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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Sorry lies again he reported me I even know what time and date, because I questioned his disgusting views and he couldn't justify them. Once again he dodges difficult questions in this thread, a great example of why tories are worth zero respect.
  2. I'm not your mate, i consider you subhuman like all tories. Gonna falsely report me for homophobia again tory boy cause you can't handle your disgusting views being Questioned? You never answered last time, how do you, as a gay man, reconcile your support of a party that favoured electric shock treatment for gay people in living memory? OR you gonna report me again cause you can't? O
  3. Don't you worry tory boy London will tell you what to think
  4. If an independence supporter posted that it would make the papers.mmas he's a unionist it won't.
  5. Going to valencia Barcelona next Month gonna try and get to villareal Las palms as well. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  6. What it comes down to is middle class white people being offended on others behalf.
  7. Imagine living in a tory-labour marginal, what a minter.
  8. Wait. It's being openly discussed at branch level, June 28th is the provisional date, sturgeon has as rock solid a democratic mandate as it's possible to have, there will be a referendum very soon there is no question, she said so herself three days ago, 'highly likely' was the phrase she used, I don't know how much clearer people want her to be. Perhaps you're in denial.
  9. There will be a referendum in June next year, it will be announced shortly. And we will vote for independence. Can't wait.
  10. Bearing in mind we're talking about a guy who just tried to shaft Scotland for £7 Billion after spending two years lying to us every day and promising us devo max then giving devo f**k all, who has caused 600 disabled people to commit suicided (think about that any Tories on here, 600 disabled people have committed suicide due to this govt), has seen foodbank use rise from 60 thousand to well over a million then blocked an investigation into the cause of foodbanks, has caused every type of poverty measured to increase dramatically and went to court to protect bankers bonuses, I think not clapping is way more than Cameron merits. Tories are complete and utter 100% scum, total vermin, and anyone who supports them in any way is too. There are no good Tories, you couldn't possibly claim to be a good person and support this party, The SNP showed remarkable restraint imo.
  11. Watching one of the Walesgames they talked aabout toshack throwing in lots of kids who probably weren't 4eady used those exact words btw and gave them loads of caps loads of game time and experience played as many friendlies as allowed etc. Now look at them. This is what we should do. It doesn't matter people on here going oh are they good enough all thy have to be is the best we've got. The be young Scottish players right now will bethe sScotland team in 5 years. They can either have 30 caps by then or 3. I also like their systemfor wee tteams it's perfect. You gen an extra man in the three key areas entrepreneurshalf centre mid and up front two Iinstead of one, makes a team like Scotland much more solid but gives us a goal threat too. I think a back three of say Martin, Hanleyand kKingsley Paterson and Robertson wing backs Tierneyand fletcher holding Then w have lots to choose from elsewhere, try and fit gauld in too, nice wee mix of youth and experience etc we should be looking to head down that road and get the likes of Tierney, Robertson, Kingsley, gauld, Paterson, mcburnie, watt, maybe the souttars in an couple of years as many caps as possible as quickly as possible. It's what we've needed to do since brown, only volts did that and loads of players progressed dramatically.
  12. Imagine one of the players came out and said we'll struggle to qualifycause the mmanager isn't very good. It'saactually a true statement, most of them have played at a better level thanhhe's managed at too. Im
  13. You could be lifted in on a crane and still be effective
  14. There is at cb and keeper these two are the exception to the rule ayala and mascherano too but generally you need to be 6ft plus to be a good cb
  15. Is he as tall as that? Still too small for a CB really unless he grows a bit and couldn't possibly be less suited to playing there, it is also a complete waste of him as it stops him doing everything he is good at. No chance he will ever play CB, Kingsley might though, especially left of a 3 at the back he would be very well suited to that.
  16. Robertson is Hull's best player, they're in the EPL, and he will soon be at one of the top clubs in the world having moved for over 10 million. He's outstanding, possibly the best young LB in Britain right now and has been interesting the biggest clubs in the world for 18 months now. You're an idiot.
  17. That's farcical actually, how anyone could look at Tierney, a small, quick, talented, skillful player whose main strengths are running with the ball and his technical skills and think yeah stick him centre half, jesus christ remind me never to listen to a word you say about football ever again. Laughable, I'd happily bet you a million quid he won't play CB for one second of his entire career, there is literally no chance of that.
  18. No he's not and he is playing against much less talented attackers right now. He will never play CB guaranteed as he is quite small and that is a complete waste of his talents. He is much more likely to move forward than back. Kingsley could play CB.
  19. Tierney Is more suited to playing further forward than Robertson
  20. You need to learn to write what you mean little man
  21. I would say Blackburn is a higher level than Dundee Utd, do you even read your posts? Who do you think was paying him 25 grand a week the tooth fairy?
  22. He won't come back to Britain most likely ever, he will stay in Portugal then go to La Liga, Much better than the abortion of a career you propose for him, living in fucking Leeds or some shithole like that, playing idiot football, getting kicked all over the park. He's much smarter than you.
  23.   I'm 100% correct and you're too blind to see it. You aren't Labour, you don't support or espouse Labour values and your type have been killing Labour for years. When they're dead your ilk will be to blame. You're a Tory who hasn't realised it yet.And in typical deluded arrogant Blairite fashion all you can do is dismiss those who point out your folly, there's no hope for you or Labour. Put it out of its misery and you can go and form your own wee neoliberal we support social democracy but scream with horror at any social democratic policies party.
  24. What is this pish? This doesn't mean anything Inward investment is at a record high, the SNP govt have done a stunning job in that regard, yet you chastised them for ignoring inward investment. You were talking shite and got called out, accept it.
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