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Posts posted by D TOTAL

  1. 10 hours ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

    Starting to think we bet on the wrong horse last season...



    3 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    Defo a mistake, letting him go. IMO.


    2 hours ago, silvery tay said:

    A fucking massive mistake even being benched and hardly playing for some weird reason he was still our top scorer when binned 😡...............now scored in 7 straight games


    1 hour ago, G_Man1985 said:

    Fairly obvious. Didnt really get a chance.

    Hemmings was always starting regardless of form/ goals. 

    Oh a shite stat. How many players have came back to play for a dundee in a second spell? And have they did good in the second spell. 

    Surely we’re not about to give plaudits to a player scoring in a league 2 who last year finished 17th with the 19th placed and 21st placed teams scored against, whilst I’d agree he may not have had the chance he’s hardly a world beater and hemmings is a better player that’s why he was ahead with most of Johnson’s goals from the spot like moussa 

  2. 52 minutes ago, Spikethedee said:

    Not being funny (I genuinely would like to believe that Hamilton could be a great goalie and solve our problems), but what is "the form of his life" actually like for him? Can't remember him being particularly outstanding for Hearts, but obviously didn't see a lot of him. Any Jambos care to give an honest opinion???

    Now that I actually look back 2016/17 was the only full season he had, I wonder where McCann got the confidence to pay for him considering he rarely started games especially with the amount of keepers hearts have had over the years

  3. Not sure I would have picked Mackey but with the news of job losses and scrapping of most youth it would be a bit of a boot in the baws to fans and make us a laughing stock if we then went out and appointed anyone of note

    recent example of arsenal players taking a wage cut for the sake of saving jobs and then ultimately sacking people anyway 

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