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Posts posted by D TOTAL

  1. 20 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    He literally admitted he threatened to have someone slit her throat with a knife in the papers at the time, m8.

    Zero idea why so many Dundee fans are trying to defend Lennon. Bizarre. 

    if he’d admitted in a court of law that he chased his mrs with a knife I doubt he’d be wandering about outside jail nevermind in a job 

    the only defence I gave is that I’ll not trust a rag from Bolton and “Kim’s well paid exclusive”

    I agree he is a bit of a c**t but the guy was getting bullets sent to his door forgive me if I’m gonna give him a bit of slack over a he said she said article

  2. Fitbaw as a whole is full of these kind of people, but I’m not gonna judge a guy based on what a rag in Bolton heard “Kim” say, if anything after the Hemmings debacle, I’m struggling to find a journalist who has even a modicum of scrooples or at the very least desire to do the job they are being paid to do without the “artistic license” they take, I’ll happily bet my left nut Lennon was probably spreading a sandwich and they have just said threatened with a knife 

  3. 49 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

    Hate to say it, but that looks very much like a pitch that has just been abandoned to the elements for an extended period. I'm not suggesting outright neglect, more that thanks to the covid-related reduction in income, the club have taken a 'what will be will be' attitude to maintenance and efforts to recover the pitch into a useable state.

    It's not like there aren't means of removing excess surface water even if the ground underneath is saturated. It's not like tarping the pitch up overnight if there is heavy rain expected early next morning is going to totally kill the grass either.

    I can understand abandoning to the elements with a what will be attitude if we were in Spain or Italy , but wer no, wer In Scotland, in February, bit o’ common sense considering we took the piss out o’ the Dab’s for it, kudos to them for at least buying a tarp or something to protect whatever key area

  4. 7 minutes ago, Shadow Play said:

    I’m absolutely certain that McPake will not have a decent career in football at any level.  His lack of football knowledge has been badly exposed and other clubs will notice this.  

    Why would any other club come in for him?  He supposedly loves this club (although i think everyone now agrees he put himself first before the club when he took the job).  Imagine what he’d be like at a club he didn’t care about?  

    After one of the hammerings we took last season the reporter pointed out to him that it wasn’t until the 80+ minute that Dundee had a shot on target.  McPake looked shocked and admitted he didn’t know that.  How can he not know that?  Absolutely appalling that he was unaware of this fact.  How can he effectively change games with his substitutions if he isn’t aware of such a fundamental fact?  From a PR perspective it’s even worse that he couldn’t react better to the question.  

    He’s played Nelms and us for fools.  He needs binned.

    I agree he need needs out and maybe spend time under someone but as a real young manager probably one of the youngest in Britain (36) he has nothing but time I doubt he’ll get it here but if he dropped down a division or 2 I think he could make a go of it , Dundee is to big to be someone’s first job especially if that team is chasing promotion 

  5. I’m curious what the interview process is was like for Mcpake as he was coming from our youths I assumed he was coming as a young new coach with ideas that will rely on youth(of which he should know well) as it stands our squad is full of jobbers and pensioners and not one of his youth (stars) on the pitch and barely off the bench 

    I fully believe if he goes back to his routes of youth he may have a chance at a decent career, sadly it should not be with Dundee 


    bobby geddes for next gaffer you heard it here first

  6. 14 minutes ago, EpicMike said:

    23/2/21 - Ayr
    24/2/21 -
    25/2/21 -
    26/2/21 -
    27/2/21- vs Morton
    28/2/21 -
    1/3/21 -
    2/3/21 – vs ICT
    3/3/21 -
    4/3/21 -
    5/3/21 -
    6/3/21 – vs Hearts
    7/3/21 -
    8/3/21 -
    9/3/21 -
    10/3/21 - Dunfermline
    11/3/21 -
    12/3/21 -
    13/3/21 - Arbroath
    14/3/21 -
    15/3/21 –
    16/3/21 -
    17/3/21 -
    18/3/21 -
    19/3/21 - Alloa


    Dundee will play 7 fixtures without a full week's rest between any of them.

    I have got a weird feeling this could be good for us, a wee bit of squad rotation here and there, but I prefer it like this or at least I would if I were a professional

  7. It’s an odd one as I didn’t like or rate Paton at all which is probably an unpopular opinion but I just don’t get what it was, maybe I was to young to appreciate or see what he brought to the team 

    but it’s also quite telling about how poor our defence was when we look at the “glory days” of Eric Paton and Eddie feckin Malone as full backs

    Edit to say glory days is too strong but you get what I mean reverencewize

  8. 24 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

    NDD isn't all that far off tbh. Neil McCann is basically a TV pundit who fancies having a wee shot of being a Manager, and McPake is bordering on the worst we've ever had. McIntyre WAS a terrible choice by Nelms (shock) and the fact that Nelms didn't even do the most basic of research to realise why Dundee fans would be so opposed to Dodds coming along as assistance was remarkable. However, shite manager though he undoubtedly is, McIntyre has still achieved more than McCann or McPake in his utterly beige career. Any sort of favourable McPake versus McIntyre comparison needs filed in the bin also as McPake has thankfully never been let loose in the top tier, and probably never will be. 

    The fact that we're actually having to debate whether Jim fucking McIntyre, a youth coach and a TV pundit are our worst managers is a damning indictment of Nelms in itself. Absolutely fucking tinpot stuff. 

    Macintyre has over 400 games of management experiences, I’d bet my left nut if Mcpake or McCann had that many games under their belt they would be a vastly superior manager to Macintyre, Mcpake is still very new with this being his 2nd season in the job with any preparation pretty much fecked from the get go and will make mistakes but after 400 games he’ll be 10x the manager Macintye is

  9. 9 minutes ago, RossDee01 said:

    I’d rather Stephen Robinson than the fat grass anyway.

    Even Neil McCann outclassed the fat grass.

    Agreed. Most of Robinson’s signings should have improved their squad I’m just unsure what it was that went wrong for him, especially if he got a huge chunk of change from turnbull transfer (£3 mil if I mind correctly)



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