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Everything posted by alta-pete

  1. And does that model work if you extrapolate the numbers exponentially?
  2. I think what you might mean is we’re a couple of weeks behind England?
  3. Neighbour behind us was splashing creosote all over the shop. Made a right mess of our side of the fence. Wife took the rage and the only thing she could find to tidy it up was the paint we used for wee Billy’s bedroom. Looks great now tbf.
  4. You know you’re skating on thin ice when johnny Red Adair dun starts dishing out the telts.
  5. VLs. VLs everywhere.... they walk among us.
  6. Pollok Park one day, Glasgow Green the next?? WTF M74? I have a sensation you’re maybe no taking this ‘once a day’ exercise advice seriously,
  7. I know we’re all in lockdown and it’ll be raising tensions and blood pressures everywhere but f**k me there’s an awful lot of people playing the c**t, being deliberately obtuse and not using common sense. You know who you are.
  8. As was said, he was on Off the Ball yesterday. He was asked if he was, like most of us, drinking more? No, he was working too hard. He was however looking forward to sitting down with a glass of something nice in October. Make of that what you will...
  9. It’s a boring theme of mine. At both the beginning and end of life, there is nothing that comes close to the quality of care given by the NHS. It is the variously unwell spectrum that take up the vast majority of capacity that have no idea how lucky they are yet make the most noise about waiting times and the like.
  10. See some of you bickering fandans? f**k knows what it must be like working with some of ye’s!!
  11. Surely it’s not only me that sees the delicious irony in this?
  12. The wife manages a team in financial services. Was spitting feathers as the big bosses shouted with glee as to how they were essential key workers and how they all therefore had to be in the office. Tables turned Monday night, all were swiftly redeployed at home working on laptops. Result? Productivity has gone through the roof. Future result in my view? Almost certainly a cut in numbers, wfh becomes normal for (say) 2 or 3 days a week, office will become a hot desk arrangement, physical office downsizes by 50% or more and cost savings will be huge. Ergo bigger big boss bonuses nae doot
  13. Taking more obscure less travelled paths and the few dog walkers that we do come across are all very well behaved, dogs back on leads and we’ll passed before letting them off again. However, the number of arseholes in the local park letting their dogs run riot seems to have increased exponentially.
  14. I expect in any event the Army wouldn't be a huge amount of use in the English Channel anyway chief. They'd get their boots wet..
  15. I have a (free) app on my phone that shows planes in the air. Anyone who lives near an airport will, I am sure, have noticed the reduced traffic. I picked up on this wee private jet flying across Ireland (note PnB airspace has zero active planes) but tracking back his flight path is it any wonder USA has a bigger problem than they might be admitting to?
  16. Mind phone 111 in advance. It saves a huge amount of triage waiting time at A+E.
  17. Has anybody yet mentioned Britney’s chef d’oevre?
  18. An admirably noble but sadly naive stance. No matter the cash in the bank, no company is going to pay workers to sit idle when there is no real prospect of work for them. No work? Oot the door. There’s a reason we’ve migrated to the term ‘human resource’.
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