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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. The clubs talked with each other and could have voted no. A bit like how Budge spoke to all the other clubs over reconstruction? No wait she didn't and just ploughed on ignoring any concerns.
  2. Really? Here was me thinking Hearts were coming out of this like prize cockwombles! To be fair that might be an exaggeration, based on some fans! Can you tell me what Dundee United, or in fact their Chairman have done wrong exactly? Hearts were to put it mildly fucking shite all season. Over bloated, under talented squad. Hearts form was not any better than those around them ( the mythical Ross County free fall) etc. League is called. By a democratic vote. Fairly understandable taking into account ALL situation and Government advice. Hearts complain Hearts Mrs Budge gets to head up a reconstruction group. Hearts, ICT and Rangers try to get leagues voided as confirmed by 6 Championship clubs. Mrs Budge puts forward a reconstruction plan that fails as behind the headline clubs feel it is extremely poorly thought out and is rushed through. It seems to be to save Hearts from relegation than the best for Scottish football. Mrs Budge claims someone has come to her (her words on radio that she had nothing to do with it) she is acting as an intermediary with regards a large gift. Gets upset as SPFL ask for a written proposal with regards what strings, who it is anti money laundering laws etc. Everyone else wonders why person couldn't just access internet and get SPFL'S phone number. James Anderson and SPFL agree gift. Hearts put in reconstruction proposal and is rejected. Clubs feel behind the headlines it is poorly thought out and rushed through and seems to be for saving Hearts rather than best for Scottish football. This is seen in the fact that Mrs Budge did not speak to any of the clubs to gauge any worries or requirements of lower league clubs which was very discourteous and some might say arrogant. Hearts (& Thistle) launch court action. Hearts & Thistle "win" the right to go to arbitration under the Arbitration Act (Scotland) 2010. Costing large sums of money to get to do EXACTLY what the SPFL's rulebook says to do with football disputes, where it says to go to SFA who will arrange arbitration under the Arbitration Act (Scotland) 2010. Again who exactly is coming out of this well?
  3. It's.not just us looking for our own fees for fucks sake. How many times do people need told something?? This money is going to pay Raith Rover's fees, for what I'm sure is the 3rd time a club chairman that has already said the fees could end them! It is also for Cove Rangers. The statement were a joint statement written by three clubs, much like Hearts and Thistle pit out exactly the same statement. Can Hearts? As far as anyone can see their fees are being paid for by the benefactors that keep the club afloat.
  4. The cut from the playoffs must be near £1000000. Back in 2015 clubs tries to drop the SPFL cut from 50% to 25%. It was reported then that that would give the clubs in the playoffs £500000. The SPFL's cut gets distributed to all clubs in the leagues.
  5. Blair Sturrock son of Paul Sturrock Chris Hegarty son of Paul Hegarty Declan Glass son of Stephen Glass Kevin Gallacher grandson of Patsy Gallacher To add a few with United links.
  6. Seemingly £30000 less than we received from Hearts. Don't know if true, but that's the story.
  7. Bit of a shorter there for Bonnyrigg Rose don't you think? Should they go to court too? Again Kelty Hearts were 6 points clear of Bonnyrigg Rose. But Bonnyrigg Rose had a game in hand and 5 games to go. More chance of Bonnyrigg overtaking Kelty than Hearts getting safe. It's fantastic watching the arguments being twisted to fit the line. If it's OK for Bonnyrigg to lose out then surely it's OK for Hearts to go down?
  8. Schools still aren't definitely open. It is still back to normal for schools IF medical/scientific advice allows.
  9. All of what they didn't want to output in public was confidential contracts between BT Sport, Sky etc. We have already seen Hearts court action leaked by someone. That could only have come from Hearts, Thistle, Stranraer, United,Rovers, Cove or SPFL. I seriously doubt anyone from the Courts would have considering the handle this sort of suff all the time and it would be gross misconduct and P45 time. SPFL made a big point about not giving documents to clubs due to Contempt of Court issues. That leaves. one of the clubs. That is why they didn't. If taken at face value and they didn't lie to Lord Clark.
  10. Again,you are just going with the same thing "lobby" . They did. Journalists asked questions. The reponse was effectively, it's sport not really a priority. We also had responses from Sturgeon herself that she did not want football full stop due to in her view fans going round folks houses to watch on tv. What about ALL the other situations? You have to include those too.
  11. It is entirely possible to be 100% against the SPL's decisions in 2012 and be supportive of decisions made by SPFL in 2020. The 2012 decision were made in secret within the 5 way agreement. 2020's SPFL was made by a resolution put to the clubs for a vote by the board which contained club reps from all 4 leagues. It doesn't mean that everything is Rosey, nor you are 100% behind everything SPFL has done since they came into being 8 years ago.
