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Everything posted by 101

  1. They clearly think they have made it mandatory in every reasonable scenario as far as they feel it's proportional. Their employer might not be a hospital but they can check a temperature. Also I think it would be odd to wear a mask into the factory floor and then take it off and put it back on when you go to the toilet etc etc.
  2. Exactly the Govt couldn't visit every work place and set out the exact measures because some places will have 3 people in a 300m2 shed. It's up to the employer to decide they could temperature check everyone staggered the shifts all the stuff supermarkets can't for members of the public. They will comply if 2m distancing is maintained at all times and masks are worn in all common areas, canteens, corridors, entrances, changing rooms etc etc. If you feel unsafe at work then you can 100% speak to the union regardless if you feel it's breaking legislation or not.
  3. Except they are not the same as shops they control who can go in. I would assume your dad's employer is more than confident that 2m distancing can be maintained at all times otherwise masks would be mandatory under the legislation. It's his workplaces interpretation that you have issue with rather than the legislation. If it's such an issue speak to his colleagues, speak to the union and threaten action.
  4. England seem intent on becoming some kind of waste land by the looks of it. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/bees-kill-pesticide-insect-sugar-neonic-b1784693.html
  5. Free speech lol they banned everything but racism I think we disregarded it from the moment it was set up.
  6. Masks are not mandatory in non communal areas to me a factory floor as a communal area like a corridor would be in an office therefore a mask would be mandatory. Also that is the very minimum requirement so a wee call with the HSE to report that he feels unsafe would be wise
  7. Probably saw his Twitter followers drop
  8. Well he's rebranded the Brexit Party into the Reform party at at 11 they will be announcing what they will be doing in Scotland for the coming election. But I have to agree the only caveat I would add is who will get less support "Reform UK" or the "Unity Alliance". I think Reform are an anti lockdown party which is interesting.
  9. Nigel Farage says the fact you can't sit on a park bench is "disturbing" and there was me thinking that now he's had his way he would slink off into the sun
  10. 1100 sites now in Scotland to get the vaccine 750 are GP practices but good to see a fair chunk of non medical facilities being used. Only just over 3000 staff doing them so hopefully as the number of sites grow staffing them will rise with that. I think have so many locations is far better than England having something like 6 meaning folk have to travel.
  11. There ought to be editorial guidelines brought in for this. Of course legitimate challenge shouldn't be prohibited but when the vaccine has jumped through every hoop to confirm its safety they seem strange articles to write and publish. Tbh I'm not sure other than issues in the roll out that there are many legitimate concerns anyone could have about the vaccines or why the BBC have chosen to write them.
  12. You'll be fine I had the 2 lower ones out which apparently are the tricky ones and a few days of discomfort and rinsing with sterile mouth wash I was fine. Only thing to prepare yourself for is I got dots all over my face at it was bruising from when the doctors had been pulling my jaw open obviously you're under so can't feel a thing but the bruises look weird
  13. I swear between that and the story about one doc reporting that a patient wanted the "English" one, that the editor of the website is some Anti Vax moron
  14. That's pretty stark reading between 5/7000 deaths from this. It's an easily consumable fact but 7000 grieving families and friends is much harder to comprehend. And what a shit time it is be be grieving a loved one, hopefully brighter days are round the corner.
  15. colour me shocked that the UKg are playing politics with the roll out. 1, I hope this isn't the case 2, hope it gives everyone involved in Scotland a kick up the arse
  16. Completely agree but hope someone has a proper look into it as the very least the families deserve. And hopefully will mean other families don't have to go through the same pain.
  17. Could eventually get that way. If an employee went in knowingly positive then of course they are likely to the the ones liable. However I'm sure employment lawyers would be queuing up to make sure Tesco are following the rules to the letter are they doing everything reasonable to ensure social distancing is adhered to, I would argue not since they chucked the one way system. Are they doing everything possible to keep hard surfaces clean, I would argue not, my sister was taken on just to clean the high touch areas for 8 hours a day, this job no longer exists and she does deliveries. But this isn't in Dundee who may do things differently. I'm sure Tesco are doing everything reasonable however to have 3 deaths in one shop seems like something the Trade Unions and the Health and Safety Exec should be looking at.
  18. Clearly this woman hasn't thought about controling the narrative once she released the story. If she felt her family had been wronged by the police take the video the the police complaints and let them decide don't open your family up to press interest just so you're able to start a pile on of the police.
  19. Tesco are in deep shit then surely opens them wide up for a civil prosecution possibly even a criminal one if say a one person went to the shop after knowingly having Covid. Such a sad story hopefully the families who have lost someone will be looked after.
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