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hk blues

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Posts posted by hk blues

  1. 4 hours ago, Pens_Dark said:

    They'll never extend a kit in to a new season as with, with every new one, there is an opportunity to make money from fans off of a new kit. 

    I love this seasons kit but I look forward to every macron kit we bring out as they have mostly been really good.

    Aye...the reason they release a new kit every season is because folk want to buy one. 

  2. 14 hours ago, coprolite said:

    Some very vain imbeciles inject synthetic oils into their muscles to look like they've got bigger muscles. Prompted by the Enhanced Games thread where i'd assumed i was on the wrong side of a wind up, but it looks like it's actually a real thing. Still feels like a massive hoax, like the flat earth thing. 

    Wait, what? 

  3. On 18/03/2024 at 18:11, Empty It said:

    What the f**k made them think this was a good idea?

    Also there must be some mad shaggers in Aberdour.




    Must be a badly-worded article.  Surely it means they created the artwork in just one afternoon? 

    Alternatively, I'm being whooshed! 

  4. 8 hours ago, Molotov said:

    Daniel Radcliffe and Gordon Ramsay pointing the way of the potential 5G erection….


    “A rural village has been left split over plans to build a huge 100ft 5G mast, with some desperate for the better phone signal it will bring while others worry it will harm the countryside.“

    Greavsie not looking too happy but considering he died in 2021 I guess that's to be expected.

  5. 11 minutes ago, bennett said:


    Council summoned me for interview under caution because my bin lid was slightly open'

    Nurse Rachel Cain said she was 'flabbergasted' after Flintshire Council wrote to her


    A grandmother claims she was summoned for an interview under caution for having her wheelie bin lid slightly open. Nurse Rachel Cain said she was left "flabbergasted" after being asked to attend an interview with Flintshire Council on April 2.

    She claims she went to the council's depot in Alltami to check why they had written to her, and was shown two pictures of her bin lid slightly open. Flintshire Council said it couldn't comment on individual cases.

    Grandmother-of-two Ms Cain, 43, of Yowley Road, Ewloe, said: "I received a letter from the council to say I am required to be interviewed under caution at the council's depot in Alltami on April 2. This obviously scared the life out of me as I’m a nurse and consider myself a good person.

    AlanPartridge Shrugs (@partridgeshrugs) / X

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ross. said:


    I don’t think it’s too difficult. The sister looking after the mum should just tell the sibling acting the c**t that for reasons of long term financial planning she will need to start charging for time worked as a carer, and send the c**t a bill for their share of everything that has been done so far.

    Proving my point. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    We have a friend who moved back with her parents about ten years ago to care for them - her dad was in end stages of cancer and he died shortly after, her mum is very frail and needs someone there to help her.  She has several siblings, who have spread out over the world and have families of their own so don't see much of them.  After a few years, her mum wanted to change the will to give her daughter the house outright when she died - it's her home, she lives there has done for years etc.  One of her siblings objected, said that they need the money for long term planning.  I don't know legally where they stand but it's just appalling behaviour IMO.  There is a lot more they'll inherit rather than just the house but they want to squeeze every last few quid out of it, no matter the impact on their sister who has looked after their parents for years.  The house is not some country pile, it's a completely normal family home. 

    It's a difficult one - I'm a great believer that when it comes to parent's assets they should be split equally except in exceptional circumstances. Doing otherwise can just drive a wedge amongst siblings even though it's done with the best of intentions. 

  8. 19 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:

    It has been illegal to not wear a seat belt when driving since 1983

    It has been illegal to use a phone while driving since 2003

    The reduction of limits and constant news about drink driving means everyone must know it.

    You would have to be pretty old to be able to say 'when I learned to drive I didn't need to belt up, or not use a phone when driving, and a couple of drinks were OK'

    I cannot understand how people taught to drive in the last twenty years don't know these basics.

    They know - they just choose to believe such trivial stuff doesn't apply to them as they are invincible and expert drivers with all of a couple of years experience behind them. 

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