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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Tierney Is more suited to playing further forward than Robertson
  2. You need to learn to write what you mean little man
  3. I would say Blackburn is a higher level than Dundee Utd, do you even read your posts? Who do you think was paying him 25 grand a week the tooth fairy?
  4. He won't come back to Britain most likely ever, he will stay in Portugal then go to La Liga, Much better than the abortion of a career you propose for him, living in fucking Leeds or some shithole like that, playing idiot football, getting kicked all over the park. He's much smarter than you.
  5.   I'm 100% correct and you're too blind to see it. You aren't Labour, you don't support or espouse Labour values and your type have been killing Labour for years. When they're dead your ilk will be to blame. You're a Tory who hasn't realised it yet.And in typical deluded arrogant Blairite fashion all you can do is dismiss those who point out your folly, there's no hope for you or Labour. Put it out of its misery and you can go and form your own wee neoliberal we support social democracy but scream with horror at any social democratic policies party.
  6. What is this pish? This doesn't mean anything Inward investment is at a record high, the SNP govt have done a stunning job in that regard, yet you chastised them for ignoring inward investment. You were talking shite and got called out, accept it.
  7. Remarkable that a decent and principled real Labour type engenders hatred in you whereas a lying war criminal who destroyed the Labour party in Blair would make you jizz your pants. You people really are what's killed Labour, when its dead it will have been your fault and you just can't see it. You and jmothecat are moderate Tories, that's what you are, there's not a Labour bone in your body.
  8. Aye it seemed to escape you though that they've been doing that for ages and inward investment is at an all time high.
  9. It actually started years ago champ, do you ever say anything that isn't stupid?
  10. Will never happen, the Old Firm own the football authorities in Scotland and they do what the Old Firm tell them to do. Reagan and Doncaster only got their jobs cause they were hand picked by the Old Firm. They literally own them.
  11. Erm that's cause thats what it is. Deluded in the extreme to think its actually cause the opposition parties are all concerned about it being a bad law, which its not. Its a chance to weaken the SNP is all, not surprised a Celtic fan wants it repealed though, strangely enough its always Old Firm fans that have a problem with it.
  12. My grandad was there, biggest retreat in British military history and complete surrender. He was also there at the reconquest of Singapore too, he got away when it fell like. And he personally unlocked the gates at Changi jail and was a Chindit too. Quite a guy.
  13. It only affects people who want to sing bigoted songs. Its a good law that was badly needed, as ever the SNP are the first ones to ever attempt to actually try to make Scotland a better place and deal with our problems. As ever, the unionist parties are perfectly happy to damage Scottish society and roll back laws that are good for Scotland in order to damage the SNP. The constitution really needs resolving we are in an absurd position of having the main opposition parties working against the interests of our entire country, the NPS is the same, the unionist parties will be perfectly happy to endanger the lives of Scottish children just to hurt the SNP. Disgraceful.
  14. If you voted no you're a unionist by definition. Can't have your cake and eat it.
  15. No, their strategists have obviously planned this out. I guarantee you, 100% cast iron guarantee, Davidson is being told mention a second referendum every single chance you get, talk about it all the time bring it up every day. Same with Dugdale and Rennie. That way they can make people sick of talk of a second referendum, which the SNP literally never mention at all unless asked about it, then their next move will be to quell that once enough people are sick of hearing about it. They bring it up repeatedly deliberately for that purpose, they want people to get fed up of discussing another one.
  16. Sounds to me like you're the one displaying naked hatred.
  17. And yet you just perpetuated exactly that attitude in your very last post in this thread.
  18. Gone by 1990 was one of the slogans of the anti-devolution campaign in 1979. That the oil would run out by 1990. I'm not sure but I think we're past 1990 by now and there's definitely still oil. Slight porky there. During the 2014 referendum it was gone by 2030, repeated by Darling many times. You might be forgiven for thinking they pick a date in the future just far enough that most mugs forget by the time it comes round...
  19. I don't remember asking you for an appraisal of my posting style. What's really cringeworthy is people asserting a party andman wwhich confirmed on 11th April this year they would oppose a referendum even in the caseof brexit will now ssupport one just cause they say so. The success of the greens is a massive blow to the independence campaign in the short term.
  20. for a protest party in this system absolutely. To progress to something more absolutely not.
  21. A major party is not one with less than 5% of seats all on the list. Couldn't be less major if they tried and will affect diddly squat.
  22. when did he say that cause he said last month he would
  23. No, complete irrelevance whom will play no role at all in holding anyone to anything, the only possible influence they could have is to block a referendum.
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