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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. Incredible the number of people who swallow this bullshit. Lax regulation of the financial sector exacerbated the situation - but anyone thinking that the Tories being in power at that time would have done anything to change that is having a fucking giraffe. Never mind that such lax regulation was and still is prevalent worldwide.
  2. Those figures are from 2 Livi home games from last season - nothing to do with St Johnstone cup ties.
  3. It’s unproven that he can translate it to a higher level - but that’s completely untrue about Shankland, he simultaneously performed both roles with ease when he was with us.
  4. Congrats - you’ve now reached peak levels of tragically defending your argument at all costs while intentionally missing the point and selectively picking at quotes.
  5. Enough to give a false indication of Livi’s home crowd, yes. I’m not going to start trying to find away crowd figures that might not even exist anywhere, but St Mirren always bring a big crowd to Somerset (Livingston isn’t much further away for them) and Motherwell are a biggish club who made a good start to the season. Looking at last season: two Saturday 3PM kick-offs at home to St Johnstone and Hamilton had crowds of 1615 and 1342 respectively. That gives a far better indication of what Livi will get for a game like this. And it’s not crowd wanking to point out that it’s a shite draw for them because of that. Let it go ffs.
  6. Teams Livingston have played at home this season: Motherwell, St Mirren, Aberdeen, Celtic, Hearts, Rangers. All of who bring a big away support, ergo the point stands about the crowd not being much if at all any bigger than what Raith are used to. Hence they’re quite entitled to say it’s a shite draw due it having a fairly small chance of progression, not being a money spinner and not stirring up much interest.
  7. It’s entirely relevant though. Livi’s home crowd will be similar to Raith’s so the crowd really won’t be that much more than what Raith get every week.
  8. That’s one way of putting it - another way is to say that’s he’s just scored against the side sitting 9th in the league for his second goal in 11 games. There’s a middle ground in there somewhere but I expect you’re too blinkered to see it.
  9. Are Aberdeen seriously the third best team in the country?
  10. Are you aware all this has absolutely no relevance to whether it was a foul?
  11. Rangers dying has really gotten to you Kenny.
  12. His finishing of every single post with an unnecessary amount of ellipsis gets to me far more than it should.
  13. Selling De Bruyne and Salah calls into question his judgement, but it’s kinda irrelevant to the discussion about youth players considering neither of them were.
  14. Ally Brown Kyle McAusland Jim Lauchlan Kevin McKinlay Austin McCann Marc Twaddle Ryan McStay Alex Burke Junior Mendes Kevin Kyle David Winters
  15. All of which has absolutely no relevance to what I posted you complete bed wetter.
  16. McArthur was largely unconvincing for Scotland I thought, especially compared to the influence he has at Palace.
  17. McBurnie surely has to start now. I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt up till now but if he’s shite again on Tuesday the patience will start to wear off.
  18. The problem with that is that if we lose the semi then the 4th team ends up getting home advantage over the 2nd/3rd side. Not necessarily, it could be done the same was as the play-offs here where the highest ranked team in the final gets to host it.
  19. Which one was it that got it almost bang on last time but was too scared to release it?
  20. Strange how many random draws there are in this - for deciding home advantage in the final as well as what countries get “bumped up”. You’d think it would be easier to just do it based on where each team finished. And I’m definitely not just saying that because it would have guaranteed Scotland home advantage in the final...
  21. Absolutely this. The 4-2-3-1 suits us far better than the 4-3-3 that just saw three headless chickens running about the middle of the park.
  22. Don’t care if it’s already been mentioned on here - but “call out video”
  23. “Dying” ”crying” ”can’t even” or any other arseholery way to say that you're laughing.
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