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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. I would guess the demographics of those areas have changed a lot recently. Lot of English retirees most likely. also international people who worked in the oil industry left too.
  2. But cybernats though, someone called jk Rowling a name once.
  3. Aye, how many seats you got at holyrood or Wm in Scotland?
  4. Mi6 yeah. That's right. Btw if anyone thinks the royal family wouldn't have been absolutely hysterical about the heir to the throne being raised by a Muslim in Egypt they should really leave all discussion of anything that isn't the teletubbies to grown ups.
  5. I don't know, people who vote tory have something wrong with them, they lack basic human qualities most of us take for granted. Unless you are English aristocracy the tories do not, have never, and will never represent or care about you.
  6. Brexit inevitably becoming a farce is the correct title.
  7. But we're the nationalists apparently. No such thing as British nationalism no siree.
  8. Nothing edgy about it simple objectivity. I love that you care though, touching.
  9. Jamborno legal non binding but morally and politically 100% binding. The UK operates according to constitutional convention and precedent, this would be entirely unconventional and unprecedented and undermine parliament itself. If the result can be ignored teres no point in holding referenda ever at all. Welsh bairn no it can't, may as said article 50 to be triggered end of march that gives two years which can be extended by about 6 months. This may delay it slightly but we still leave in this parliament either way.
  10. You know i once caddies for huey Lewis or Louis the power of love guy, spent about ten minutes waiting for him thinking he was the guy from the fun lovin criminals got introduced to him was like who the f**k is this guy he wasn't in the flc
  11. What people are proposing here is the same as if on September 19th 2014 the snp ad said we lost the referendum but are going to become independent anyway. Which, as well as being the complete opposite of democracy, would have lead to the fall of the snp government, possibly dissolution of the Scottish parliament, and probable violence on the streets. What people are also proposing with another referendum is like yes wining in 2014, spending two years negotiating the terms of independence then having another referendum on that deal. Nonsensical, the UK government have a mandate and instruction from the public to leave the eu, nothing more, nothing less. To do anything else is flagrantly undemocratic.
  12. Top cat in Scotland almost certainly yes. And Welsh as well. ?.that's why the result had to be respected and we didn't leave the UK. Would have thought that was obvious. Not leaving the European is not respecting the result of the European referendum. If in future a party wins per on a manifesto to rejoin or hold a referendum on rejoining if they can get it through parliament that's what we do. For example like the snp saying indy ref in the event of brevity, and winning a fucking election on tat basis. No comparison to not respecting the result of the European referendum as is being proposed on ere.
  13. 17.4 million people voted leave. More than have voted for any UK government ever. It's hardly a fkn opinion polls.
  14. Is huey Morgan from the fun lovin Criminal?
  15. See now you're rowing back from your demonstrably false position bairn after you ere schooled. No point engaging any further.
  16. Never thought Diana was hot either. Good chance she was murdered by mi5 at the behest of the royal family btw.
  17. I wonder if we're also commemorating the hundreds of thousands we illegally killed in Iraq based on a pack of lies.
  18. Welshbairn not in the case of a referendum such as this. Parliament became sovereign after harles 1, the point was parliament is sovereign not the monarch, as parliament represents the people. If parliament was to defy the clearly expressed views of the people making parliament and the people in opposite camps you'd have a constitutions crisis the likes of which has not been seen in 400 years. Complete meltdown. It can't happen.
  19. you don't understand the principle of democracy full stop. If the entire populace in unprecedented numbers have expressed a view on an issue it I fundamentally undemocratic to the point of irrevocably damaging our entire democracy for our elected representatives to overturn that decision. wait and see what happens if they do that.
  20. They don't make decisions on our behalf they're supposed to represent our views. The UK voted leave so it's leave or complete meltdown, constitutional crisis, political careers ended all over the place and massive damage to UK democracy, if you can call it that.
  21. I got banned from a forum once for posting a maddie joke. Turns hrs out her cousin was a moderator there, who'd have thunk it.
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