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Posts posted by stan3600

  1. Thought Wighton would've made more of an impact. What was Arbroath fans thoughts?

    I was surprised too given how good he was in his first loan for us. I expected him and Jack Hamilton to be a great partnership. He showed flashes of skill but didn’t make an impact. He couldn’t have been showing much in training because Dick quickly switched to favouring Donnelly.
  2. A few standouts for me yesterday.
    Bobby was near his brilliant best. He really added a threat we were lacking and was always demanding the ball.
    TOB was imperious in defence as always and looked like he could win it on his own.
    McKenna never stopped running and really looked the Championship player of the season.

  3. Even if they did communicate, surely it still would have made sense to go over and speak to the linesman, if for no other reason it would have diffused the situation perhaps. I genuinely don't think they did communicate however as the linesman never flagged at all over the incident and was still running towards the corner flag. Collum guessed at his decision and got it badly wrong. 

    Did Jack Hamilton win the ball? Yes. Was he past the defender? Yes. Did the defender put his arms round Hamilton and bring him down? Yes. Was he the last man? Yes. Would VAR have changed the decision? no. I was standing level with it. It was obvious. What’s your problem?
  4. I was at the game and couldn’t really understand the “Willie Collum is a disgrace” and “Arbroath had 12 men” stuff so I rewatched on iPlayer to check my maroon glasses. Michael Stewart was mental. He should be dropped for a while to calm down. For the straight red the defender put his arms round Jack as he fell and brought him down - a pretty obvious red and one that VAR would never overturn. The two yellows that got Duffy sent off were straightforward too. For the second one he flew in studs first with both feet off the ground and clattered Bobby.

    Caley defended well but deserved every card they got.

  5. Yeah, I figured someone would pop that question and thought about qualifying what I said in my original post at the time.
    My memory (without checking detailed stats ... as you know, I'm too lazy for that) is of Arbroath being in the top tier in the 70s.  So yes, it was a two tier structure back then and I think the top league was something like 18 teams.  So Arbroath finishing second in the Championship would equate to being 14th in the overall league structure this season and hence safely being clear of relegation in terms of the early 70's league structure.
    My point was that old gits like me can recall Arbroath featuring in the top flight - albeit that the top flight from the 60s/70s was indeed a different beast (size) to that of the current sad cartel (ooops, sorry, "top flight").

    Arbroath finished 13th in 1973-74, so one place higher than this season.

  6. I think that ten minute period on Tuesday where we had about five good chances missed is a bit of a omen. Having to go to Arbroath and scoring will be very tough and I wonder the pressure will be too much for us.

    I was at Gayfield on the opening day and we somehow won despite Arbroath absolutely battering us for twenty minutes at the end (Remember saying after the game that Arbroath would definitely stay up! [emoji1787]).

    The pressure is on us big time tonight and I’m not sure we can handle that.

    One bad mistake by an 18 year old loanee cost us the opening day match. I remember thinking we couldn’t afford to drop points like that if we were to avoid relegation.

  7. Hamilton won’t make it for Livingston imo. Low will struggle in the top flight due to barely being able to train let alone keep fit and Ricky Little is a very average centre half who can do the basics at this level very well but is made better by O’Brien.

    O’Brien is the only one that would go a start for a Premiership team at the minute.

    Henderson will be good enough at either centre back or left back.
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