  12. No we didn't, shankland isn't the top earner and last.season wasn't in the top 4 earners at the club. Again devoid of facts.
  13. NO. It has been explained countless times. Clubs could not furlough staff untill they knew the leagues were over. Clubs, not all granted, were begging for the money as they still had costs to pay for with NO money coming in. We have only had permission for contact training for less than two weeks. The Scot Government also said originally NO FOOTBALL BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. Again for what feels like an eternity asking without an answer WHEN WOULD THE GAMES BE PLAYED????
  14. See bold. See point one on previous reply. I'll say it again, that is utter bollocks. I could.explain, but I fear putting more facts in front of you will go the same way as all the other ones. It has also been commented on by myself and others many times explaining the situation at United. I also point out the answer to my second point, this is not Dundee United. This is Dundee United, RAITH ROVERS and COVE RANGERS. RR have already said this could be extremely dangerous. We do not know the deal between the 3 clubs.
  15. One that's utter bollocks Two Raith Rovers have said this could finish them. This is not DU but DU ,RR and Cove. It is also something that may well have repercussions for many clubs.
  16. That is wrong for a start. The French Prime Minister, you know the head of the French Government, states categorically that there would be NO SPORTING EVENTS INDOORS OR OUTDOORS until September. This means that no matter the one club still threatening court action does, the league cannot be finished. The only reason the French situation was passed back by the courts originally was that there had been no vote. There now has been a vote and 74.49% voted NO to expanding the league. Again like Scotland, pretty cut and dried. As as been pointed out until everyone is driven demented stating this fact, excuse my bluntness. With regards what other countries are doing, who gives a f**k?? It is completely an utterly irrelevant. As quite frankly what foreign countries with different legal systems do with their courts, completely f**k all relevance to us. Our administrative authorities, Scot Gov in Edinburgh, banned us from playing football, the medical opinion at the time, and Government rumblings was, there may be no football untill 2021. Our football clubs COULD NOT AFFORD to hang on untill then without their money from league. SPFL put forward.a proposal agreed by 81% (EIGHTY ONE PERCENT) of clubs. If it was a poor resolution they could have voted it down and proposed something different. 81% of clubs did not think this way and voted for the resolution. A few weeks later the Premiership was called.as the Government & medical opinion was it could not be played. As it turns out with UEFA's 3rd of August deadline and Scottish Government not allowing games to finish this, it definitely would not have been possible, see Northern Ireland situation. Again I could not give one flying iota of a f**k about France, England, Belgium,Italy, Croatia, Sweden, Turkey, Guatemala, Argentina etc. I am only concerned with Scotland, SFA and SPFL & what they have been allowed to do by Scottish Government. Have SPFL and SFA rules been followed. From my point of view they have. Whether you agree with those rules that is a separate issue. All other not Scottish situations can f**k off, once fucked off, f**k off some more back to the corner of "fucking irrelevance" BTW I'm sure this will be red dotted too by the Phantom Red Dotter himself. Bring it on!
  17. That has been explained. Hearts, ICT and Rangers tried to have the leagues voided. The Record reported this. ICT Chairman put out a statement in very strong terms rubbishing it. Dave McKinnon confirmed it along with 5 other Championship clubs. ICT have been very quiet since. This is what lost Budge any goodwill in Championship. Again a more friendly approach, listening to Championship clubs fears and hopes and taken on board these would have helped greatly, rather than trying to steamroller a null & void solution initially.
  18. Again for what seems like the 1 millionth time, it was not caught in a spam folder, it was caught by something far more complicated, far more advanced and at a far different level. It was caught by a mail protection system. I provided a link earlier for you to read. It is not a conspiracy, it is not a strange occurrence, it is not an unheard of scenario. It is something that is extremely common. I know I work and have worked in various IT based roles for over 20 years and have worked with these systems. It is only an issue for those ignorant of these systems, anyone else its an "and?..." moment. It is in the Deloitte report,clubs have seen this. Deloitte had access to system logs etc. As far as the IT side of this, unless you are accusing Deloitte of being corrupt and party to a conspiracy and/or corruption, then it's a non issue.
  19. Yes, because.if it was the Tannadice incident, the on the pitch outcome was correct. May have been some shenanigans with the report, but the on pitch decision was correct. My sympathies were minimal due to the fact their heads would have gone years ago if they had to put up with the decisions the rest of use have to put with against them!
  20. You could have asked to go to arbitration as per SFA rule 99 (I my have that rule number wrong) 3-4 weeks ago. Without serving SPFL, United, Rovers and Cove. Without the expense of the Court of Session. All that has happened is a vast amount of money has been spent, even more ill will created,clubs threatend with promotions rescinded. Could all have been avoided if it went to arbitration ages ago saving all of that.
  21. Looks like it, this was Scott Burns on Twitter to another United fan.
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