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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. It would seem so, but rather than helping our disabled supporters it appears he's more concerned with pulling the fire alarm and seeing if anyone in a wheelchair gets up to flee.
  2. To save anyone else the chore of having to actually look at FanTalk, it appears that someone buying a Disabled season ticket for his boy was asked which GP he uses, and then the club's "Disability Access Officer" phoned the surgery. It really is a shambolic operation.
  3. I'm not entirely sure that the person running our social media 'understands' inverted commas.
  4. Brothers and sisters are natural enemies, like Todd Lumsden and Bobby Barr. Or Paul Martin and Bobby Barr. Or Yogi Hughes and Bobby Barr. Or Raith Rovers fans and Bobby Barr. Damn Bobby Barr! He ruined Bobby Barr.
  5. There's nothing I love more than when this thread descends into increasingly niche Simpsons references. "I'm not wearing a League One winner's medal at all!"
  6. That's why you're the manager, and I'm the... Goal... Savey... Guy.
  7. Jordan Thompson made his full international debut last night. Utterly ridiculous that we were relegated with the players we had.
  8. He also retweets things that say "RT this or you'll have bad luck for three years".
  9. Whilst that's definitely true, I feel like rape is a hill worth dying on.
  10. I suppose it means he's just probably a rapist, rather than definitely one. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I'd prefer if it was more likely that our players hadn't raped someone.
  11. Definitely shouldn't be signing Goodwillie. No self-respecting "community" club would.
  12. Sim in the paper saying that selling Callachan was his choice... Because he couldn't stand in the boy's way! Think I might scream.
  13. Yup, not the kind of leadership that should be rewarded with the purchase of a season ticket. Unless there are some very impressive noises in the near future, it'll be the first year in at least ten that I don't have one.
  14. Meh, style of football is really the manager's remit, at this level. You're never going to have the size of football infrastructure required to embed a "philosophy". What I'd like to see is a bit more personality emanating from the club. Beyond the standard articles and interviews in the papers, the only real output from the club has been a couple of decent YouTube videos and a couple of tweets from Craig Easton. Someone's obviously trying, there's evidence of an attempt to build a brand, but there's no overall buy-in from the club. Motherwell are by far and away the best at it, but Dunfermline could well be running them a close second. You only have to look at the tweets from their players after they lost to Dundee United. Look at the Twitter timeline of Fraser Aird (https://twitter.com/FraserAird) to see how easy it is. He's engaging fans constantly, and there's a clear link back to the club's branding etc. He's not doing that himself, that's driven. James Craigen is another one. He's even managed to get a sponsor's name on there too. This is where modern football lives. You can't just ignore people for a week and expect them to turn up on a Saturday. People are being bombarded by "media" all the time, and you need to be there. You get more people down on a Saturday and, crucially, you get greater control over the message. You can turn players into personalities very easily, and you can build on that. Hell, in two short training ground videos you could've turned Bobby Barr from a guy who's picking fights with fans to a guy who cares so much that he'll go through walls to get it. You could've sold t-shirts with his face on them.
  15. Question: do you reckon the transfer fee we received for Ross Callachan was more or less than the difference in prize money between first and second place?
  16. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to go and watch that mob in the playoffs.
  17. If there's a theme to this season, it's failing to cope with pressure. Both Ayr and the Rovers have thrown away eight point leads, at different times.
  18. Aye, I don't see the harm. It made me laugh. The club had very conspicuously retired the "#roaringback" tagline a few weeks ago, and this is its public return. Of course they'll look a little silly if we don't get promoted, but frankly, that'll be the least of anyone's worries. If its retweets and shares get one more person into the ground on Saturday, it's done its job.
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