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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. There was a poll in the scotsman a while back put support at 65%. Now is the time to, go for it. I have spoken to three people who voted yes and would now vote no though as they're anti eu
  2. Fantasist bullshit from the briitnats as usual. At leat they got a fucking vote in our referendum.
  3. Yeah its the way of life that attracts me. I'm too young to meeting though, well not rich enough to be precise. Would have to find a job there, considering just doing a tefl course and applying to get over there first.
  4. How did you get to be in zurgena? I'm thinking about trying to move to Spain
  5. Why would evidence have come to light 'by now'? It's been two days and a confidential agreement between a government and a company for something to happen in future. Utter delusion from a raging britnat.
  6. You don't think Nissan are smart enough to be aware of the fall in the pound themselves, that the UK government pointing this out to them made themstay . If you don't think financial incentives were offered by the UKggovernment which make the k worse off you're deluded.
  7. Yet you drew a parallel between the two with your post. Celebrate protestant supremacy in a foreign country today wes? Honour the murder of catholics at All?
  8. Yes and any tarrifs do not apply till we leave. The UK government has obviously promised to mitigate any costs Nissan incurs after we leave. Making the UK worse off just to generate no jobs and with the prize, only of not losing the Nissan ones. And is being trumpeted like we just hit the mohne dam.
  9. Asking me why i made a post is pointless. Replying to someone's post isn't. I can post whatever i want within the rules, if you don't like it don't reply. Asking for explanations to my posts mistake pointless.
  10. Yeah if i was here to be judged on my personality or we were discussing me that wouldn't be another pointless post. Alas...
  11. Wes flapping and talking unintelligible bollocks again. The 2016 referendum and 2014 had opposite results you can't compare them economically. The premise of the question is illogical.
  12. I mean jobs for the boys my hoop, what job is mundell doing at the herald, now Then?
  13. Trebling their seats meant harvie wins, by a country mile on the criteria you used. The snp are more dominant electorally in sotland than virtually any party in any western outcry, and they just cleanedup yet aagain. They are so far ahead of all their competitors you, an combine their votes ad just about get to the snp tally. Yet out of the what 6 winners only one was snp. If that was genuinely reflective at most only one wouldn't have been snp. From a paper that strongly opposes independence btw. Funking mundell Baillie and lamont got awards ffs. It's not about a single voter changing their minds 7ts creating a narrative and pat of an overall process. You hardly need to be paranoid after the last five years to think the press is actively trying to prevent Scottish independence as any objective person can see it obviously is and has been doing that every in collusion with each other and unionist parties every day for years.
  14. Is that right? Well Patrick hardie trebled the number of seats the greens had and increased their vote share by 50% thus wiping the floor with Davidson. It's naive in the extreme tom think they are genuinely trying to be fair and balanced here, this is part of an ongoing campaign to save the union, mundell got an award ffs.
  15. Of course you can't but you also can't argue sshe's had a better year than someone who gotmore than double the vote than her in a general election five months ago.
  16. Unionism is nationalism they're the exact same thing it's important anyone discussing Scottish politics right now understands. Kezia dugdale like all unionists is by definition a British nationalist, so is jmo the weapon they're both just forms of nationalism.
  17. Rob/wes boasted about playing drums in themarches , distancing himself from it now.
  18. Oh well that's okay then happy days
  19. The treasury was trying to influence the result. The fact of the matter is there have been negative effects before article 50 has even been triggered and the pound is the lowest it's ever been in recorded history. Only a deluded fool thinks there has been any good news.
  20. It means growth was 0.2% less in the 3 months after the vote than in the 3 months before its still growth but a slower rate
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