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Everything posted by Thereisalight..

  1. It’s true though. If I called up family and friends and met them in the park for a chinwag the police could do nothing about it as they were shown to be doing nothing at CP. it can’t be one rule for one when it suits them
  2. I think completely writing off season 20/21 is far too premature, especially with numbers going down significantly
  3. I saw on the news fans gathered outside celtic park, the police were in the background. Why weren’t they moving them along? They’re quick enough to move folk along who are sitting on park benches or sunbathing. I feel it set a precedent to allow you to go and meet your whole extended family and friends outside and the police could do hee haw about it
  4. That last line sums it all up pretty nicely! As does this. Glad there’s still people like us who can see through the BS
  5. Sadly there would still be bills to pay if there was to be a season in hibernation
  6. That’s good news. Gives me some fitba fix at least
  7. Do Bet365 show all Bundesliga games or is it just this first week back round of games?
  8. Can’t believe people are still panicking about easing lockdown measures. There’s been 2 deaths reported today (albeit it’s the tinpot weekend figures). The news tonight mentioned that “covid could be here to stay for years”. Should life be put on pause until it disappears?
  9. I’m very aware of that as it’s been rammed down our throats for months now. I’d hardly say 2 deaths in a day is a justifiable reason to continue with lockdown measures. 3 months is a long time away. The news tonight said covid could be here to stay for years, so what do we do? All stay inside and have no football etc until it goes away. Absolute madness
  10. I see no reason (apart from living in a nanny state) why we can’t play in front of fans in 3 months time.
  11. Oh definitely! No Christmas markets despite it being 6 months away and covid numbers falling each day. I think half the folk are perversely loving this pandemic and the strange rules and mindset
  12. I don’t know why Hampden was ever in doubt. There was never any talk of Wembley not hosting and London is/was the epicentre of Covd in the UK. Hopefully Hampden will get a few more games now and with better teams!
  13. I’d imagine they’d also only be working with one or two staff at a time then
  14. A big Ayrshire yearly event has been cancelled. Illuminight happens late Oct until mid Nov. It’s a walk through Dean Park for a light show. It’s very easy to maintain a 2metre distance from “strangers”. I find it odd they’ve cancelled it already when it’s 5 months away and covid numbers and deaths are falling. It seems so many people just want to write off 2020 and have nothing happening until 2021
  15. I’m hoping the barbers open again soon, but realistically they’re not going to be able to observe the 2 metre social distancing. Unless certain sectors like barbers/hairdressers will be except from that rule
  16. I don’t see why Glasgow would be one of the host cities to be in doubt. It’s hardly like we’re overrun with Covid atm let alone in over a year from now. When the tournament was first put back a year, a few media outlets were saying Glasgow might get handed MORE games. Personally I’d find it sad if Hampden didn’t get to host games, I was looking forward to going to all the games there
  17. Cuts yes, but when have we ever been dictated to about leaving town or visiting family and friends? When have those suffering mental health issues ever not had distractions to help them through, things like sports, concerts, cinema. When have entire industries had to shut up shop? Making those who work in said industries feel bored, anxious if they’re going to have a job to return to etc
  18. BBC 10 o clock news reporting on the “looming mental health crisis due to covid”. No shit Sherlock. Did they really think people being unable to see friends/family, unable to go out places as and when they please, people losing jobs, no social/leisure events to go to, being bombarded with doom and gloom 24/7 from the media, would have no effect on people? Fcking morons
  19. But but but “the second wave once lockdown is eased” will have that number tripling in a few weeks time
  20. I’ve only been skim reading this thread for the last two days. Why is there pics of the moon, the globe and talk about gravity? What’s that got to do with Covid?
  21. That “we’re all in this together” line is up there with the “new normal”, “stay safe...”. Does my fcking head in
  22. Over 70’s or people with underlying conditions would obviously not attend. Everyone else tie their scarf around their nose/mouth if they can’t buy a mask. Jobs a good un
  23. Because folk are gripped with the fear and hype over it there might never be a vaccine found so are clubs to play behind closed doors forever? Will we never be able to go to gigs again? It’s nonsense
  24. I cant the article, but 7 teams playing in the same venue? I take it that a few games will be played on the Sat/Sun? Also are fans allowed or not?
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