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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. I take it for son it translates as "jonesy"??? I know this is an emotive subject but really? Good grief!
  2. That was deliberate as Neilson realised he wouldn't get back to Hearts unless he romped the Championship!
  3. He's from Paisley, they have previous for that sort of thing
  4. Spotted that, just been hit with a couple myself. Is that Roy... other account. Seems to red dot replies to him.
  5. No it is a message board, full of folk giving their opinions and ideas on what is going round. But as posted if you are going to write post after post stating what you say as being what will happen as fact, be prepared to back it up. If you claim that someome is stupid, be prepared for them to question you further. I have the rulebook, I've read the court document. No one comes on here to try and be antagonistic to others ( well most don't) but engage in debate folk like that. They don't like condescending comment and superiority complex posts as your recent output. As said debate, read and take onboard others points. You may disagree with their point, but if backed up it's no less valid than your opinion.
  6. Exactly, changed by a resolution, voted on and passed by the members. Therefore unless the vote is declared void that resolution becomes effective. If that vote is voided, then it can be ordered to be retaken and if passed were are back to where we are now.
  7. I understand fully, but if your pointing out what will happen, it's all, if you excuse the expression, utter bollocks as its a personal opinion, hope of what will happen. If you are stating something as fact, do not be offended if someone asks for evidence to back it up. It doesn't mean they are stupid, in fact not backing something up may be taken as you are stupid due to the fact you cannot back it up with facts, but try to cover it up with bluster.
  8. The SPFL is run as a small administrative organisation, not many staff or money. All its money is pretty much the clubs prize money via league and League cup. Can they afford not to defend it, not monetary wise but reputational? The SPFL while wanting the motion thrown out, may well welcome a full hearing. May be able to bring up some of Heart's behaviour in all of this as well. 15??? What could possible bring that to mind?Far from it, hence the reason stated your post read like a Facebook post. The kids don't use that. It read low on facts, and high on wish like most Facebook posts.
  9. One thing that folk seem to forget Neil Doncaster is a solicitor, all be it in English law, the articles will have been seen by him, and seen by a legal firm prior to creation. The same as the SFL & SPL before hand. But you appear to be talking nonsense though. Reconstruction was voted on. Majority of clubs said no as it was a very poor, proposal. Your post reads like a Facebook post containing your personal reality free wish list. Sorry but can you back that up with facts please?
  10. It didn't go into a spam folder. The email was caught by a security system, similar to mail marshal. This works in conjunction with IT firewall. The email would have been caught by this. It could been because of the size of the attachment, he type of file (eg PDF or JPEG), the type of encoding used, did not fit with usual.activity from the sender address etc. Could be a multitude of reasons. Not all seem sane in the real world. The amount of false positives can be high.
  11. No where, because it doesn't contradict anything. Dundee's vote received at 4:48 this.is.not in dispute Dundee's vote which was received at 4:48 is caught by security system pertaining to emails Dundee's vote which arrived at 4:48 was not discovered to have been caught until some time later and released from this system well after 5pm. None of that is in dispute. Deloitte went over the logs etc and produced a report that was excepted by the clubs. The arguments against the report were that it didn't cover what Rangers* and others wanted it to.
  12. Again I wish people would be in possession of the full facts, we aren't running at 133% currently nor for last season. There were reasons the losses. They have been spoken about many times on here. Is it a concern, yes, is it deadly no. As long as the openness continues and the expected shrinkage of those losses towards better and more cash flow happens in line with what we are told them I am OK. IF they don't then I'll start raising my voice. Got to allow someone to somewhat they say they will (which at the moment they appear to be) before criticism
  13. You have to remember the ICT, Hearts, Rangers plan that was to void the league but hand out place based prize money. That pissed off a lot of clubs. I know ICT wrote a damning statement regarding the Record over it but 6 Championship chairman backed the story and Gardiner and ICT have been conspicuous by their absence since.
  14. That's OK. The money saved from the wage drops paid for Neilson compensation.
  15. I stopped while typing that out and thought "f**k it, everyone else is using half baked ideas just continue"!
  16. What a load of absolute bollocks!! I'd say it's more like... Hearts have been found to have been shite at their job, incompetent & just not up to standard. Due to circumstances out with anyone's control they were unable to let Hearts finish their probation and they were let go a bit early. They could have turned their performance round but unlikely. Dundee United have been given a job as they proved very good at interview & now Hearts want to stop them being employed.
  17. Listening now to the case. Let's how long it takes for legal jargon to put me to sleep!!!
  18. Austin MacPhee seemingly joined NI management team. Should still be able work at a club though, but may not be as manager.
  19. Not just since Asghar came in. I remember he broke Chris Erskine signing a couple of days before it was announced, and others too. He is fairly on the ball when it comes north east and Fife teams.
  20. McCulloch and Forrest are off to Hearts once new guy is in place.
  21. To me he has a better record than Mackay & many players & those that have worked with him say he is a fantastic coach. I'm just glad that we aren't going the usual route and entertaining different ideas.
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