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Tony Ferrino

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Everything posted by Tony Ferrino

  1. Most of us buy packaged food. Nonces that pick up unwrapped cucumbers at farm shops use baskets.
  2. Fucking horrible stuff. I accidentally saw some vids and people were only giving cpr and no mouth to mouth. Is that a cultural thing?
  3. Told my 15 year old daughter about this stuff a while ago and she recently sent me this from her Tiktok. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF6cCPVo/
  4. South Africans are a bunch of arrogant b*****ds who hate black people.
  5. Hadn't noticed that one tbh. Was thinking 'Richard Tarzan".
  6. Not sure how true this is buts a great idea.
  7. We've looked online for help when naming previous hamsters. Can be a tough read.
  8. Had one for about a week before Mrs F unplugged it and tidied it away somewhere she can't remember.
  9. My daughter's hamster is called Madonna. She got her last year and couldn't think of a name, so she turned on MTV and waited for the next female singer to come on.
  10. We've had a big pair of Wood Pigeons visiting our back garden for a while now. Last summer they walked into the kitchen looking for food. I had no idea and when they saw me one of them flew into a window and fell into the sink. Literally shat itself and I had to wash all the dishes again.
  11. Just horrific. What the parents must be going through. I grew up in the late 70's and 80's and we never heard of stuff like this. My own teenage kids now get to hear stuff like this regularly before I do. They shrug it off when we try to talk but what is being built up?
  12. First thing would probably be to get any siblings, or others, not to contest. My sister did that with us but she was OK.
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