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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. Why are our fans such fucking roasters by the way? Some of the abuse McDaid got was out of order and it was the same for Crawford up at Livi. There wasn’t any ill feeling from either side when he left for Dundee in the summer. He doesn’t need to be applauded but there’s a middle ground that doesn’t involve abusing him all game.
  2. You did force a few good saves in the last 5/10 minutes to be fair but that wasn’t the until we were chasing the game. As an aside: was a bit peeved off to hear so many of our fans booing McDaid. Regardless what you think about his abilities he made a fair contribution to 2 good seasons for the club and I think he deserves a bit more respect than that.
  3. You could tell that Dundee were the better quality team but at no point did they really slice us open - neither team had any particularly great chances. The ref was fucking awful but it would be a bit of a stretch to say he cost us the game. Dundee will be there or thereabouts at the end of the season though and I’d be happy for them to pip their arsehole rivals to the title. P.S. got a third off with my well out of date student card. Thank you x
  4. Also even if this thread is a bit of a minter the point stands that £24 to see Scottish second tier football is a rip-off.
  5. Saying Griffiths is shite because Wolves sold him 5 and a half years ago
  6. Yup. The truth is somewhere in the middle of all the hyperbole. He was excellent for the first half of last season, in the second half a few errors did creep into his game and his kicking seemed to get a bit more unpredictable (after it had been excellent up until then). He’s definitely a bit overrated by some Ayr fans but when you look at the other keepers in the league it isn’t really a stretch to say he’s still one of the better ones.
  7. Don’t know how I forgot about that. They have Christensen as well but it would still leave them quite short. He’d be a good signing for Arsenal but seems like madness from Chelsea.
  8. The Luiz thing is a bit weird - would also leave Chelsea with only 3 centre backs so surely they'd want a replacement first.
  9. It isn’t requirement to check your blind spots every time you make a turn - ask any driving instructor. When changing lanes, overtaking, reversing, pull out into traffic yes you need to but it’s completely impractical to expect it every time you turn - anyone who says they do is a liar. If the guy was on top of his mirrors and indicating in plenty of time then the motorcyclist is the only c**t here. In saying that if you know there was a motorcyclist near you and all of a sudden you can’t see him in your mirrors it’s probably a good idea to check your blind spot.
  10. Think you’ve missed the point - the motorcyclist is at fault however if you don’t check your mirrors before turning then you’re not entirely blameless in the situation either. There’s often several guilty parties in stuff like this - far too many people drive around thinking that just because someone else is in the wrong they must be in the right*. * tbf to @pleslie99 this isn’t the case here as says he did check his mirrors, and it’s not feasible to check your blind spots every time you turn - so he is in fact not a c**t on the road.
  11. Assuming you didn't check your left mirror before you started to turn then there's 2 c***s in that story.
  12. That's a fair point but I think for that very reason a lot people are getting ahead of themselves saying he's the best in the league - does anyone really see enough of the other keepers to confidently state that he's the best? Not saying he isn't up there but I think a lot of people jump the gun a bit.
  13. No he wasn’t - Scott Fox for one. I don’t get why people keep saying this, you could have made an argument for it in the first half of the season but after that not really. He’s a solid keeper for this level, for his age he’s all the more impressive and I’m glad we got him back for this season - but there’s definitely been a few more errors in his game since the turn of the year.
  14. There’s a definitely a line between harmless, appropriate pitch invasions and the over-the-top, tinpot shite from today. I don’t see an issue with it on the last day of the season after a team’s won the league for example, but the past season or two there’s definitely been an increasing number of wee fuds thinking it’s acceptable to charge onto the pitch mid-game every time their team scores a goal. I remember from last season Falkirk fans running onto the pitch after scoring a goal in the 40th minute away to Morton for f**k’s sake. It just seems like all the wee Stone Island fannies are desperately trying to out-celebrate one another and the line between harmless fun and wee neds going over the top is getting broken more and more often. Climbing over the disabled section in the process, putting other supporters in danger and wrecking part of the stadium is a whole different kettle of fish though, but I shouldn’t really be surprised.
  15. Joining a football to post exclusively about Madeleine McCann is really fucking weird.
  16. You just need to be with an English club for 3 years before the age of 21 to count as home grown. Fàbregas qualified, as do Lukaku, Pogba, Christensen, Bellerin etc.
  17. In an ideal world we'd get a big unit who can play across the defence, some big hammer thrower to play in midfield and a striker who has a bit of presence. I think we'll be lucky if we get one of those.
  18. Problem is most of the teams we play this season will be bigger than us. I’m not advocating becoming hammer throwers but we could do with 2/3 more physical players who don’t spend half the season injured.
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