left the club after the accounts were published and only a handful were brought in. We were also continuing to fund academy & training centre as we did on Premiership income.
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