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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Is your point that Aberdeen are shite? Because I think most of us have worked that out, laddie.
  2. “Bryson wanted to play on, and he probably could have but we just made the decision with the history of his ankle in recent weeks and obviously the surface. He had just rolled it as he landed.
  3. She sounded fucking terrified. Brandon baker and glen kamaro
  4. Vyner will be in midfield. Lineup looks good to me.
  5. I remember being on a training course with my work in 2014 in London and being singled out by the tutor in front of the whole group as the only Scot there. “Don’t you think it’s only fair that the English get a say in this as well as just Scotland? I feel like it’s just as important a decision for me.” Eh, how about f**k off.
  6. They’ll experiment with two or three as trials probably
  7. That’s one of the most brutal arguments I’ve read on here.
  8. The st Johnstone brain trust teaming up to great effect once again.
  9. The build up, hanging decorations and carol singing are all shite. Xmas day is about eating and getting a bit pissed and a general election does not affect that.
  10. Thanks for the lesson on the modern game, but he is still a defender.
  11. To an extent. Although 'his penalties are shite but his corners have improved' is a strange answer to the question how is your right back performing.
  12. True to form, you’ve addressed precisely none of the points raised.
  13. Even people near death should respect the polite British queuing system.
  14. Oh aye, it is absolutely laziness. BBC breakfast this morning were pandering to it doing voxpops with people banging on about 'this isn't what christmas is supposed to be about', or 'what about my christmas shopping?' etc. Utter, utter nonsense. Also a couple of people on my social media saying it has 'fucking ruined' Christmas for them. How exactly?
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