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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Yeah me too, when they talk of the 'home' counties I assumed they meant the central but, turns out they don't
  2. Tbf ifyourside lost the rreferendum you'd probably still be crying now and saluting the butchers apron with gstq on fullvolume Iif you hadn't headed straight for a bridge. So if the guy bannedhhimself it's really not that big a deal. t
  3. Yes it does, maybe you're struggling with the meaning of words. What you mean is you think it's shit. That doesn't mean it is shit, that's just your opinion.
  4. 'Shit' is subjective Mr pedant. Nothing can be 'clearly shit'.
  5. He really is just a troll. It's a sad waste of intellect. When he grows up he may be quite engaging.
  6. No it means most catalonians want independence because, shock horror...Most catalonians want independence. M its a simple fact.I'm afraid smart as you may be you don't get to arbitrarily decide the views, of millions of people in a foreign country and misrepresentmthem on a football forum, even though it gives you great trolling material. And you just m have to sneer at them don't you, is there anything in the world good enough for You? They may have a shit cathedral but you've got a shit personality and no doubt shit face too so they win. Unlucky.
  7. You really are breathtakingly arrogant whilst being equally ignorant sometimes,. Believe me catalonians very much do want independence, perhaps you've never been there or met any. It's overwhelming. y
  8. Have you read your Posts? Grow up and make a serious point I might address it
  9. What is this? Is this your attempt at debate? Pathetic
  10. course it does, you may refuse to admit that but that doesn't change the facts.
  11. millions and millions of people in England do that's why thy write that you clown if the readership wasn't receptive to it they wouldn't. As for self persecuting coming from a BritNatthats rich.
  12. What does this even mMean? Scotland is not part of a partnership in any way, shape or for. Scotland is governed by another country.
  13. Who is they you mean their millions of Readers?
  14. doesn't know the meaning of the word 'partnership'.
  15. You mean like Scotland being part of the uk where we are held in such contempt we are referred to as scrounging jocks in the national press on a daily basis?
  16. being in the uk has been pretty fuckin devastating for Scotlandseconomy too as Iit happens, 15 billion black hole at last count.
  17. Yeah that's the whole point champ, meaning Scotland can be and regularly is outvoted. People who aren't servile have a problem with this. You view Scotland as 'a constituency' and couldn't give a f**k' how it votes therefore you're a self loathing britnats. I couldn't give a f**k how the uk votes personally, I only care how Scotland votes.
  18. the best of both worlds a strong Westminster parliament and the safety and security of a larger union
  19. Youcare how Britain votes but ' don't give a fuk' how Scotland votes. That makes you a British nationalist. I'm aware thats how we're governed, and Scotland is irrelevant in that system, hence my whole problem with it. You endorse the status quo, I don't.
  20. A government that got 15% of the vote in our whole coutry you mean, us beingmat war right now when 97% of our mps voted against it. What a weird post, all you, do is demonstrate how good it could be with us electing our own governments
  21. You mean the catalans who voted to leave Spain last year, demonstrating they're not willing to put up with it Either? Good example
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