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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. Why not play Armstrong at right wing back? We're at home, against a side from a lower division, in a competition that barely matters. Use the wingbacks as an attacking force that also defends, rather than the other way around. That's why there's three other defenders behind them! Oh look, turns out I am worked up about it. But FFS, John. What does it take to stop playing McKay at right wing back? The first time he ambles up to the half way line and then shuffles the ball sideways to Spencer or Matthews, who's had no other option but to come short, I'm going to scream. Scream! Also, we've got four big centre halfs on the pitch, so we'll definitely concede a headed goal. Probably from a set piece.
  2. Best stay in the hoose then. It's only the Challenge Cup, so I'm not going to get too worked up, but FOR f**k SAKE
  3. Like a hot hammer through butter. Don't bother waiting for the highlights of that one, just look back at Gullan's goal against Clyde. Carbon copy. Cutting inside, ball rifled inside the keeper's near post from 20 yards.
  4. Oof. Wait til you see this ball over the top from Danny "Roberto Carlos" Armstrong. Great finish, too. I love John Baird, the wee badge kissing rascal.
  5. MacDonald picked up a knock on the first half. Took a heavy hit on the ankle from Mark Stewart. He's off at half time for Armstrong, who'll be trying his hand at being a left wing back. I prefer a converted winger to a converted centre half, so we'll see how this goes, but we really can't afford to be missing the only left back at the club.
  6. Delightful composure from Jamie Gullan. One of those one-on-ones Greig Spence used to always miss - days and days to think about how he's going to get past the keeper. Complete breakaway, immediately following the only 30 seconds of the half that had any concerted Stranraer pressure. Them's the breaks. I'm glad we got the goal though, as a reward for the patience the team showed in that half. Without our stars, we were going to have to probe and prod to get chances. Despite what some of the eejits in the stand might think, the best way to do that is keep the ball, and look for gaps. It's not by launching the ball long for Baird and Bowie. Given the position Bowie has been taking up, I'd be tempted to swap him for Armstrong relatively soon. He's been playing more as a wide forward than an out and out striker, and he's not getting much change out of the defence.
  7. I'm not convinced I can sit and watch the football at Stark's without earphones in any more. The number of absolute morons in this stand is unreal.
  8. Apologies if this endless shape chat is boring everyone, but it's more like Baird leading the line with Gullan and Bowie in support, rather than a front two with one behind. Fairly fluid though, that front three. Bowie in particular has been drifting wide.
  9. And again. Stranraer's Hilton doesn't look interested in covering or following MacDonald. The right back really isn't happy about it!
  10. It is indeed the 3-4-1-2. First passage of play has MacDonald in acres of space in the left wing zone. Fingers crossed that's a sign of things to come.
  11. Agreed, on both counts. I think it has to be the 3-4-1-2, and I'm pleased to see it. It looks like we're leaving some of our better individual attackers on the bench, but we've never looked anywhere near as cohesive with any other system. That said, without Vaughan or Hendry, it puts a lot of onus on Gullan to play between the lines, and I can't say I've seen too much of that from him. Hopefully the wing-backs pushing on helps to create chances for the front two.
  12. That's McKay back in the starting line up. It better be a back three. If he's a right back again, I'm going to go fucking ballistic.
  13. I can't see anything about that in the rules. The only limitations I can see are: - No more than one player from another club in the same division - No more than two players from another club in a different division - No more than four loans, in total, at any one time
  14. Can't remember seeing a manager that cut up in an interview. A wee bit of a tough watch. For countless reasons, I dearly wish Hendry's scan comes back with good news, but looking at that interview... You fear the worst.
  15. Surprised that East Fife decided to see out the game, in the end. Won't get many better chances to beat the Rovers at Stark's. That said, we had the chances and didn't take them. I'd have taken a point before the game, with our injuries. Coupled with the Falkirk result, a good day.
  16. McGurn with a huge save. There's three points here for someone. And whoever it is, their post match interview is going to start "We weren't at our best today...".
  17. Dingwall this time. Harder chance, but he had two men in support. Straight at the keeper. We've had the chances.
  18. Gullan has just missed an absolute sitter. 15 yards out, laid on a plate after good work by Bowie, only the keeper to beat... Side foots it straight at him. He's had a good game so far but... oof. No excuses for that.
  19. Rovers have started the second half better than they played at any point in the first. Still not Barcelona, but creating half chances.
  20. Tell you what, I think that could've been a red. Ugly challenge on Bowie as he is a right 's to capitalise on a bad pass in the back line. Nobody else between him and the goal, albeit he was 40 yards out.
  21. The goal came from a chipped ball over the top. Benedictus did deal with it, but he could only knock it back into the middle. Boyd's control was excellent, took it away from Spencer, and the shot was well taken. McGurn got fingers to it, maybe could've done better, but that's probably doing the striker a disservice. Agnew's set pieces have been very dangerous, too. Nothing clear cut from them yet, but very good deliveries.
  22. As you would expect, we look disjointed and short of inspiration. The Rovers players have expended more energy berating the ref for some soft decisions than they have creating any meaningful chances. MacDonald getting forward looks like our best route to goal, which probably tells you everything you need to know.
  23. Thought it was a 4-4-2 at first, but looks more like a 4-2-3-1 with Gullan in the hole. I think we'll need a virtuoso performance from either Armstrong or Dingwall if we're to win this one.
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