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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. f**k knows, I was just responding to someone saying he had a good season last year - which is clearly a load of shite considering he hardly played. I don’t watch enough of Scottish centre backs in the Championship or League 1 so I’m not going to pretend to have a list of alternatives. It’s just a bit sad that Hanley is suddenly seen by so many as a shoe-in all because he’s now played 3 games in the Premier League - despite the fact that he’d barely played in a year until now, is only playing just now because Norwich have 2 CBs injured, and has been a bombscare in all 3 games.
  2. Surely it’s up to ScotRail to stop selling tickets and letting people onto platforms when it’s obvious they’ve ran out of space.
  3. Hanley played 9 games for Norwich last season and many of them were from the bench. He’s only played for them this season because they have injuries and it’s fair to say he’s looked fairly pish - just because he’s playing in the Premier League doesn’t mean he should be playing for Scotland.
  4. Not to be doom and gloom but that’s another really poor home crowd.
  5. What a surprise that as soon as Rab gets drawn into an argument with a poster he starts following them round the forum.
  6. The problem is that at the World Cup every single penalty just about was referred to VAR to see if the keeper was off their line. If they’ve now decided to stop doing that and be more lenient about it then fine but it’s the inconsistency that annoys people.
  7. I don’t know how many games they show per round but I’d assume S4C would be more likely to show one of the “proper” Welsh teams instead of one that plays in England.
  8. Looks to me like Chelsea needed an experienced centre back who has some composure on the ball.
  9. I’m going to be hypocritical here but I think it will be a bit more justified in Shankland’s case given the nature of his move to Dundee United.
  10. That might be to do with the very public injury he’s still recovering from tbf
  11. Why are our fans such fucking roasters by the way? Some of the abuse McDaid got was out of order and it was the same for Crawford up at Livi. There wasn’t any ill feeling from either side when he left for Dundee in the summer. He doesn’t need to be applauded but there’s a middle ground that doesn’t involve abusing him all game.
  12. You did force a few good saves in the last 5/10 minutes to be fair but that wasn’t the until we were chasing the game. As an aside: was a bit peeved off to hear so many of our fans booing McDaid. Regardless what you think about his abilities he made a fair contribution to 2 good seasons for the club and I think he deserves a bit more respect than that.
  13. You could tell that Dundee were the better quality team but at no point did they really slice us open - neither team had any particularly great chances. The ref was fucking awful but it would be a bit of a stretch to say he cost us the game. Dundee will be there or thereabouts at the end of the season though and I’d be happy for them to pip their arsehole rivals to the title. P.S. got a third off with my well out of date student card. Thank you x
  14. Also even if this thread is a bit of a minter the point stands that £24 to see Scottish second tier football is a rip-off.
  15. Saying Griffiths is shite because Wolves sold him 5 and a half years ago
  16. Yup. The truth is somewhere in the middle of all the hyperbole. He was excellent for the first half of last season, in the second half a few errors did creep into his game and his kicking seemed to get a bit more unpredictable (after it had been excellent up until then). He’s definitely a bit overrated by some Ayr fans but when you look at the other keepers in the league it isn’t really a stretch to say he’s still one of the better ones.
  17. Don’t know how I forgot about that. They have Christensen as well but it would still leave them quite short. He’d be a good signing for Arsenal but seems like madness from Chelsea.
  18. The Luiz thing is a bit weird - would also leave Chelsea with only 3 centre backs so surely they'd want a replacement first.
  19. It isn’t requirement to check your blind spots every time you make a turn - ask any driving instructor. When changing lanes, overtaking, reversing, pull out into traffic yes you need to but it’s completely impractical to expect it every time you turn - anyone who says they do is a liar. If the guy was on top of his mirrors and indicating in plenty of time then the motorcyclist is the only c**t here. In saying that if you know there was a motorcyclist near you and all of a sudden you can’t see him in your mirrors it’s probably a good idea to check your blind spot.
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