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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. 4d chess when they release a completely different lineup at 2pm.
  2. It looks like he’s up front by himself getting high balls launched in his general direction, so you might be alright.
  3. Is releasing the lineup 40 minutes earlier than usual intended to be some sort of statement?
  4. The Rangers fans won’t need to watch as they’ll be in amongst them.
  5. It feels like just yesterday this thread started with @Back Post Misses being bizarrely antagonistic over nothing. We’ve come full circle now.
  6. It never even occurred to me that he might be under pressure. Had no idea they were on such an awful run. Seemed like he was doing a decent enough job until the last 10 or so games.
  7. If we hadn’t played so horrifically for the majority of the match we wouldn’t have had to rely on not missing a late penalty. The concerning thing is I think yours is the same thought process Bullen has on it. There won’t be any great concern about the performance, or the performances of the last few months. We’ll just tell ourselves we were unlucky and would have won on other day so we’ve got to carry on.
  8. Come on, we were absolutely rotten for 65 minutes - you can’t just put it all on the two penalties. I don’t for a second believe that there wouldn’t have been posts on here about how rubbish we were even if Maguire scored his penalty.
  9. Me too. Thought it was a parody at first. What a slogan.
  10. This is insanely harsh. He looked like he was linking up quite well with Dipo for the first 30 minutes before our entire performance fell off a cliff.
  11. Kerr was essentially the Anti-Bullen. You could usually see what he was trying to do tactically but didn’t give the impression he was much of a motivator.
  12. Dempsey should have taken it. Not a fan at all of the new trend of changing your taker as soon as they miss one. Mind you it would have just been papering over the cracks.
  13. Get the ball up to Dipo and run around lots appears to be the extent of it.
  14. Imagine celebrating that win tonight with this absolute word salad.
  15. We’ve been pish since November, prior to that a decent portion of our good form could be attributed to one man, we’ve had the easiest set of cup draws you could ask for and still manage to make an absolute c**t of a quarter final against a team from the league below after taking the lead. I’m sure the usual suspects will try but it’s difficult to find much positive to say about the manager right now.
  16. Bullen has obviously promised McAdams that he’d get the cup games, fully expecting that we wouldn’t get far enough for it to be a huge issue. Obviously I hope it doesn’t backfire but it’s a massive risk.
  17. Pity the poor Rangers fans having to watch the game for a whole 40 minutes before their team takes the lead.
  18. The Raith tactic of walloping one another in the head every few minutes to break up the play is quite funny.
  19. Rangers players diving against lower league opposition and the Orcs in the crowd being absolutely fucking raging any time a decision is made in Raith Rovers’ favour. Standard.
  20. Pasting the text so as not to give it any more clicks. Hugh Keevins in the Daily Record: What a fucking c**t.
  21. Part of me hopes he doesn’t play, just cause it’d be quite funny.
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