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Posts posted by D TOTAL

  1. 30 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    The head of York is a big Dundee fan. They had trouble getting him into the country and it looked like their league was going to be cancelled for the year (Unsure if that ended up happening) so they needed a club where he could hopefully play or at the very least use facilities and train rather than just waiting to see what happened.

    We obviously accepted that without having the first clue to what he was like as a player thus strengthening a relationship with a Canadian club. 

    What is the benefit of a strengthened relationship with York9 a team only founded 2 year ago with only 2 players sent out on loan Hamilton being one of them, you’d think if it was for facilities there would be many closer to home than Scotland 

  2. So far we’ve been hearing every game sir Charlie has been playing with an injury or a knock somewhere if there is no game for a while after this, great,  rest him up now 

    as for Gk I’d keep Hamilton in so far he is coming on leeps and bounds so if we can keep a clean sheet it’ll be another wee confidence boost in his back pocket

    Jamaican Hamilton can gtf for all I care if he’s not played in the 10 games before he won’t play in the 10’games later most pointless signing since bonnets-Johnson 

  3. 7 hours ago, Spikethedee said:

    Do Alloa have any "high-profile" fans that can make an arse of themselves by demanding access to this game? The drummer from Travis? The guy who was once on a few episodes of River City? The woman that sometimes does the weather on STV? There must be someone....

    Out of curiosity who do we have?, for the life of me I can only think of the river city guy that wore a Dundee top once on big brother?

  4. 24 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    Never had a problem with the streaming, wtf do people want? Top spec sky sports 4th dimensional interaction, for £12.50?

    Thank you.

    12.50 per home game for 30 odd games x possibly a conservative number of 2000 fans , Yes, at the very least I would like couple top spec camera and maybe someone with a microphone to chime in every now and again.

    Thank you.

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