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Everything posted by Thereisalight..

  1. On my phone I can get it full screen but not on the iPad
  2. Hopefully it won’t be too small on the iPad
  3. They show alot of live games throughout the season never Scottish or English top flight though. I’ll watch any league right now tbh!
  4. Its on tonight on the BBC Scotland channel. I’m sure it’s all the “films” of this season so far.
  5. I signed up tonight for Bet365 purely as they’re showing games! Do they not usually show live games on Bet365?
  6. Definitely not. I didn’t check my phone in case I “jinxed” it but the couple beside me kept checking their phone and providing updates to me! Everything about that day is still so clear in my mind. I hope it always will be
  7. Do we reckon we’ll see any “junior” (you know what I mean) games happening July/Aug that fans will be able to attend?
  8. They/Sturgeon need to announce a lockdown exit plan and soon. At least it would give people some hope of “normality” returning and something to look forward to
  9. It was a fantastic crowd for the Stranraer game, even more so as I’m sure BBC Alba were showing it live! I went along to the Albion Rovers game believing we had blown it the week before. I know a few folk who didn’t go for that very reason. Through good and bad I’ve been at Somerset , and I wouldn’t have missed that day for the world
  10. I still stand by it. Life can’t remain in limbo forever...or until a vaccine is found. We need to start being able to make choices for ourselves
  11. I’d hazard a guess it’s to ramp up the scaremongering and fear levels, making people easier to “dictate” to
  12. The Telegraph reporting that a worse strain of Covid will happen this winter. Are we all happy to continue lockdown until Spring 2021? No fun, a lot of people without jobs, no seeing family/friends? To me that isn’t living. I’d rather take my chances, just like I do every day in the sense that I could get run over by a bus, or have a drink driver crash into me
  13. What's she going to Silverburn for? Some TV thing at “the big Tesco”
  14. 4 years ago today since we beat Stranraer on pens to win promotion. A terrible game, but a fantastic outcome
  15. Already so many people I know are meeting friends/family. That stupid lassie that broadcast giving her pal a haircut a few weeks ago, put a post up yesterday round at her friends house celebrating her 50th birthday. Today she’s put on she’s away up to Silverburn. Folk are so “over” lockdown
  16. There is no way social distancing of 2 metres will be able to be adhered to at primary schools, especially with the young kids aged 5/6. They’re going to naturally run up to pals etc. I can’t see the 2m rule being able to be carried out with the likes of bin men in the lorry. Same with hairdressers/barbers/beauticians, there’s no way they can be 2metres away from you whilst doing treatments. The notion that social distancing is here to stay for the long term (or until the mythical vaccine is found) is a bit far fetched in certain workplaces
  17. They can’t even allow the boy to have a black jumper. The teacher should be thankful her black dress managed to remain
  18. I know! Folk wanting her charged and tagging the MP/MSP asking for advice on what should be “done about her”
  19. Massive rage on the local FB page. A girl that posted her text message saying she had covid on Sunday, was out and about in the local supermarkets today. Folk wanting her charged by the police etc for putting lives at risk. Better not tell my Mum as she was in the supermarket at the same time as her
  20. I reckon the Scottish figures won’t be much different tbh *obviously not death figures
  21. I also saw a report saying 1 in 400 people in England have/or have had coronavirus. So if a game was played at Somerset, 3 people in the crowd would have it. Not a particularly scary number imo
  22. Then the negative by the Telegraph - “second more deadly wave of coronavirus to hit Europe this winter”. So there we have it, the fearful will be locked indoors until Spring 2021. What a wonderful life for them
  23. The IHME predicting that the UK may see zero covid deaths on July 30th.
  24. Jeez. Things like that, and also the thought of what restaurants will be like make the “future” sound like a very horrible horrible place. Not pleasurable at all
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