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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. What a weird post, no answer required.
  2. You care about how Britain votes but not Scotland, you're a britsh nationalist. And nothing better will just 'come along' you have to decide what you think is better and strive for it. and independence is a ' real' issue that fundamentally affects all other issues, bizarre to suggest it's not.
  3. Well I do . I would also add if you jump straight from constituency to (British) parliament you are a britih nationalist as what you care about is how Britain votes not Scotland. I don't, Britain means nothing to me, I only care how Scotland votes. If Scotland votes for one thing and gets another that's a big problem. I don't think the people of France or Peru or any self respecting country would put up with that so I don't think Scotland should either.
  4. I actually deleted that as I thought it was uncalled for. But I stand by the sentiment, f**k them both.
  5. maybe not to you perhaps you're happy for your country to be outvoted some of us are not if that makes me a nationalist I'm a nationalist and proud. No other country outside of the uk would put up with what we put up with.
  6. What's your point are you a country?
  7. there is no alternative cause we're part of the uk don't you understand that since we decided to continue to let England choose our governments and they chose tory as they normally do our budget will be cut. The snp has the power only to fddle rround the edges.
  8. Excellent article in the national yesterday about tackling thisssupposed black hole. No drama really but you won't be hearing that in the msm
  9. Osborne is averaging a budget every 3 months and his projections have been 18 billion out since December. He has missed every single target he set himself, the deficit was supposed to be gone by 2015 now they boast it's been cut by a third and will be gone by 2020. Talk about back of a fag packet. You might even call it an £18 billion black hole, since december, that's on top of the £80 billion black hole the uk has anyway.Y
  10. Ian Smart. Was he censured by Labour for this remark? I'll let you guess the answer
  11. Yet you still oppose it, imagine thinking you were facing another 20 years of Tory rule and still opposing independence, wow. Though tbf it was Labour who said 'better 100 years of Tory rule than one day of independence' so you're really just following the party line.
  12. Once again you call him a peasant and backwards for speaking scots, you really don't know when to stop digging do You? We all know what peasants are and we can all see what kind of vile a person you are. No amount of pedantry will deflect from that.
  13. I think he's quite obviously someone who didnt have a good upbringing, your parents are supposed to help you develop qualities as a person and imbue values etc, hi complete lack of class, decency, honesty, morals and compassion suggest they failed him very badly.
  14. Who said that's why he does it? He is simply typing how he speaks and in a way he knows everyone can understand perfectly, it's 100% as valid and legitimate as your chosen means of communication. And referring to him as a backwards peasant betrays your true feelings, you look down on working class people it's undeniable, by your own words. I think your complete lack of morals, honesty and decency as well as class puts him in a much better position to be looking down on you tbh, he's a better person than you.
  15. do you have a problem understanding It? You just look down your nose at Scotland and at working class people, that's what this is about, your prejudices. You are a truly vile person.
  16. Yeah sure. Even you know you're talking shite now.
  17. language is simply a means of communication not an academic exercise. His chosen means is 100% intelligible to every single person in the country. You are simply very ignorant and a self loathing snob, that's the problem here not his language.
  18. Actually as public broadcaster the bbc has a legal obligation to be fair and balanced. Unlucky.
  19. Erm that is kind of the whole point of having it different places in the first place champ. I'm glad you acknowledge it wasn't though.
  20. I'm sure I just read him call someone a sad f**k with a chip on their shoulder. IRONY ALERT
  21. In the uk it is, we're the 'enemy within' after all
  22. Absolutely, some of the comments from gove and Duncan Smith have been hilarious, it's either a total lack of self awareness or they know a supine media will never pick them up on it. And these are not stupid people, mendacious lying shitebags but not stupid.
  23. You'd have to be incredibly naive to think there isn't an enormous effort across the political spectrum ongoing including the press and civil service to thwart independence tbf. I mean have you been asleep for the last 4 years?
  24. No, I'm not sure what relevance this has
  25. Aye, or maybe the state broadcaster which is desperate to prevent independence selected an audience with that in mind
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