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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. I think with a bit of concerted effort we can end labour in Scotland, they're already lib dem levels of irrelevance. Hopefully help funk them at UK level too, it was them that said better 100 years of tory rule than one day of independence, well careful what you wish for.
  2. Surprised they're that high tbh, labour have nothing to offer Scotland anymore, there's no point in them.
  3. Unionism is a mental illness, wanting people who repeatedly display utter contempt for your entire country to keep governing it cause we'd do a site job anyway is a bizarre position psychologists need to study. These people like loondave are mentally ill they really are.
  4. Sure, just a nice wee innocent family friendly bigoted hate fest sounds lovely.
  5. It is though, you don't cross a sea to march in celebration of protestant supremacy annually cause you like the music do you? Nobody goes to make kkk rally cause they're really into white hoods.
  6. Totally, place would be much better with more foreigners
  7. I don't know what everyone's problem with foreigners is anyway, I've been abroad it's great.
  8. Yes it is. You know rob my dad's family have pretty serious connections to the uvf from way back. You must fuckin love us haha. I'm only joking, it's true though. Not the modern one the one way back 100 odd years ago.
  9. The country doesn't, it voted 62% remain.
  10. Yet you said you're a member of the PLU community. Your words.
  11. A self proclaimed member of the farcical bigoted PLU community has no interest in anyone's faith or religion apparently. Or he'sa lying bigot oone or the other
  12. Yes and yes. You don't really have a clue what's going on and are a disgusting bigot.
  13. You're havering pish to comfort yourself wes, I almost feel sorry for you. Not quite though.
  14. Keep telling yourself that we, whatever you find most comforting in the death throes of the union.
  15. You're a britnat bigot wes, you're no vote couldn't be any more staunch. You're not the one we need to convince, just 50% plus one.
  16. http://wingsoverscotland.com/the-patron-saint-of-north-britain/#more-90118
  17. Two of setubals next three games are against sporting so presumably he won't be involved in those, they have two more league cup games at the turn of the year but one of them is also against sporting. He seems to be progressing a bit now though, will bea qquality player in a couple of years either way. Think setubals manager changed recently too, maybe that's why he's playing now more than before.
  18. Why is Ireland a 'sensitive' neighbour Wes? A peaceful, Democratic country that's never been at war with anyone, valued tradingppartner with families widespread between Ireland and the UK and many UK citizens being of irish descent? Can't see anything remotely sensitive about that, the queen herself was there this year. Except to a raging bigot.
  19. You did dispute it by questioning the source, and it is indisputable they did target people purely for being Catholic. Not surprised a bigot like you defending them though. Last time I read a post of yours.
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-20708070 How about the BBC
  21. I really hope all the racist bellends wh retired to benidorm and voted leave get told to vacate the country by the Spanish government when we leave and they have to live out their retirement in fuckin Rochdale or some shithole like that.
  22. The UDA/UFF terrorists were responsible for more than 400 deaths. The vast majority of its victims were Irish Catholiccivilians,[10][11][12] killed at random, in what the group called retaliation for IRA actions or attacks on Protestants.[13][ A 1985 MI5 assessment reported that 85% of the UDA's "targeting material" came from the security forces.
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