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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Oh she won did she I must have missed that. I suppose you're right though no way professional polling companies in the USA are aware of the electoral college and factor that in.
  2. A moron knows how sampling works and how unreliable it can be. Did you see many polls predicting a trump win?
  3. I don't need convincing I know the numbers. Have a look into it.
  4. Or all of the above. You're union at all costs though.
  5. I am cause it is. Have a look into it. Btw you're using polls of a thousand people as evidence of the views of six million. I would say your methodology is slightly more flawed than mine champ.
  6. Again champ, polls are irrelevant and unreliable. Do some reading.
  7. I think you could do with looking into it a little more champ. The numbers are insurmountable for yes.
  8. Aye they had a referendum champ, kind of supercedes your poll. The UN.
  9. N Ireland is also a colony champ. Your mental gymnastics are never going to be able to make colonialism a good thing. Keep trying though, amazing how blind and ignorant people become when it's their country involved.
  10. I just meant the first paragraph. The second one is pretty good.
  11. You mean the islands adjacent to Scotland? Remind me where Gibraltar is champ. It's hilarious to watch British people become all prissy when their colonialism is questioned. Hypocrisy writ large.
  12. Absolute hit piece against Corbyn on channel four news right now, about anti semitism. Absolute hysterical nonsense every word of it. Hilarious, really enjoying it. His chances of winning an election are now zero. Brilliant viewing.
  13. Actually they just voted that way in a referendum, a referendum they had voted to have eighteen times btw. You don't speak for them. I never mentioned Scotland.
  14. All colonialism is wrong, illegal and should be reversed wherever practically possible. Gibraltar is pure colonialism, in the 21st century. It's abhorrent, and the UK would and has gone to war over things like that. It's just wrong, and literally only British people can't see it. Catalonia is being held against its will, and is a territory controlled directly by another, the textbook definition of a colony.
  15. Well you shouldn't be such a stupid whineass then
  16. Realistically Gibraltar should be part of Spain and there's no problems.
  17. Actually none of us have said that champ. Youre a poor troll HB.
  18. Hmm...the Council had a vote ? I must have missed that bit. Here's me thinking we all had an individual vote each and they added them all up. The Council voted ? Troll.
  19. Aye OK "champ". Labour are trying to be pragmatic in a Tory shitstorm. You are just shouting "I want" "I want" and foot stamping. As ever "want doesn't get" and we might have to put up with a compromise sadly. What about the poor anti EU Nats does their vote not count either ? Labour are fully supportive of the shitstorm champ. And individual voters arent important, every council area in scotland voted remain you troll.
  20. And once again "champ" the true stamp of Pep's unease about the truth about his own opinion. Mate you're a self confessed troll. What you think doesn't matter. Labour are currently supportive of the UK separating from the largest trading block in the world. They are separatists.
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