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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. I may have been wrong about that, though it is an economic opportunity post independence.
  2. That's a little different to water, why you would think I'd have a problem with that i have no idea
  3. Is this how bigots Joke? Them marches must be a scream
  4. I'm not arrogant i just know better about what's being discussed on here than most people on here. What i said is correct, keep an eye on it you'll see i was right, it's not hard to predict two of our three best prospects at cb will play quite a few games for us at cb. If you know what you're looking at its also quite easy to predict he level of club football a player will get to, I'm right on both counts with that. Harry may take 3 years instead of 2 is the only bit I'd consider revising.
  5. Yeah on fifa. I'm hardly gonna tell you my name.
  6. Played in any Scottish cup finals? I have. Though that's quite funny tbf.
  7. Sorry didn't realise you were 11. I'll leave you to it, you probably should be paying more attention in class anyway.
  8. I'm bang on. Unlike most on here i actually know something about football.
  9. They will make an excellent pair too, compliment each other very well one dominant in the air the other good on the deck and quicker. They'll play lots of games next to each other for Scotland.
  10. Well actually his brother is regarded as the better prospect of the two, always has been. Perhaps because of his size but so what, mocking that would be like saying Usain bolt is only a good runner cause he's fast. John will end up first choice at cultic and get 40-60 caps, Harry will be first choiceIin the premiership and get slightly more or about the same as his size will mean he finishes earlier.
  11. Say people who dondon't watch rt. It's been winning awards all over the place for years, you people are so immersed I UK propaganda you can't see the wood for the trees. They literally are identical except the quality of programming on rt is better.
  12. Mundell can't influence brexit as he has been excluded from the brexit cabinet. Think about that, scotlands only representative in the UK government and he isn't even part of the brexit team. Same guy was on Daily politics the other day saying the government will get the best deal for Scotland re brexit. How the f**k are they gonna do that? There's nobody there to even speak for Scotland, what he means is London will decide what's best for Scotland and we can just suck it up. Craven doesn't come close. At the same time labour has an mp not even from a Scottish constituency as shadow Scottish secretary. Holy f**k, anybody who doesn't want out of this disgusting union by now is in a place way beyond my comprehension, this is mental.
  13. The dee man showing breathtaking levels of ignorance. The BBC is literally identical to rt in every single way. If anyone thinks the BBC will ever report the actions of the British government in for example Syria with balance, impartiality, integrity and professionalism you would have to be the stupidest person ever. That's not even is job read their fuckin charter it's not a news corporation it's the propaganda arm of the UK government, alway has been look at its role throughout history. Incredible anyone could be that stupid. If you have a brain you watch both and draw your own conclusions, not dismiss rt as pure propaganda and deny the BBC is the exact same. Staggering.
  14. But he isn't is he, moved on, worked hard, improved his defending a lot and keeping the hearts captain out of the team while still a teenager. That's a terrific prospect progressing very well, he only turned 20 3 weeks ago in a year or two he'll be in the senior squad. Think he'll end up at cultic personally.
  15. Nobody said the tories the BBC is owned by the UK government funded by the taxpayer and only able to operate at all as long as Iit abides by a charter drawn up by the Britishggovernment dictating it'sconduct. Nonemof tthis applies, to channel 4. It is 100% a state broadcaster. Do you hold the BBC similar contempt that you expressed for rt calling calling it putin today? Some how I doubt it.
  16. Water is trucked south all the time, the Scottish government expressed support for selling it I read that article at the time, export does not mean give away. Which doesn't take away from the fact if independent could make lot for money selling water to England given we have a surplus and they don't have enough.
  17. UK government currently seeking a separate eu deal for London while denying one to Scotland. Better together.
  18. Scottish water operates domestically providing water to homes and businesses in Scotland, completely separate to the enormous amounts of water given to England. You're a troll.
  19. The BBC is 100% a state broadcaster in every sense. Not surprised a 'staunch' type like you denies this. How is it Funded? Don't answer I prefer not to talk to bigots.
  20. Dee the bellend in chief refuses to confirm if he has similar disdain for the British state broadcaster as he does the Russian one. Shockerooni.
  21. Obviously there would be economic benefits re exporting power and water independent which are not enjoyed as part of he UK. And obviously these figures like many others are not accounted for in gers.
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