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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. Vaughan has every right to anticipate contact when faced with such an aggressive team and fanbase IMO.
  2. Good triumphs over evil. You simply love to see it.
  3. We've been all to bits since half time, moving people and formation every five minutes. I think we'd just finally gone to something that might work and the equaliser has gone in. Big ask to go on and try to retake the lead because we've had no semblance of control since before the break. Fifteen minutes asking a shattered Vaughan and Hamilton to try and maintain a press was a ludicrous waste of time and effort.
  4. Quitongo going off. Hope it's nothing insignificant.
  5. Total switch off and lack of communication on our left hand side there. We had three players over to cover Morton's three but managed to get completely fangled and leave one completely free. After that, it was obvious that Muirhead, who turns into Ibrahimovic every time we come up against him, would score. I think you'd want your keeper doing better, though. Very central.
  6. Penalty looked soft. Could see it coming a mile away and the defender needs to be savvier, but Vaughan (?) was absolutely looking for it.
  7. If you think Milne is terrible defensively, I can only assume you've never watched literally any other full back in this division try to defend.
  8. Millen being back would be huge on that front. I've absolutely nothing against Scott McGill, but fielding a defence with everyone playing in their natural position is going to make a huge difference.
  9. It sounds to me like someone has been pinging out texts along the lines of "Hey its me Frankie/Sean/Jamie/Aiden, I lost my phone and this is my new number, can you add me back into the group chat?" but that it's escalated from that recently. I don't know what the most charitable explanation is. That it's an overzealous Ayr fan who's just trying to get an inside track? But then why turn nasty? Very, very weird.
  10. My card hasn't arrived yet (although I do have the email and the Fanbase wallet).
  11. Groundsman has maybe gone over the score with the weedkiller there.
  12. Not a daft question at all, it's been heavily debated! General consensus seems to be one size up from your usual, aye.
  13. I'm surprised Ngwenya has decided he's happy going in behind Milne, who he's got absolutely no chance of supplanting. I think he showed enough last year to demonstrate that he's good enough to play Championship football. He never looked out of place when he got time on the park, but he was very much second fiddle to Liam Dick, and Milne is twice the player Dick is. He never asked, but if I was advising him I'd have said Thistle is the last place he should go. At his age and ability, he needs to be starting games every week. For Thistle though, it's an excellent capture. He's not going to win Player of the Year, but I think he's about as good as you'll get as an undisputed back up.
  14. Aye, it's exactly this. Murray has been talking up the 4-1-3-2 in pre-season but I suspect that's been down to who he's had available rather than any real desire to play it. For basically all of pre-season (and Saturday), we've been playing with three "profiles" in midfield. Someone sits, someone links, and the rest attack. Since we played Montrose, Stanton has been sitting, and Easton has been tasked with making sure the attack isn't isolated from Stanton. Byrne lets everyone move up a category into where they're more natural. Stanton gets to drive from deep instead of holding, and Easton goes back into the attacking pack. Someone else drops out of that attack, and on form it's probably Vaughan although for some reason I wonder if it might not be Callum Smith, with Easton going back to the left. Whoever makes the starting eleven, we should have a bench that stacks up remarkably compared to last season, even accounting for our usual injury pile-ups.
  15. Rovers confirming on Twitter that this is indeed just an initial allocation for the game at The Grant Anderson Backward Header Stadium.
  16. Likewise. I'd heard "holding a belt buckle" (possibly in an Ian Rankin novel?) but I thought it was a joke, like holding a computer mouse.
  17. How did Jamie MacDonald get on on Saturday? I'm looking forward to seeing him back at Stark's so unexpectedly soon.
  18. But only with the permission of the Sheriff, and not after 10pm.
  19. I could easily imagine that game playing out almost in reverse if it had been the Rovers who'd scored in the first five minutes. Williams in particular looked shakey as the game began but Thistle taking the lead let him and the rest of the Thistle side settle into a rhythm while the Rovers looked rushed and panicky. Both sides, in their current configuration, are clearly much happier when they're on the front foot and they've got a bit of impetus. As for the Rovers coming out after half time and not giving up, they certainly didn't give up but I felt we were playing poorer in the half hour after the break than we did in the first half. We really needed the substitutions - from both sides - to change the nature of the game.
  20. Deary me, Liam Dick, that first goal. Hands Lawless off to... nobody. Doesn't look, doesn't have any idea where Lawless has got to until the ball goes out to him and he's got all the time in the world to put his cross in.
  21. I've seen Alan Hansen. And Charlie Mulgrew ain't no Alan Hansen.
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