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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Danny Rogers player of the month too, someone is taking the piss
  2. Horrible news to end a horrible weekend. I suspect we will sign a keeper this month but no danger they will be of the standard of danny ward. Thanks for everything Danny, you were fantastic and a breath of fresh air. f**k jurgen klopp right in the pussy
  3. Too seething/gutted to post anything rational so not going to bother
  4. The problem is football is now a mass market product that needs to reach as big an audience as possible. Unfortunately a football match simply isn't enough to draw in those armchair fans. Just look at the EPL, they talk up all these faux rivalries between managers etc to add to the drama because it entertains the muppets who watch it. It just so happens that in this country, Celtic and Rangers are essentially a freakshow, their oh so important to them religious background is now just a marketing tool for Sky. It doesn't matter that the quality of football is awful, that's not what the armchair twat is wanting. They want red cards, fights in the stands and loud noise. Be happy that you are not sucked into that absolute drivel. Those who are in football are no better than people who are sucked into the likes of X factor or any other contrived tripe.
  5. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/keith-jackson-first-rangers-hearts-7113192 Keith Jackson outdoes himself again
  6. I might be wrong but I don't understand why the assumption is mcinnes refuses to play them. Maybe they're just not good enough? I've said on here before though I think mcinnes has placed too much weight on a core of 12-13 players and doesn't trust his squad. That's his fault for his squad composition but doesn't mean Wright etc have any right to play.
  7. Pretty sure mcinnes doesn't sign them with the vision of them being 'no marks'. They were clearly shit and they have barely featured as a result. Our youngsters don't have a right to first team action they need to earn it. I haven't seen anything from the likes of Wright to suggest he should be regularly playing in the first team.
  8. Yep that's what you should be worried about. Basically the auditors have ask, you sure this is getting built? Stewarty and co have said yep, pretty confident. Auditors not convinced clearly. Hence the disclosure in the accounts and the above paragraph in the audit opinion. The auditors will have insisted on this.
  9. Archie Knox joining the bandwagon this morning. They are seriously cranking up the 'we need Rangers' rhetoric amongst the media etc now. Can only see it getting worse.
  10. The problem we have with Stewart Milne is that legally the board of directors are there to protect the interests of Shareholders in a company and therefore a heavy part of that is finances and the financial health of a business. The company itself therefore also wants to be showing growth and feasibility for investment. So from that polarized view of it which directors are legally bound to pursue, then Stewart Milne has to believe that having Rangers back is a good "commercial" event to happen in the short run. I say short run because I believe it is a very short term view of the situation and disappointing certainly from a fans perspective as we as a club are moving forward so much without the presence of the Govan mob. While their return will undoubtedly see an uplift in tv revenue and potentially a larger away support in place of a smaller club but it risks losing something much bigger in a club that over the last few years has re-engaged with the fans and the city. If we go back to the two horse race, in a country that lets be honest is not a million miles from only having two/three european spots to fight for instead of the current four, that will be a difficult road for AFC. To my mind Milne should be looking 3/4/5 years down the line at the potential impact of the two horse race monotony returning and the club losing touch with the fans again.
  11. The quotes are taken from his interview with RedTV after the AGM. It's really disappointing to hear after such good has been happening at the club. He knows fine well the fans feelings on it so it is a slap in the face after we as a club have shown that we can prosper in their absence. It is also once again a lazy view of the future of Scottish football and how it can flourish. Just get the big team back and feed off their scraps from the tv money. Cheers Stewart.
  12. I notice the auditors have highlighted the new stadium project in their opinion. Obviously means they have their doubts about it.
  13. Probably won't be more but I'd guess Tynecastle won't be far behind Ibrox that weekend in terms of attendance
  14. Yeah we get it, it was hilarious that they died. Yet you're sat celebrating it on an internet forum 3 years on. Hence - tragic.
  15. National tabloid yeller who's very existence is to wind people up and attract interest through having controversial opinions. Yet you know that already I think.
  16. Yeah I half believed you were for real until that. Shame really, if you were real it would have been funnier
  17. While there is no evidence to suggest this is real or fake, I find it hard to believe that having been essentially threatened by HMRC that they have evidence of deceit on Rangers part that the tax manager would be sending out a letter. Seems to me to be the job of a director/legal counsel.
  18. Are BDO not appealing the big tax case on the notion that a judge may not always be right? And the SPL well...come on now
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